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Press Statement
Richard Boucher, Spokesman
Washington, DC
May 24, 2004

United States To Provide Additional $100 Million for Haiti

We are pleased to announce the availability of an additional $100 million for Haiti. These funds are in addition to the $55 million in humanitarian aid and $5 million allocated for the OAS Special Mission already allocated for Haiti in fiscal year 2004. As Secretary Powell indicated during Interim Prime Minister Gerard Latortue’s recent visit to Washington, the United States is committed to Haiti’s security, economic recovery and national reconciliation.

The additional assistance will allow us to provide advisors to Haiti’s government Ministries, training for the Haitian National Police, and funding to help cover the budget gap Haiti’s government inherited. The funding will also support electricity generation, jobs programs, humanitarian assistance and economic development for the Haitian people.

Though this additional funding by the United States will greatly assist in rebuilding Haiti, we also look to our international partners and friends of Haiti to continue to provide the country with both funding and assistance. They have made significant contributions, but more will be needed.


Released on May 24, 2004

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