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Save, Print or Email

It is possible to print, save or email catalog records one record at a time.

The formats for printing, saving and emailing are based on a combination of the
MARC and Labelled display.

Important Information about MARC Records

It is only possible to SAVE authority records in MARC format. It is not possible to email MARC records. Special software is needed to view and/or use these saved records.

Text (Labelled Display) Instructions

When viewing an individual authority record, the following box appears at the
bottom of the record display:

Screen shot of Save, Print, Email box

To Print or Save the displayed catalog record:

  1. Next to "Select Download Format" make sure that Text (Labelled Display)
    is selected.
  2. Select the Press to SAVE or PRINT button
  3. A new screen will display containing only a printable/saveable version
    of the record.
  4. Print using the browser's Print function, or
  5. Save using the browser's Save As function (supply a new filename
    when prompted).
To Email the displayed catalog record:
  1. Next to "Select Download Format" make sure that Text (Labelled Display)
    is selected.
  2. Enter a valid Email address in the blank box provided (if this box is left blank
    or an invalid email address is entered, an error message will appear)
  3. Select the Press to SAVE or PRINT button
  4. A message displays confirming the search results have been mailed.

MARC Format Instructions

It is only possible to SAVE records in the MARC Format. These formatted records may then be imported into any MARC based catalog system, but require special software to view. Two versions of MARC are available: non-Unicode/MARC-8 and Unicode/UTF-8.

Screen shot of Save, Print, Email box

To Save an Authority Record in MARC format:

  1. Next to "Select Download Format" make sure that either MARC (non-Unicode/MARC-8) or MARC (Unicode/UTF-8) is selected.
  2. Select the Press to SAVE or PRINT button
  3. A new screen will display the MARC version of the record.
  4. Save the MARC record using the browser's Save As function (supply a new filename for the record).

Note: While it may appear that it is possible to Email MARC records, it is not. If a MARC format is selected in the drop-down menu, and you choose to email, it will be received in the standard text format.

Screen Print

Print any screen or display in Library of Congress Authorities by selecting the browser's Print function (from an icon or menu) while viewing the screen.

Note: All information (including graphics, navigation buttons, etc.) will be included in the printout. However, this is the only way to print a Headings List and References/Scope Notes.

Use the browser's [Back] button to exit help and resume searching.

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November 8, 2006