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Fact Sheet
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
April 5, 2004

U.S. Support for Haiti

These specific initiatives, announced during Secretary of State Colin L. Powell’s April 5 visit to Haiti, underscore the U.S. commitment and rapid response to helping Haiti’s security, economic recovery and national reconciliation.

Security: The U.S. plans immediately to deploy a seven-member team to advise the Interim Government on security issues, consisting of:

  • One advisor to assist the Minister of Interior with planning, and assist in coordination with the UN, OAS and other donors.
  • Two advisors to help the Director General of Police with human rights vetting of police personnel, strategic planning, management, and command and control issues.
  • One advisor to help restart operations at the police academy.
  • One advisor to assist prison leadership.
  • One advisor to work with the courts and administration of justice issues.
  • One advisor who will act as a team leader and help coordinate the activities of the advisory team.

Urgent Employment Generation: In addition to an ongoing $52 million economic development and humanitarian assistance program, the U.S. will begin an urgent three-year jobs program, which will provide tens of thousands of jobs to improve municipal infrastructure and create jobs in Port-au-Prince, Cap Haitien, Gonaives and other locations as needed. The project will rehabilitate schools and public buildings destroyed by rioting and burning; build or rehabilitate roads; and, improve community water supplies.

Democracy and Human Rights: The United States will allocate $9 million for elections and democracy building to support activities of the OAS Special Mission for Strengthening Democracy in Haiti, which is in addition to the special voluntary contribution of $4.9 million recently given to the Special Mission. Other activities may include:

  • Support for government efforts aimed at the full observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
  • Efforts to professionalize the Haitian National Police through special training and assistance.
  • Support to Haiti’s new Truth, Justice and National Reconciliation Commission.

Elections: $500,000 will be provided for public education programs to prepare for elections, conduct public opinion polling and conduct training for political parties to develop candidates.

Technical Advice and Recovery of Assets: The U.S. Treasury Department will send an assessment team in mid-April to determine the technical assistance needed by the Ministry of Finance of the Haitian government. The United States is prepared to assist Haitian authorities in the recovery of assets that may have been illicitly diverted.

Humanitarian Assistance: The U.S. will seek to expand our humanitarian development programs—the largest in Haiti—to ensure that the medical and nutritional needs of Haiti’s most disadvantaged people are met. Since the latest crisis began to unfold in February, the U.S. has responded quickly with an additional $3 million to provide badly needed medical and food supplies.


Released on April 5, 2004

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