Welcome to the DoDDS-Pacific/DDESS-Guam Director's Office

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DoDEA Launches 2008 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Parents and Students have opportunity to provide valuable feedback to DoDEA about the quality of education and areas needing improvement - Video Release

Early Childhood Program Entrance Changes
for School Year 2009-2010 - View DoDEA Announcement

DoDEA Implements GradeSpeed for the 2008-2009 School Year
View DoDEA Press Release

Welcome to the DoDDS-Pacific/DDESS-Guam Director's Office

Director's Message: The New Year

As we begin this New Year, events from 2008 form a shadow over our plans for 2009.  The collapse of the American housing market and failures of major financial institutions caused credit markets to seize and sent the U.S., Japan, and Europe into simultaneous recessions.  The slowdown bankrupted a record number of companies and pressed Toyota Motor Corp., Japan’s biggest company, to announce its first-ever operating loss.

While we look forward to a New Year, the ongoing economic downturn is on everyone’s mind.  Let me assure you that we anticipate no adverse effects in DoDDS-Pacific or DDESS-Guam for the remainder of SY 2008-09.  However, we will see some changes throughout the system beginning in 2009.  With change and willingness to grow comes opportunity. . .(go to article)

Director's Message: Safe and Happy Holiday Season

This holiday season, families all over the world will join together with friends and neighbors to rekindle old friendships, honor traditions and renew the hope for a new and better year.  During this special time of the year, I want to pass along a holiday greeting to our dedicated employees in Japan, Okinawa, South Korea and Guam and wish everyone a safe and healthy holiday season.

This year our stateside counterparts, friends, colleagues and family members face tough financial times.  Children sitting on Santa’s lap will not only be asking for more stuffed animals and video games, but asking for Daddy to find a job and money for Mommy to buy the house back.  Others will be asking for personal care items, school supplies and for warm clothing.  If possible, please try to be a little more generous this year as we are blessed with financial security. . .(go to article)

Director's Message: American Indian Heritage Month

American Indian Heritage Month is celebrated to recognize the intertribal cultures and to educate the public about the heritage, history, art and traditions of the American Indian.  The theme for this year is: Living in Many Worlds.  In recognition of the American Indians and in line with this year’s theme, it is appropriate for us to learn about the different American Indian tribes in the United States.  Here are some examples:

Choctaw - They formerly occupied central and southern Mississippi with some outlying groups in Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana.  After being forced to cede their lands in Alabama and Mississippi, they moved (1832) to the Indian Territory in Oklahoma, where they became one of the Five Civilized Tribes.  In 1990 there were over 85,000 Choctaw in the United States, with more than half living in Oklahoma. . .(go to article)

Director's Message: National Disability Awareness Month

During National Disability Awareness Month we pay tribute to the accomplishments of the men and women with disabilities whose work contributes not only in the field of education but in making our nation’s workforce strong.  The statistics show that between 15 and 20 percent of US citizens have some disability and more than 7 million use devices to compensate.  The devices may be canes, walkers, back braces, hearing aides, or communication boards to name a few.

Integrating people with disabilities more fully into every aspect of life fosters thousands of experiences where fear and ignorance are replaced by openness and understanding, and creates a deeper understanding of and respect for individuals with disabilities.  In providing these opportunities, our communities show that people are not victims of a disability but rather role models of acceptance and hope. . .(go to article)

Director's Message: CFC Campaign

October 1st marks the beginning of the Combined Federal Campaign Overseas for military service members and federal employees. In African, European, and Pacific commands the campaign runs through December 3, 2008. With natural disasters like Hurricane Ike, as well as the economic uncertainly affecting hundreds of thousands of people across the United States, there has never been a more important time to offer hope to a family or an individual.

This year, you can contribute to more than 2,000 national and international charities ranging from cancer research to veterans organizations. Individuals can also contribute to Family Support and Youth Programs so that the financial support can be used on a specific installation. Fundraising goals are set for each base and installation. . .(go to article)

DoDEA SY2007-08 Customer Satisfaction Survey
  Student Educational Opportunities

Pandemic Influenza:
For the latest information on Pandemic Influenza Planning
SUN 33:
The journal of self-expression from School Year 2006-2007
Annual Report (.pdf): An overview of DoDDS-Pacific/DDESS-Guam for School Year 2007-2008
Community Strategic Plan: Information on the strategic direction of DoDEA for the years 2006-2011

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