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The Digital Geologic Map of Wyoming in ARC/INFO Format

Metadata also available as - [Outline] - [Parseable text] - [DIF]

Frequently-anticipated questions:

What does this data set describe?

Title: The Digital Geologic Map of Wyoming in ARC/INFO Format
This geologic map was prepared as part of a study of digital methods and techniques as applied to complex geologic maps. The geologic map was digitized from the original scribe sheets used to prepare the published Geologic Map of Wyoming (Love and Christiansen, 1985). Consequently, the digital version is at 1:500,000 scale using the Lambert Conformal Conic map projection parameters of the State base map. Stable base contact prints of the scribe sheets were scanned on a Tektronix 4991 digital scanner. The scanner automatically converts the scanned image to an ASCII vector format. These vectors were transferred to a VAX minicomputer, where they were then loaded into ARC/INFO. Each vector and polygon was given attributes derived from the original 1985 geologic map.
  1. How should this data set be cited?

    Green, Gregory N. , and Drouillard, Patricia H. , 1994, The Digital Geologic Map of Wyoming in ARC/INFO Format: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-0425.

    Online Links:

    Some metadata in non-FGDC form. ARC/INFO files created using 5.0.2 software. Files can be downloaded online. Most files in ASCII, some EOO.

  2. What geographic area does the data set cover?

  3. What does it look like?

  4. Does the data set describe conditions during a particular time period?

    Calendar_Date: 1994
    Currentness_Reference: publication date

  5. What is the general form of this data set?

    Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: map

  6. How does the data set represent geographic features?

    1. How are geographic features stored in the data set?

      This is a vector data set. It contains the following vector data types (SDTS terminology):

      • entity point
      • Complete chain
      • GT-polygon composed of chains

    2. What coordinate system is used to represent geographic features?

      The map projection used is Lambert Conformal Conic.

      Projection parameters:
      Standard_Parallel: 33.0
      Standard_Parallel: 45.0
      Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -107.5
      Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 0.0
      False_Easting: 0
      False_Northing: 0

      Planar coordinates are encoded using Coordinate pair
      Abscissae (x-coordinates) are specified to the nearest unknown
      Ordinates (y-coordinates) are specified to the nearest unknown
      Planar coordinates are specified in meters

  7. How does the data set describe geographic features?

    Item    Feature
    P1      Shorthand attribute
    NAME    Name
    BW      Line pattern from CARTO.LIN
    CCA     Line pattern from CCA.LIN or shade color from CCA.SHD
    DOT     Shade pattern from DOT.SHD
    PLT     Shade pattern from PLOTTER.SHD
    MAJOR1  DLG-3 (Optional) style MAJOR1 attribute
    MINOR1  DLG-3 (Optional) style MINOR1 attribute
    Polygon Types and Attributes:
       1    16   0    0    520    1    Qa
       2    24   7    0    520    2    Qt
       3    25   0    0    520    3    Qg
       4    25  71    0    520    4    Qls
       5    19   0    0    520    5    Qs
       6     4   0    0    520    6    Ql
       7    31   7    0    520    7    Qu
       8    61   0    0    520    8    Qb
       9    93   0    0    520    9    Qr
      10    61   0    0    520   10    Qi
      11    31  55    0    520   11    QTg
      12    31  55    0    520   12    QTc
      13    31  55    0    520   13    QTb
      14    50   0    0    520   14    Tsl
      15    50  55    0    520   15    Tte
      16    50   0    0    520   16    Tr
      17   142   0    0    520   17    Thr
      18   139   0    0    520   18    Tii
      19   312   0    0    520   19    Thl
      20   312   0    0    520   20    Tsi
      21    93   0    0    520   21    Tcc
      22    50  55    0    520   22    Tcd
      23    75   0    0    520   23    Tc
      24   283   0    0    520   24    Tcv
      25    75   0    0    520   25    Tml
      26   300   0    0    520   26    Tbf
      27    50   0    0    520   27    Tm
      28    50  55    0    520   28    Tmu
      29    75   0    0    520   29    Tu
      30    75   0    0    520   30    Tmo
      31    64   0    0    520   31    Tf
      32   303   0    0    520   32    Tcs
      33    47  55    0    520   33    Tgrw
      34    47  71    0    520   34    Twd
      35    47   0    0    520   35    Tw
      36    35   0    0    520   36    TKe
      37    64   0    0    520   37    Twr
      38   358   0    0    520   38    Ti
      39   124   0    0    520   39    Twi
      40   127   0    0    520   40    Ttl
      41   171   0    0    520   41    Tt
      42   107   0    0    520   42    Ta
      43   102   7    0    520   43    Tts
      44   102   0    0    520   44    Ts
      45   171   0    0    520   45    Ttp
      46    82   0    0    520   46    Twp
      47   107   0    0    520   47    Thp
      48    82  71    0    520   48    Taw
      49    82   0   33    520   49    Teml
      50    98   0    0    520   50    Tv
      51    47   0    0    520   51    Twdr
      52    70   0    0    520   52    Tta
      53    47   0    0    520   53    Twl
      54    98   0    0    520   54    Tcr
      55   303   0    0    520   55    Tfu
      56   303   0    0    520   56    Tdb
      57    35   0    0    520   57    TKp
      58    64  71    0    520   58    Tbi
      59    64   0    0    520   59    Toe
      60    98   0    0    520   60    Tip
      61    59  55    0    520   61    Twa
      62    59  55    0    520   62    Twb
      63    59  55    0    520   63    Tb
      64    98   0    0    520   64    Tcg
      65    98   0    0    520   65    Tgc
      66    91   0    0    520   66    Tgl
      67   312   0   33    520   67    Tgw
      68    91   0   33    520   68    Tgwt
      69   200   0   33    520   69    Tgt
      70   300   0    0    520   70    Tglu
      71   312   0    0    520   71    Twg
      72    45   0    0    520   72    Twc
      73    79   0    0    520   73    Twn
      74    47   0    0    520   74    Twm
      75    79   0    0    520   75    Twlc
      76    45  55    0    520   76    Tbw
      77    45  71    0    520   77    Tbs
      78    45   7    0    520   78    Tp
      79   303  71    0    520   79    Tep
      80   303   0    0    520   80    Th
      81    60   7    0    520   81    Twru
      82   358   0    0    520   82    Tid
      83   124   0    0    520   83    Tai
      84    82   0   45    520   84    Twim
      85    82   0    0    520   85    Tim
      86   303   0    0    520   86    Tco
      87   303   0    0    520   87    Tha
      88    35   0    0    520   88    TKu
      89    35   0    0    520   89    TKf
      90    60   0    0    520   90    Twrb
      91    64   0    0    520   91    Twrc
      92   358   0    0    520   92    Tie
      93    47  71    0    520   93    Twmo
      94    47  55    0    520   94    Twk
      95    45   0   45    520   95    Tftr
      96   303   0   45    520   96    Tftl
      97   303   0    0    520   97    Tfl
      98   303   0    9    520   98    Tflt
      99    45   0    9    520   99    Tft
     100   387   0    0    520  100    Ki
     101   755   0    0    520  101    Kav
     102   755   0    0    520  102    Kbb
     103   761   0    0    520  103    Kh
     104   768   0    0    520  104    Kf
     105   736   0    0    520  105    Kss
     106   736   0    0    520  106    Kws
     107   736   0    0    520  107    Ka
     108   745   0    0    520  108    Kbr
     109   800   0    0    520  109    Kg
     110   727   0    0    520  110    Jst
     111   964   0    0    520  111    J@n
     112   755   0    0    520  112    J@nd
     114   456   0    0    520  114    Pp
     115   558   0    0    520  115    P&Ma
     116   558   0    0    520  116    P&M
     117    10   0    0    520  117    Mm
     118   442   0    0    520  118    MD
     119   435   0    0    520  119    Sl
     120    44   0    0    520  120    O_
     121   723   0    0    520  121    Klc
     122   755   0    0    520  122    Ket
     123   761   0    0    520  123    Kc
     124   768   0   33    520  124    Kft
     125   800   0    0    520  125    KJk
     126   680   0    0    520  126    @cd
     127   140   0    0    520  127    DO
     128   723   0    0    520  128    Kl
     129   723   0    9    520  129    Klm
     130   723   0    0    520  130    Kha
     131   718   0    0    520  131    Kfh
     132   718   0    9    520  132    Kfl
     133   718   0    9    520  133    Kfb
     134   718   0    9    520  134    Km
     135   718   0    9    520  135    Kml
     136   712   0    0    520  136    Kle
     137   717   0   45    520  137    Kmv
     138   755  55    0    520  138    Kso
     139   755   0    0    520  139    Ksb
     140   717  55    0    520  140    Kb
     142   931   0    0    520  142    Kcf
     143   761   0    0    520  143    Ks
     144   772   0    0    520  144    Kn
     147   736   0    0    520  147    Kmt
     148   800   0    0    520  148    KJ
     149   800   0   45    520  149    KJs
     150   800   0   45    520  150    KJg
     151   755   0    0    520  151    K@
     152   727   7    0    520  152    Js
     153   727   0    0    520  153    Jsg
     154   755   0    0    520  154    J@
     155   755   0    0    520  155    J@gn
     156   755   0    0    520  156    J@gc
     157   680   0    0    520  157    @ad
     158   378   0    0    520  158    Ob
     159   680   0    0    520  159    @c
     161   788   0    0    520  161    @Pcg
     162   788   0    0    520  162    @Pg
     163   378   0   49    520  163    MzPz
     164   378   0    0    520  164    P&c
     165   378   0    0    520  165    PM
     166   448   0    0    520  166    MDO
     167   143   0    0    520  167    MO
     168   444   0    0    520  168    Pzr
     170   263   0    0    520  170    _r
     171   717   0    0    520  171    Kp
     172   723   0    0    520  172    Kmb
     173   717   0   45    520  173    Kal
     174   717   0    0    520  174    Ke
     175   717   0    9    520  175    Kr
     176   717  55    0    520  176    Kbl
     177   761   0    0    520  177    Kba
     178   761   0    0    520  178    Ksn
     179   768   0   45    520  179    Knt
     181   788   0   45    520  181    @Pjs
     182   456   0    0    520  182    Pfs
     183   378   0    0    520  183    P&cf
     184   830   0   45    520  184    Knc
     185   830   0   45    520  185    Kcl
     186   830   0    0    520  186    Kgb
     187   736   0   45    520  187    Kgbm
     188   736   0    0    520  188    Kmr
     189   745   0    0    520  189    Kns
     190   788   0   45    520  190    @Ps
     191   456   0    0    520  191    Pmo
     192   558   0    0    520  192    P&h
     193   558   0    0    520  193    P&m
     194   143   0    0    520  194    MDe
     195   143   0    0    520  195    MDg
     196    32   0    0    520  196    Xsv
     197    41   0    0    520  197    Xlc
     198    32   7    0    520  198    Xdl
     199   377   0    0    520  199    Wgn
     200   395   0    0    520  200    WVsv
     201   395   7    0    520  201    Ws
     202   311   0    0    520  202    Wmu
     203   683   0    0    520  203    Ugn
     204   683   7    0    520  204    Ugn +
     205   107   7    0    520  205    Ys
     206   311   0    0    520  206    Yls
     207   155   7    0    520  207    Yla
     208     0   0    0    520  208    Yd
     209     0   0    0    520  209    YX
     210    70   7    0    520  210    Xgy
     211   381   0    0    520  211    Xqd
     212   385   0    0    520  212    Xm
     213   373   0    0    520  213    Xgo
     214   963   0    0    520  214    !W
     215   420   0    0    520  215    Wp
     216   420   7    0    520  216    Wg
     217   380   0    0    520  217    Wgd
     218   420   0    0    520  218    Wqm
     219    95   0    0    520  219    WVg
     220     0   0    0    520  220    shear
     298     0   0    0     50  103    ICE
     299   680   0    0     50  101    H2O
     300     0   0    0    520  300    blank
     301   353   0    0    520  301    pink
     302    47   0    0    520  302    tan
     303   800   0    0    520  303    green
     304     2   0    0    520  304    black
     330     0   0    0    520  330    pipe
     332     2   0    0    520  332    ball
     333     2   0    0    520  333    tooth
    Line types and attributes:
      P1   CCA  BW  MAJOR1  MINOR1  Name
       1    1    0    500    401  contact
       2    0    0    500    402  nonprinting contact
       3    4    0    500    403  fault
       4    0  106    500    404  dotted fault
       5    4    0    500    405  thrust fault
       6    0  106    500    406  dotted thrust fault
       7    4    0    500    407  thrust fault w/younger normal fault
       8    0  106    500    408  dotted thrust fault w/younger normal fault
       9    4    0    500    409  fault ? - based on source maps
      10    1    0    500    410  base of Shannon Sandstone Member
      11  135    0     50    200  shoreline
      12  135    0     50    103  edge of ice
      13    0  127     91     56  State Boundary
      20  386    0    501    420  Ti intrusive
      21  449    0    501    421  Yd intrusive
      22  449    0    501    422  YX intrusive
      23  223    0    501    423  XM intrusive
      24  331    0    501    424  ~W intrusive
      30    2    0    502    430  diatreme
      31  212    0    502    431  impact structure
      32    1    0    502    432  ball outline
      33    1    0    502    433  tooth outline
      34    1    0    502    434  bar
      35    1    0    502    435  shear zone
      40  212    0    503    440  anticline axis
      41  212    0    503    441  anticline arrow
      42  345    0    503    442  boundary region
    <> and <>

Who produced the data set?

  1. Who are the originators of the data set? (may include formal authors, digital compilers, and editors)

  2. Who also contributed to the data set?

    The authors wish to thank Dave Love and Ann Coe Christiansen for providing access to the original Geologic Map of Wyoming scribe sheets and negatives. For the digital review, we also thank Pat Stamile of the USGS and Chris Arneson and Laisan Serebryakov of the University of Wyoming Water Resources Center.

  3. To whom should users address questions about the data?

    Green, Gregory N
    Mail Stop 905, USGS
    P.O. Box 25046
    Denver, CO 80225

    303-236-5390 (voice)

Why was the data set created?

The data is intended to be used as a base geologic map, and is easily accessed online.

How was the data set created?

  1. From what previous works were the data drawn?

    Love and Christiansen (1985) (source 1 of 1)
    Love, J.D., and Christiansen, A.C., 1985, Geologic map of Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Investigations Series none.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 500000
    Source_Contribution: Original geologic map sheet that was digitized for this report.

  2. How were the data generated, processed, and modified?

    Date: unknown (process 1 of 1)
    The geologic map was digitized from the original scribe sheets used to prepare the published Geologic Map of Wyoming (Love and Christiansen, 1985). Consequently, the digital version is at 1:500,000 scale using the Lambert Conformal Conic map projection parameters of the State base map. Stable base contact prints of the scribe sheets were scanned on a Tektronix 4991 digital scanner. The scanner automatically converts the scanned image to an ASCII vector format. These vectors were transferred to a VAX minicomputer, where they were then loaded into ARC/INFO. Each vector and polygon was given attributes derived from the original 1985 geologic map.

  3. What similar or related data should the user be aware of?

How reliable are the data; what problems remain in the data set?

  1. How well have the observations been checked?

  2. How accurate are the geographic locations?

  3. How accurate are the heights or depths?

  4. Where are the gaps in the data? What is missing?


  5. How consistent are the relationships among the observations, including topology?

    This geologic map was prepared as part of a study of digital methods and techniques as applied to complex geologic maps. The geologic map was digitized from the original scribe sheets used to prepare the published Geologic Map of Wyoming (Love and Christiansen, 1985).

How can someone get a copy of the data set?

Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?

Access_Constraints: None
Use_Constraints: None

  1. Who distributes the data set? (Distributor 1 of 1)

    USGS Information Services
    Box 25286, Denver Federal Center
    Denver, Colorado 80255-0046

    1-888-ASK-USGS (voice)
    1-303-202-4695 (FAX)

  2. What's the catalog number I need to order this data set?

    USGS Open-File Report 94-425

  3. What legal disclaimers am I supposed to read?

    This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards or with the North American Stratigraphic Code. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Although these data have been used by the U.S. Geological Survey and have been successfully imported into data base programs, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS as to how successfully or accurately the data can be imported into any specific application software running on any specific hardware platform. The fact of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in connection therewith.

  4. How can I download or order the data?

Who wrote the metadata?

Last modified: 01-Sep-2000
Metadata author:
Jennifer Lenz
US Geological Survey
12201 Surise Valley Drive, Mail Stop 918
Reston, VA 20192

703-648-6974 (voice)
703-648-6560 (FAX)

Metadata standard:
Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (FGDC-STD-001-1998)

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Page Contact Information: Peter Schweitzer
Page Last Modified: Monday, 10-Nov-2008 12:19:44 EST

Generated by mp version 2.9.8 on Mon Nov 10 12:19:44 2008