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Monique de St. Croix More images - [512] [513]
Country: CANADA
Date Imaged: 11-18-01
I coerced some friends into driving SouthEast of the city to see this amazing display. We were not disappointed, although a little cold on the bald Canadian prairie. I used a Nikon F90x with a 20mm lens, f2.8, for exposures as long as 2 minutes. Of course, the camera was on a tripod and I also used the shutter release cord to minimize movement. In the Northern sky I recognized the Aurora Borealis, though they were not intense. I knew from past experience that they would be more brilliant on a timed exposure. It didn't long before a Leonid passed through! I was pleased to have captured so many Leonids after the 'peak' period of showers. Monique de St. Croix Calgary, Canada

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Points of Contact:
Responsible NASA Official: Sharron Sample
Curator: George Varros