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Quaternary Soils and Dust Deposition in Southern Nevada and California

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Quaternary Soils and Dust Deposition in Southern Nevada and California
Eolian dust constitutes most of the pedogenic material in late Pleistocene and Holocene soils of many arid regions. Comparison of the compositions and influx rates of modern dust with the eolian component of dated soils at 24 sites in southern Nevada and California yields information on: (1) the composition and influx rate of dust in late Pleistocene and Holocene soils, (2) paleoclimate and its effects on the genesis of aridic soils, especially with regard to "dust events", (3) the timing and relative contribution of dust from playa sources versus alluvial sources, and (4) the effects of accumulation of fines in soil horizons. The A and B horizons of soils formed on gravelly alluvial-fan deposits in the study area are similar to modern dust in grain size, content of CaCO3 and salt, major oxides, and clay mineralogy; thus, they are interpreted to consist largely of eolian dust. The major-oxide compositions of the shallow soil horizons are nearly identical to that of the modern dust, but the compositions of progressively deeper horizons approach that of the parent material. The clay mineralogy of modern dust at a given site is similar to that of the Av horizons of nearby Holocene soils, but is commonly different from the mineralogies of deeper soil horizons and of the Av horizons of nearby Pleistocene soils. These results are interpreted to indicate that (1) dust both accumulates and is transformed in Av horizons with time, and (2) that clay minerals can be transformed in only 10,000 years or less. Changes in soil-accumulation rates provide insights into the interplay of paleoclimate, dust supply, and soil-forming processes. Modern dust-deposition rates are more than large enough to account for middle and late Holocene soil-accumulation rates at nearly all sites. However, the early Holocene soil-accumulation rates in areas near late Pleistocene pluvial lakes are much higher than modern rates and clearly indicate a dust-deflation and -deposition event that caused rapid formation of fine-grained shallow soil horizons on late Pleistocene and early Holocene deposits. We interpret late Pleistocene soil-accumulation rates to indicate that dust-deposition rates were low during this period but that increased effective moisture during the late Wisconsin favored translocation of clay and CaCO3 from the surface to deeper in the soil profile. Calculated pre-late Pleistocene rates are very low in most areas, mainly due to a pedogenic threshold that was crossed when accumulations of silt, clay, and CaCO3 began to inhibit the downward transport of eolian material, but in part due to erosion.
  1. How should this data set be cited?

    Reheis, Marith C., Goodmacher, Johnathan C., Harden, Jennifer W., McFadden, Leslie D., Rockwell, Thomas K., Shroba, Ralph R., Sowers, Janet M., and Taylor, Emily M., 1995, Quaternary Soils and Dust Deposition in Southern Nevada and California: Geological Society of America Bulletin volume 107, Geological Society of America, Kansas.

    Online Links:

  2. What geographic area does the data set cover?

    West_Bounding_Coordinate: -117.45
    East_Bounding_Coordinate: -114.11
    North_Bounding_Coordinate: 38.18
    South_Bounding_Coordinate: 32.78

  3. What does it look like?

  4. Does the data set describe conditions during a particular time period?

    Calendar_Date: 1995
    Currentness_Reference: publication date

  5. What is the general form of this data set?

    Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: model

  6. How does the data set represent geographic features?

    1. How are geographic features stored in the data set?

    2. What coordinate system is used to represent geographic features?

      Horizontal positions are specified in geographic coordinates, that is, latitude and longitude. Latitudes are given to the nearest 0.01. Longitudes are given to the nearest 0.01. Latitude and longitude values are specified in Decimal degrees.

      Altitude_Datum_Name: North American Vertical Datum of 1988
      Altitude_Resolution: 1
      Altitude_Distance_Units: meters
      Explicit elevation coordinate included with horizontal coordinates

  7. How does the data set describe geographic features?

    This data set contains 262 distinct attributes. Documenting these attributes using the detailed form of the Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata is possible in principle but not practical due to time constraints.
    Column  1  Area
    Column  2  Dust Trap
    Column  3  surface  (no. for ave.)
    Column  4  Age, Best
    Column  5  Age, Min
    Column  6  Age, Max
    Column  7  Prof. Mass, Silt, (g/cm2/soil col.) Silt
    Column  8  Prof. Mass, Clay, (g/cm2/soil col.) Clay
    Column  9  Prof. Mass, CaCO3, (g/cm2/soil col.) CaCO3
    Column 10  Prof. Mass, Salt, (g/cm2/soil col.) Salt
    Column 11  Silt, Best
    Column 12  Silt, Max
    Column 13  Silt, Min
    Column 14  Clay, Best
    Column 15  Clay, Max
    Column 16  Clay, Min
    Column 17  CaCO3, Best
    Column 18  CaCO3, Max
    Column 19  CaCO3, Min
    Column 20  Salt, Best
    Column 21  Salt, Max
    Column 22  Salt, Min
    Column  1  Sample number
    Column  2  Horizon
    Column  3  Thickness, (cm)
    Column  4  Rubification, Norm. value
    Column  5  Rubification, Horizon value
    Column  6  Rubification, Profile value
    Column  7  Melanization, Norm. value
    Column  8  Melanization, Horizon value
    Column  9  Melanization, Profile value
    Column 10  Paling, Norm. value
    Column 11  Paling, Horizon value
    Column 12  Paling, Profile value
    Column 13  Lightening, Norm. value
    Column 14  Lightening, Horizon value
    Column 15  Lightening, Profile value
    Column 16  Total, Texture Norm. value
    Column 17  Total, Texture Horizon value
    Column 18  Total, Texture Profile value
    Column 19  Structure, Norm. value
    Column 20  Structure, Horizon value
    Column 21  Structure, Profile value
    Column 22  Dry Consistence, Norm. value
    Column 23  Dry Consistence, Horizon value
    Column 24  Dry Consistence, Profile value
    Column 25  Clay Films, Norm. value
    Column 26  Clay Films, Horizon value
    Column 27  Clay Films, Profile value
    Column 28  Carbonate, Norm. value
    Column 29  Carbonate, Horizon value
    Column 30  Carbonate, Profile value
    Column 31  pH decrease, Norm. value
    Column 32  pH decrease, Horizon value
    Column 33  pH decrease, Profile value
    Column 34  pH increase, Norm. value
    Column 35  pH increase, Horizon value
    Column 36  pH increase, Profile value
    Column 37  Profile Index 1, Norm. value  (rb, ml, tx, st, dc, cf, pHde)
    Column 38  Profile Index 1, Horizon value  (rb, ml, tx, st, dc, cf, pHde)
    Column 39  Profile Index 1, Profile value  (rb, ml, tx, st, dc, cf, pHde)
    Column 40  Profile Index 2, Norm. value  (pl, lt, tx, st, dc, cf, pHin)
    Column 41  Profile Index 2, Horizon value  (pl, lt, tx, st, dc, cf, pHin)
    Column 42  Profile Index 2, Profile value  (pl, lt, tx, st, dc, cf, pHin)
    Column 43  Profile Index 3, Norm. value  (pl, lt, tx, st, dc, cf, pHin)
    Column 44  Profile Index 3, Horizon value  (pl, lt, tx, st, dc, cf, pHin)
    Column 45  Profile Index 3, Profile value  (pl, lt, tx, st, dc, cf, pHin)
    Column  1  Sample number
    Column  2  Profile number
    Column  3  Horizon name
    Column  4  Depth to base (cm)
    Column  5  Gravel content, Est. vol.%
    Column  6  Gravel content, Weight%
    Column  7  pH
    Column  8  Weight percent of less-than-2mm fraction O.M.
    Column  9  Weight percent of less-than-2mm fraction Sand
    Column 10  Weight percent of less-than-2mm fraction Silt@
    Column 11  Weight percent of less-than-2mm fraction Clay
    Column 12  Weight percent of less-than-2mm fraction CaCO3*
    Column 13  Weight percent of less-than-2mm fraction Salt**
    Column  1  Surface / Elevation (m)/ age
    Column  2  Profile / Describer(s)
    Column  3  Sample / Number
    Column  4  Horizon
    Column  5  Boundary Depth (cm) top
    Column  6  Boundary Depth (cm) base
    Column  7  Boundary nature
    Column  8  Matrix Color #1, Dry
    Column  9  Matrix Color #1, Moist
    Column 10  Carbonate Color #2, Dry
    Column 11  Carbonate Color #3, Dry
    Column 12  Carbonate Color #4, Dry
    Column 13  Texture
    Column 14  Structure, Primary
    Column 15  Structure, Secondary
    Column 16  Consistence, Dry
    Column 17  Consistence, Wet
    Column 18  Clay films, Primary
    Column 19  Clay films, Secondary
    Column 20  CaCO3 Matrix
    Column 21  CaCO3 Gravel
    Column 22  % gravel <2 mm
    Column 23  Parent material and lithology
    Column 24  Roots
    Column 25  Pores
    Column 26  SiO2
    Column 27  Salt
    Column 28  Miscellaneous notes
    Column  1  Soil-study site(&)
    Column  2  Source of soil data (@)
    Column  3  Parent material type*
    Column  4  Parent material lithology
    Column  5  Trap (T-)
    Column  6  Trap latitude
    Column  7  Trap longitude
    Column  8  Trap elevation
    Column  9  est. (+) MAT (±1.3C)
    Column 10  est. (+) MAP (cm)
    Column  1  Area
    Column  2  Profile
    Column  3  Best age (ka)
    Column  4  Horizon
    Column  5  Chlorite
    Column  6  Kaolinite
    Column  7  Mica
    Column  8  Vermiculite
    Column  9  Smectite
    Column 10  Mixed-layer
    Column 11  Palygorskite
    Column 12  Quartz
    Column  1  Profile no.
    Column  2  Horizon
    Column  3  Percent SiO2
    Column  4  Percent Al2O3
    Column  5  Percent Fe2O3
    Column  6  Percent FeO
    Column  7  Percent MgO
    Column  8  Percent CaO
    Column  9  Percent Na2O
    Column 10  Percent K2O
    Column 11  Percent TiO2
    Column 12  Percent P2O5
    Column 13  Percent MnO
    Column 14  Percent ZrO2
    Column 15  factor
    Column 16  Percent oxides recalculated to 100%, SiO2
    Column 17  Percent oxides recalculated to 100%, Al2O3
    Column 18  Percent oxides recalculated to 100%, Fe2O3
    Column 19  Percent oxides recalculated to 100%, FeO
    Column 20  Percent oxides recalculated to 100%, MgO
    Column 21  Percent oxides recalculated to 100%, CaO
    Column 22  Percent oxides recalculated to 100%, Na2O
    Column 23  Percent oxides recalculated to 100%, K2O
    Column 24  Percent oxides recalculated to 100%, TiO2
    Column 25  Percent oxides recalculated to 100%, P2O5
    Column 26  Percent oxides recalculated to 100%, MnO
    Column 27  Percent oxides recalculated to 100%, ZrO2
    Column 28  Percent CaCO3
    Column 29  Percent CaO in CaCO3
    Column 30  iterations factor 1
    Column 31  factor 2
    Column 32  Percent recalculated with CaO due to CaCO3 removed, SiO2
    Column 33  Percent recalculated with CaO due to CaCO3 removed, Al2O3
    Column 34  Percent recalculated with CaO due to CaCO3 removed, Fe2O3
    Column 35  Percent recalculated with CaO due to CaCO3 removed, FeO
    Column 36  Percent recalculated with CaO due to CaCO3 removed, MgO
    Column 37  Percent recalculated with CaO due to CaCO3 removed, CaO
    Column 38  Percent recalculated with CaO due to CaCO3 removed, Na2O
    Column 39  Percent recalculated with CaO due to CaCO3 removed, K2O
    Column 40  Percent recalculated with CaO due to CaCO3 removed, TiO2
    Column 41  Percent recalculated with CaO due to CaCO3 removed, P2O5
    Column 42  Percent recalculated with CaO due to CaCO3 removed, MnO
    Column 43  Percent recalculated with CaO due to CaCO3 removed, ZrO2
    Column 44  Sum
    Column  1  Sample number
    Column  2  Profile number
    Column  3  Horizon name
    Column  4  Thickness (cm.)
    Column  5  Gravel content vol.%
    Column  6  Gravel content wt.%
    Column  7  Organic matter
    Column  8  Silt content of less-than-2mm fraction (weight %) lab
    Column  9  Silt content of less-than-2mm fraction (weight %) PM
    Column 10  Clay content of less-than-2mm fraction (weight %) lab
    Column 11  Clay content of less-than-2mm fraction (weight %) PM
    Column 12  CaCO3 content of less-than-2mm fraction (weight %) lab
    Column 13  CaCO3 content of less-than-2mm fraction (weight %) P.M
    Column 14  Salt content of less-than-2mm fraction (weight %) lab
    Column 15  Salt content of less-than-2mm fraction (weight %) P.M.
    Column 16  Assigned mineral B.D., min
    Column 17  Assigned mineral B.D., max
    Column 18  Calculated B.D. of soil, min
    Column 19  Calculated B.D. of soil, max
    Column 20  Calculated < 2mm B.D., min
    Column 21  Calculated < 2mm B.D., max
    Column 22  Change from parent material, (weight percent) silt
    Column 23  Change from parent material, (weight percent) clay
    Column 24  Change from parent material, (weight percent) CaCO3
    Column 25  Change from parent material, (weight percent) salt
    Column 26  Pedogenic silt, Horizon, min
    Column 27  Pedogenic silt, Horizon, max
    Column 28  Pedogenic silt, Profile sum, min
    Column 29  Pedogenic silt, Profile sum, max
    Column 30  Pedogenic clay, Horizon, min
    Column 31  Pedogenic clay, Horizon, max
    Column 32  Pedogenic clay, Profile sum, min
    Column 33  Pedogenic clay, Profile sum, max
    Column 34  Pedogenic CaCO3, Horizon, min
    Column 35  Pedogenic CaCO3, Horizon, max
    Column 36  Pedogenic CaCO3, Profile sum, min
    Column 37  Pedogenic CaCO3, Profile sum, max
    Column 38  Pedogenic salt, Horizon, min
    Column 39  Pedogenic salt, Horizon, max
    Column 40  Pedogenic salt, Profile sum, min
    Column 41  Pedogenic salt, Profile sum,  max
    Column  1  soils
    Column  2  trap
    Column  3  Assigned age, best
    Column  4  Assigned age, min
    Column  5  Assigned age, max
    Column  6  Interval age, best
    Column  7  Interval age, min
    Column  8  Interval age, max
    Column  9  Silt mass, (g/cm2/col), total
    Column 10  Silt mass, (g/cm2/col), interval
    Column 11  Silt interval rate,(g/m2/yr), best
    Column 12  Silt interval rate,(g/m2/yr), max
    Column 13  Silt interval rate, (g/m2/yr), min
    Column 14  Clay mass, (g/cm2/col), total
    Column 15  Clay mass, (g/cm2/col), interval
    Column 16  Clay interval rate, (g/m2/yr), best
    Column 17  Clay interval rate, (g/m2/yr), max
    Column 18  Clay interval rate, (g/m2/yr), min
    Column 19  CaCO3 mass, (g/cm2/col), total
    Column 20  CaCO3 mass, (g/cm2/col), interval
    Column 21  CaCO3 interval rate, (g/m2/yr), best
    Column 22  CaCO3 interval rate, (g/m2/yr), max
    Column 23  CaCO3 interval rate, (g/m2/yr), min
    Column 24  Salt mass, (g/cm2/col), total
    Column 25  Salt mass, (g/cm2/col), interval
    Column 26  Salt interval rate, (g/m2/yr), best
    Column 27  Salt interval rate, (g/m2/yr), max
    Column 28  Salt interval rate, (g/m2/yr), min
    Column  1  soils
    Column  2  best age
    Column  3  int. age
    Column  4  Silt mass, (g/cm2/col), total
    Column  5  Silt mass, (g/cm2/col), interval
    Column  6  Silt interval rate, (g/m2/yr), rate
    Column  7  Silt interval rate, s.d.
    Column  8  Clay mass, (g/cm2/col), total
    Column  9  Clay mass, (g/cm2/col), interval
    Column 10  Clay interval rate, (g/m2/yr), rate
    Column 11  Clay interval rate, s.d.
    Column 12  CaCO3 mass, (g/cm2/col), total
    Column 13  CaCO3 mass, (g/cm2/col), interval
    Column 14  CaCO3 interval rate, (g/m2/yr), rate
    Column 15  CaCO3 interval rate, s.d.
    Column 16  Salt mass, (g/cm2/col), total
    Column 17  Salt mass, (g/cm2/col), interval
    Column 18  Salt interval rate, (g/m2/yr), rate
    Column 19  Salt interval rate, s.d.
    Further explaination of the data represented in individual files is found in the file /Core/meta/dsolproc.txt dsolproc. txt. Footnotes on data fields are found in the file /Core/meta/ dsolfoot.txt.

Who produced the data set?

  1. Who are the originators of the data set? (may include formal authors, digital compilers, and editors)

  2. Who also contributed to the data set?

  3. To whom should users address questions about the data?

    Reheis, Marith C.
    U. S. Geological Survey
    Mail Stop 980
    U.S. Geological Survey
    Box 25046, Denver Federal Center
    Denver, Colorado 80225-0046
    United States of America

    303-236-1270 (voice)

Why was the data set created?

The presence of eolian dust in soils and the relative contribution of dust to soil formation in both arid and humid areas has been debated for decades. Most researchers now agree that dust is a ubiquitous component of soils formed in arid areas, although some argue that calcareous dust does not contribute significantly to the content of pedogenic calcium carbonate in some localities. Detailed studies of dust influx facilitate studies of paleoclimate based on modelling of soil-forming processes such as translocation of pedogenic carbonate. Most research on the eolian component of soils has focused on identifying the presence of dust and estimating its proportion relative to soil parent materials and in-situ weathering products. Despite general agreement on the importance of dust to soil genesis, few studies have compared modern rates of dust deposition to estimated amounts of dust in soils of known age to compare the compositions and deposition rates of modern dust to dust in soils. Quantitative comparisons are important to studies of soil genesis, paleoclimatic reconstruction from soil properties, and soil chronosequences used to estimate the ages of surfaces and deposits. For example, soils that formed downwind of a large dust source may be significantly better developed than soils of the same age that formed in sheltered areas. A project to study modern dust deposition in southern Nevada and California was initiated in 1984 to provide data on modern dust composition and influx rates for use in a numerical model relating soil carbonate to paleoclimate and in soil-chronosequence studies in the southern Great Basin and Mojave Desert (fig. 1) in support of tectonic and stratigraphic investigations for the Yucca Mountain Project. In this paper, we relate the composition of modern dust to soil properties and compare modern rates of dust influx with late Pleistocene and Holocene rates estimated from soils at 24 sites in southern Nevada and California.

How was the data set created?

  1. From what previous works were the data drawn?

    Amundson et al. (1989) (source 1 of 11)
    Amundson, R.G., Chadwick, O.A., Sowers, J.M., and Doner, H.E., 1989, Soil evolution along an altitudinal transect in the eastern Mojave Desert of Nevada, U.S.A.: Geoderma, v. 43, p.: Geoderma volume 43, Elsevier, Amsterdam, New York.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Contribution: Clay mineralogy data for Kyle Canyon soils.

    Goodmacher and Rockwell, 1990 (source 2 of 11)
    Goodmacher, J., and Rockwell, T., 1990, Properties and inferred ages of soils developed in alluvial deposits in the southwestern Coyote Mountains, Imperial County, California, in Rockwell, T. R., ed., Friends of the Pleistocene, Winter Fieldtrip-1990, Western Salton Trough Soils and Neotectonics: San Diego, California: Privately Published, California, USA.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Soil ages and results of standard laboratory analyses of soils from the Coyote Mountains area.

    Harden and Matti, 1989 (source 3 of 11)
    Harden, J.W., and Matti, J.C., 1989, Holocene and late Pleistocene slip rates on the San Andreas fault in Yucaipa, California, using displaced alluvial-fan deposits and soil chronology: Geological Society of America Bulletin volume 101, Geological Society of America, Kansas.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    1) Ages of soils in similar condition and formed under similar conditions as soils discussed in this study. 2)Soil ages for the Wilson Creek locality.

    Harden and others, 1991a (source 4 of 11)
    Harden, J.W., Slate, J.L., Lamothe, P., Chadwick, O.A., Pendall, E.G., and Gillespie, A.M., 1991, Soil formation on the Trail Canyon alluvial fan: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report volume 91-291, United States Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Index values for soils of known age for comparison to material examined for this study.

    Harden and others, 1991b (source 5 of 11)
    Harden, J.W., Taylor, E.M., Hill, C., Mark, R.K., McFadden, L.D., Reheis, M.C., Sowers, J.M., and Wells, S.G., 1991, Rates of soil development from four soil chronosequences in the southern Great Basin: Quaternary Research volume 35.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Contribution: Soil ages for the Cima fans study area.

    McFadden, 1982 (source 6 of 11)
    McFadden, L.D., 1982, The impacts of temporal and spatial climatic changes on alluvial soils genesis in southern California: University of Arizona (Ph.D. dissertation), Tucson, Arizona.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    1) Ages for soils for the Whipple Mountain locality. 2) Results of clay mineralogy analyses of Whipple Mountain soils.

    McFadden et al., 1986 (source 7 of 11)
    McFadden, L.D., Wells, S.G., and Dohrenwend, J.C., 1986, Influences of Quaternary climatic changes on processes of soil development on desert loess deposits of the Cima volcanic field, California: Catena Volume 13.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Results of analyses of clay mineralogy of Cima volcanic field soils

    Reheis and others, 1989 (source 8 of 11)
    Reheis, M.C., Harden, J.W., McFadden, L.D., and Shroba, R.R., 1989, Development rates of late Quaternary soils, Silver Lake playa, California: Soil Science Society of America Journal volume 53.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Index values for soils of known age for comparison with material examined for this study.

    Reheis and others, 1992 (source 9 of 11)
    Reheis, M.C., Sowers, J.M., Taylor, E.M., McFadden, L.D., and Harden, J.W., 1992, Morphology and genesis of carbonate soils on the Kyle Canyon fan, Nevada, U.S.A: Geoderma volume 52.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    1) Index values for soils of known age for comparison with material examined for this study.
    2) Results of laboratory chemical analyses of sample material.
    3) Results of major-element analyses for soil samples obtained from Kyle Canyon localities

    Sowers and others, 1988 (source 10 of 11)
    Sowers, J.M., Amundson, R.G., Chadwick, O.A., Harden, J.W., Jull, A.J.T., Ku, T.L., McFadden, L.D., Reheis, M.C., and Szabo, B., 1988, Geomorphology and pedology on the Kyle Canyon alluvial fan, southern Nevada, in Weide, D.L., and Faber, M.L., eds., This Extended Land: Geological Society of America Guidebook Cordillerian Section Meeting.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Contribution: Ages of soils in the Kyle Canyon area

    Taylor, 1986 (source 11 of 11)
    Taylor, E.M., 1986, Impact of time and climate on Quaternary soils in the Yucca Mountain area of the Nevada Test Site: Master's thesis, University of Colorado, Boulder Colorado.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    1) Ages of soils comparable to those included in this study. 2) Clay mineralogy of soils from the Forty-Mile Wash area.

  2. How were the data generated, processed, and modified?

    Date: 1995 (process 1 of 6)
    Sampling and Description.
    In each area, two alluvial-fan surfaces were selected that were thought to be late Pleistocene and middle to late Holocene in age by comparison of surface characteristics such as pavement, varnish, and preservation of depositional topography to those of dated surfaces from previous studies in the region (for example, McFadden and others, 1989; Reheis and others, 1993.i.Reheis, 1992;). One soil profile was described and sampled on each surface using either fresh stream cuts or hand-dug pits. Soil descriptions and horizon names followed Guthrie and Witty (1982) and Birkeland (1984). Stages of CaCO3 , silica, and salt follow definitions of Gile and others (1966), Taylor (1986), and Reheis (1987), respectively.

    Date: 1995 (process 2 of 6)
    The soil development index (Harden, 1982) provides a means of quantifying field properties of soils in order to compare their development. Index values of field properties including rubification, melanization, paling, lightening, texture, structure, dry consistence, pH decrease, pH increase, and carbonate (Harden, 1982; Reheis, 1987; Harden and others, 1991b) are calculated for each profile using a spreadsheet template (Taylor, 1988). Normalized values of these properties are multiplied by horizon thickness to obtain the horizon index; the horizon values within a profile are summed to obtain the profile index. Horizon and profile index values are given for all of the soils sampled for this study.

    Date: 1995 (process 3 of 6)
    Laboratory Analyses.
    Most of the samples were analyzed using standard laboratory techniques (Singer and Janitzky, 1986.i.Singer and Janitzky, 1986;) for grain size, CaCO3 and organic-matter content, pH, and salt content, except that the total salt equations in Singer and Janitzky, published with an error, were corrected using a multiplication factor of 0.32 rather than 320. pH for the soils sampled specifically for this study was measured in 1:1 H2O, whereas the pH for soils from other sources was measured using CaCl2. Some other analytical techniques for the Kyle Canyon soils were also different because the soils formed in carbonate-rich alluvium.

    Date: 1995 (process 4 of 6)
    Bulk Density of Soil Horizons
    The bulk density for each soil horizon, if not measured by previous reports using either the paraffin-clod method or the excavation technique, was estimated from particle size and the contents of gravel and organic matter using the technique of Rawls (1983).i.Rawls (1983);.Profile weights (g/cm2/soil column) were calculated for pedogenic silt, clay, CaCO3, and salt (where possible). The contents (percentages) of these components in each horizon of a soil were subtracted from the contents estimated to have been present in the parent material (method of Machette, 1985), multiplied by the bulk density of the less-than-2mm fraction and by horizon thickness, and then summed for the soil.

    Date: 1995 (process 5 of 6)
    Calculation of Accumulation Rates.
    Accumulation rates were calculated for pedogenic silt, clay, CaCO3, and salt depending on the availability of data. At sites with more than one analyzed soil profile of the same age, the profile-weight values were averaged. The average "best" accumulation rates were calculated using the "best" age (the most reasonable age assigned to the geomorphic surface), and average maximum and minimum rates were calculated using the likely minimum and maximum ages respectively. The following are example calculations for the silt accumulation rate of soils on surface Q5, Coyote Mountains, where the average profile weight of silt in Q5 soils is 0.8 g/cm2, the "best" age is 12 ka, the minimum age is 9 ka, and the maximum age is 20 ka:
    average "best" accumulation rate = 0.8 g/cm2 / 12,000 yr = 0.7 g/m2/yr average maximum accum. rate = 0.8 g/cm2 / 9,000 yr = 0.9 g/m2/yr average minimum accum. rate = 0.8 g/cm2 / 20,000 yr = 0.4 g/m2/yr

    Date: 1995 (process 6 of 6)
    Calculation of the Interval Accumulation Rate.
    The interval-accumulation rate for each profile is the rate of accumulation of a pedogenic component in a soil forming on a surface from the time of deposition of that surface to the time of deposition of the next younger surface. If there is no younger profile, the interval rate is the same as the average rate. Interval age is the period of time between the formation of one surface and the formation of the next younger surface.
    Best interval age = best age (older) - best age (younger). Minimum interval age = minimum age (older) - maximum age (younger). Maximum interval age = maximum age (older) - minimum age (younger).

  3. What similar or related data should the user be aware of?

How reliable are the data; what problems remain in the data set?

  1. How well have the observations been checked?

    Age determination of studied soils.
    The ages of the soils sampled for this study (11H, 11P, etc.) were estimated from field morphologic data using the soil development index. The index values were compared with values for soils of known age that formed under similar conditions of climate and, where possible ,parent material (Taylor, 1986.i.Taylor, 1986;; Reheis and others, 1989.i.Reheis and others, 1989;, 1992.i.Reheis and others, 1992; Harden and others, 1991a; Slate, 1992.i.Slate, 1992;), and "best" ages and age ranges were assigned to th esoil profiles. Harden and others (1991b).i.Harden and others (1991);, using a statistically based version of this technique in a study of soil chronosequences in the southern Great Basin (some of the sites used in this study), suggested that average rates of most soil-development parameters within this area are precise to about a factor of two and that, at least for Holocene soils, estimated ages derived from these rates might be accurate within about a factor of two or three.
    Laboratory Analyses.
    Most of the samples were analyzed using standard laboratory techniques (Singer and Janitzky, 1986.i.Singer and Janitzky, 1986;) for grain size, CaCO3 and organic-matter content, pH, and salt content, except that the total salt equations in Singer and Janitzky, published with an error, were corrected using a multiplication factor of 0.32 rather than 320. pH for the soils sampled specifically for this study was measured in 1:1 H2O, whereas the pH for soils from other sources was measured using CaCl2. Some other analytical techniques for the Kyle Canyon soils were also different because the soils formed in carbonate-rich alluvium. The contents of CaCO3 and silt plus clay reported in this table were measured using a combination of chemical, microscopic, and photographic techniques (Sowers, 1988; Reheis et al., 1992) and are the amounts of pedogenic (non-parent material) carbonate and silt plus clay, not total amounts. In addition, the salt content reported for Kyle Canyon soils is for gypsum only, not total salt.
    Determination of profile weights of soil components.
    In this study, we assume that the dust component of soils is pedogenic, not parent material, and that all silt, clay, and CaCO3 present in greater proportions in a soil than in the parent material is pedogenic material and ultimately derived from dust. Soils that formed in carbonate alluvium are one exception; they contain abundant CaCO3 derived from solution of the parent material (Sowers, 1985; Reheis and others, 1992). The major-oxide composition and clay mineralogy of the dust and soil horizons support this assumption. Previous work in the study area (McFadden, 1982; McFadden and others, 1986; Taylor, 1986; Reheis and others, 1989, 1992) indicated little chemical weathering in soils of this age. Soils that are more than about 100,000 years old or that formed in semiarid to subhumid climates have likely been chemically weathered. However, much of the silt, clay, and CaCO3 in older aridic soils is likely to be of eolian origin, in part transformed into other minerals or grain sizes by chemical or physical processes.Profile weights for Coyote Mountains soils (AC and FC) were recalculated from original data because profile weights given in Goodmacher and Rockwell (1990) did not account for parent-material values.
    Major Element Analyses
    In order to compare the soil analyses with those of nearby dust samples, which did not include Ca from CaCO3, the contents of major oxides in the soil samples from Kyle Canyon and Silver Lake were recalculated on a CaCO3-free basis (Wilson Creek soils contained no CaCO3).
    Clay Mineralogy
    Observed differences between the clay mineralogy of soils and dust at some sites are attributed either to clay formation within the soils, to variability not explored sufficiently because too few samples were analyzed, or to slightly different analytical procedures used for the soil and dust samples (different ion saturations, etc.). In addition, the published reports used different methods to estimate abundances of clay minerals from peak heights on X-ray diffraction traces.
    Bulk Density of Soil Horizons
    At most sites, the parent material consisted of alluvial-fan deposits, commonly debris flows. Debris flows are usually unsorted and unbedded, so the content of silt, clay, and CaCO3 in a C horizon formed in these deposits was assumed to be representative of that originally present in the other horizons. For soils at Wilson Creek that formed in fluvial deposits potentially containing fine-grained overbank sediment (Harden and Matti, 1989), amounts of silt and clay in the parent material of the A and B horizons were estimated to be greater than those in the C horizons. Basalt flows were assumed to contain no silt, clay, or CaCO3 when deposited.
    Soil Accumulation Rates
    Soil accumulation rates must be treated with caution for the following reasons:
    (1) Variation in amount of a pedogenic material is expectable for soils of the same age because soils are inherently variable. Data from more than one profile per geomorphic surface is critical for quantitative soil studies (e.g. data for field properties of soils at Silver Lake; Reheis and others, 1989). Standard deviations were only calculated for the interval rates at the Fortymile Wash area, Silver Lake, the Cima fans, Wilson Creek, and the Coyote Mountains, which had quantitative data for more than one profile per surface (file "intrtdev.xls"). Excluding soils that were strongly eroded or leached, the standard deviations average 75% of the rates, but range widely (5-200%).
    (2) There are uncertainties in the assigned ages of the geomorphic surfaces and their soils. This problem is most acute for the youngest deposits; for example, if a deposit is thought to be 200 years old but in fact is 400 years old, an error of only 200 years would yield a doubled accumulation rate. In addition, radiometric ages are available only for soils from Silver Lake, the Fortymile Wash area, Kyle Canyon, and the Coyote Mountains. We have not included age uncertainties in the calculation of interval rates because generally the minimum and maximum ages greatly exaggerate the probable errors. For studies in which the ages of soils were better constrained, as at Silver Lake and Fortymile Wash, interval-rate uncertainties calculated from the minimum and maximum soil ages were similar to the range of standard deviations calculated using replicate soils of the same age.
    (3) Assumptions and simplifications were used in the calculations of profile weights of pedogenic materials, mainly in the estimation of parent-material values and of bulk density (in this study, a range of 1.2-2.0 g/cm3), which is difficult to measure accurately in gravelly deposits (Vincent and Chadwick, 1994).

  2. How accurate are the geographic locations?

    Trap locations were ascertained by plotting their positions on USGS topographic maps at 1:24000 scale.

  3. How accurate are the heights or depths?

  4. Where are the gaps in the data? What is missing?

    Soil development index data (as is found in the file DSINDPRN.XLS) was generated for Silver Lake samples but is not yet ready for release.

  5. How consistent are the relationships among the observations, including topology?

    Sampling Procedures
    This report includes the results of investigations performed by several investigators at Silver Lake, or on samples collected at Silver Lake. Two labeling standards have been followed.
    The first is a system which numerically encodes information about locality, unit sampled, the profile sampled and the collector of the sample.
    A) If the first number is 1, the sample number corresponds to a lower fan locality and 2 refers to an upper fan locality.
    B) The first number following the decimal represents the fan unit on which the soil was sampled: 1=Qf1, 2=Qf2, etc.; this is the same as the profile numbers elsewhere.
    C) The second number is the profile number on that surface in that fan position: the first described is 1, the second 2, etc.
    D) The last number is only used for one profile, 1.231 to 1.235, because we had five different people describe the same soil profile separately. Thus there are five descriptions of this profile but it was only sampled once.
    Example 1: Sample 1.110 = a sample from the lower fan area, fan unit Qf1, and is the first profile sampled.
    The second system is alpha numeric.
    A) The first set of characters indicates the locality and collection year. A label for a sample collected at Silver Lake in 1985 would begin "SL85".
    B) The next character indicates the position of the sample site on the fan. A, B, C, D samples are from the lower fan and W, X, Y, Z samples are from the upper fan.
    C) The second character indicates which profile in a sequence of profiles described in one position on the fan. A = the first profile described, B = the second profile described etc.
    Example 2: Sample SL85-1A = a sample from the lower fan area, fan unit Qf1, and is the first profile sampled. (it is also equal to sample 1.110 of example 1)
    Example 3: A sample labeled 2.340 in the numeric system equals a sample labeled SL85-3Z in the alphanumeric system and would indicate a sample from the upper fan area, from fan unit Qf3, and it would be the fourth profile sampled.

    Soil Descriptions
    Numbered profiles (11H, 11P, etc.) were sampled specifically for this study. Two profiles from San Felipe Creek (SF1 and SF3) are unpublished data contributed by Tom Rockwell (San Diego State University). Methods for the descriptions of all of the soils were the same.

    Soil Development Index Values
    The soil development index (Harden, 1982) provides a means of quantifying field properties of soils in order to compare their development. Index values of field properties including rubification, melanization, paling, lightening, texture, structure, dry consistence, pH decrease, pH increase, and carbonate are calculated for each profile using a spreadsheet template (Taylor, 1988). Horizon and profile index values are given for all of the soils sampled for this study.

    Laboratory Analyses
    Most of the samples were analyzed using standard laboratory techniques (Singer and Janitzky, 1986.i.Singer and Janitzky, 1986;) for grain size, CaCO3 and organic-matter content, pH, and salt content, except that the total salt equations in Singer and Janitzky, published with an error, were corrected using a multiplication factor of 0.32 rather than 320. pH for the soils
    The salt content reported for Kyle Canyon soils is for gypsum only, not total salt. Data for Kyle Canyon (KC) soils is from Reheis and others (1992).

    Calculation of Profile Weights
    The bulk density for each soil horizon, if not measured by previous reports using either the paraffin-clod method or the excavation technique, was estimated from particle size and the contents of gravel and organic matter using the technique of Rawls (1983).
    The contents (percentages) of soil components in each horizon were subtracted from the contents estimated to have been present in the parent material multiplied by the bulk density of the less-than-2mm fraction and by horizon thickness, and then summed for the soil.
    Debris flows are usually unsorted and unbedded, so the content of silt, clay, and CaCO3 in a C horizon formed in these deposits was assumed to be representative of that originally present in the other horizons.
    Soils at Wilson Creek that formed in fluvial deposits potentially containing fine-grained overbank sediment, amounts of silt and clay in the parent material of the A and B horizons were estimated to be greater than those in the C horizons.
    Basalt flows were assumed to contain no silt, clay, or CaCO3 when deposited.

    Major Element Analyses
    In order to compare the soil analyses with those of nearby dust samples, which did not include Ca from CaCO3, the contents of major oxides in the soil samples from Kyle Canyon and Silver Lake were recalculated on a CaCO3-free basis (Wilson Creek soils contained no CaCO3).

    Clay Mineralogy
    Observed differences between the clay mineralogy of soils and dust at some sites are attributed either to clay formation within the soils, to variability not explored sufficiently because too few samples were analyzed, or to slightly different analytical procedures used for the soil and dust samples (different ion saturations, etc.). In addition, the published reports used different methods to estimate abundances of clay minerals from peak heights on X-ray diffraction traces.

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  1. Who distributes the data set? (Distributor 1 of 1)

    Kevin M. Foley
    Global Climate History Program, U.S. Geological Survey
    Mail Stop 918
    U.S. Geological Survey
    12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
    Reston, Virginia 20192

    (703) 648-5285 (voice)
    (703) 648-6560 (FAX)

  2. What's the catalog number I need to order this data set?

    U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-1

  3. What legal disclaimers am I supposed to read?

    This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards (or with the North American Stratigraphic Code). Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

  4. How can I download or order the data?

Who wrote the metadata?

Last modified: 01-Oct-1996
Metadata author:
Kevin M. Foley
Mail Stop 918
U.S. Geological Survey
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, VA 20192

(703) 648-5285 (voice)
(703) 648-6560 (FAX)

Metadata standard:
Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (FGDC-STD-001-1998)

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