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PMI: Presidents Malaria Initiative - Saving lives in Africa.

President's Malaria Initiative E-Newsletter

August 2007

Table of Contents

Country-Specific Activities
Ask the Coordinator
Voices from the Field


Photo of Mrs. Bush at a rehabilitation center for orphans in Zambia.
First Lady Laura Bush visits a rehabilitation center for orphans in Zambia. View more photos
Source: Chris Thomas/USAID
Mrs. Laura Bush Highlights Malaria Efforts During Africa Trip
In June 2007, Rear Adm. Tim Ziemer, U.S. Malaria Coordinator, joined Mrs. Laura Bush in Mozambique and Zambia during the First Lady’s four-country visit to Africa. Mrs. Bush handed out bed nets in Senegal, Mozambique, Zambia, and donned a white face mask in Matola, Mozambique, to show the benefits of spraying homes with insecticide to combat malaria. She completed her five-day trip by visiting a school in Mali and highlighting poverty reduction initiatives there.

Also in Mozambique, Mrs. Bush launched an interfaith anti-malaria campaign and promoted the role of faith-based organizations in combating disease in Africa. In Zambia, the First Lady highlighted an unprecedented partnership between government, businesses, and religious groups to reduce the suffering caused by malaria by distributing 500,000 insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) to young children, pregnant mothers, and people infected with HIV/AIDS before the next malaria season in November.

Mrs. Bush Speaks at the National Press Club Newsmakers Luncheon About Her Four-Country Visit to Africa
At the National Press Club on July 25, Mrs. Bush gave a speech entitled, “Why Africa,” where she discussed her recent trip to Zambia, Mozambique, Senegal and Mali. She talked about her experiences in these countries and how successful the presidential initiatives such as PMI and PEPFAR have been in these areas.
  • Read the full speech
    Photo of child holding up a long-lasting insecticide-treated bednet (LLIN) provided through a public-private partnership.
      A child holds up a long-lasting insecticide-treated bed net (LLIN) provided through a public-private partnership in Zambia.
    View more photos
    Source: Chris Thomas/USAID
PMI Partnerships Crucial to Progress
Given the enormous burden of malaria and the ambitious target of halving the number of malaria deaths worldwide by 2010, effective partnerships, particularly at the country level, are essential to reach the maximum number of people with life-saving interventions. Such partnerships are at the heart of PMI's strategy to bring programs to scale. ExxonMobil and ExxonMobil Foundation, for instance, have given a total of $2 million in support of PMI's activities in Angola.

Country-Specific Activities top

PMI Works to Improve ITN Availability in Uganda
One of PMI’s activities in Uganda to help improve insecticide-treated bed net (ITN) availability is to assist in the creation of a sustainable ITN commercial sector. NetMark has been contracted to spearhead this activity.

Capacity Building Activities on Tap for Tanzania
Three health programs seek to improve human resource capacity and regional health management skills in a number of areas, including Integrated Logistics System (ILS) and artemisinin-combined therapy (ACT) for malaria. Download the agreements below for the details.

Ask the Coordinator top

Karen from Memphis, Tennessee asked Rear Adm. Tim Ziemer, U.S. Malaria Coordinator, about the PMI program in Uganda and how it's been received.

Voices from the Field top

Photo of Nyasa Tunga with her youngest son who was treated and cured of malaria.

Nyasa Tunga with her youngest son, Ekyoci, who was treated for and cured of malaria in Tanzania. Read more
Source: Kim Wylie/USAID

ACTs Help Refugees Fight Malaria
For ten years, Nyasa Tunga has lived in a refugee camp where malaria has been the leading cause of illness and death. In January 2007, with PMI support, Nyasa and her family began to benefit from new, improved life-saving malaria medicine. This medicine may have saved the life of her youngest child.

Refugees Well Schooled in ACT Use
Artemisinin-combined therapy (ACT), a highly effective anti-malarial, is fighting malaria in Tanzania. With PMI support, Burundian refugees in Kanembwa Camp in northwestern Tanzania are accessing these medicines and recovering from malaria in record time.

If you have questions or comments, please contact Chris Thomas at

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