FY09 Competitive Grant Program: Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Q1. Why is DoDEA involved in providing grants?

A1. The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA), which has provided military students with an exemplary education for over 60 years, received expanded authority in the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act (2007) to work collaboratively with the Secretary of Education in any efforts to ease the transition of military students and authorized the use of DoDEA funds to share experience with local education agencies (LEAs) who educate military students.

The National Defense Authorization Act (2009) includes provisions to provide programs such as distance learning and teacher training to LEAs with military students undergoing transition from force structure changes. The authority allows DoDEA to expand its reach to the approximately 92 percent of military students that do not attend DoDEA schools to not only share expertise and experience, but also use funds to provide programs for these students, regardless of where they reside. These resources may include, but are not limited to: 1) academic strategies which result in increased academic achievement; 2) curriculum development; 3) teacher training resources and materials; 4) access to virtual and distance learning capabilities and related applications for teachers; 5) support for practices that minimize the impact of transition and deployment; and 6) such other services appropriate to improve the academic achievement of military students.

Q2. Is this the first year of the competitive grant program?

A2. Yes.

Q3. How many grants will be awarded?

A3. The number of grants awarded will be determined by several factors, including how many applications are received and the size of the awards.

Q4: How much money is available for grant awardees?

A4: Approximately $30 million is expected to be awarded, depending on availability of funding.
Awards will be based on military student enrollment and will range in size from $300,000 to $2,000,000, depending on the number of military students at the target schools.

Q5. What kinds of programs are being funded?

A5. DoDEA will fund projects that enhance student learning opportunities, student achievement and educator professional development. It is expected that most programs will address the academic areas of science, mathematics and English language arts/reading.

Q6. How does a school or school district apply?

A6. The application process has two steps. Concept paper applications will be sent to eligible school districts on or about January 16, 2009. Concept papers will need to be emailed to DoDEA by March 6, 2009. The school districts with the highest rated concept papers will be invited to submit a full proposal, which will be due on May 25, 2009.

Q7. What are the criteria to determine if a school district is eligible to apply?

A7. Eligible K-12 school districts may submit one proposal. The proposal will target one or more schools that meet the following military student enrollment requirements. First, each target school’s SY 08/09 enrollment must include at least 15 percent military students. Second, the total number of military students at the target school(s) must be at least 200,

Q8. Some of the eligible school districts do not have high military student populations. How were the school districts selected?

A8. K-12 school districts associated with installations that have a projected student growth of 400 or more students between SY 07/08 and SY 08/09 met the first eligibility requirement. The competition’s eligibility requirements were based on military student growth projections from multiple sources, including the Report to Congress (March 2008).

The second eligibility requirement is determined by the school districts—not DoDEA. Eligible K-12 school districts may submit one proposal. The proposal must target one or more schools that meet the following military student enrollment requirements. First, each target school’s SY 08/09 enrollment must include at least 15 percent military students. Second, the total number of military students at the target school(s) must be at least 200.

Q9. Will any exceptions be made regarding eligibility?

A9. If a school district can substantiate that it meets the eligibility requirements but is not named on the appended list, it may submit its concept paper to the DoDEA point of contact (below) prior to January 15, 2009. DoDEA will make the final eligibility determination.

Q10. What is DoDEA hoping will be accomplished through this grant program?

A10. DoDEA seeks proposals that enhance student learning opportunities, student achievement, and educator professional development. Proposals serving schools with low student achievement will receive preference. Student achievement in the area(s) being addressed in the projects should include measurements of performance on state norm-and/or criterion-referenced assessments.

Projects must use nationally recognized (or equivalent), research-based practices to enhance student achievement in the following areas: reading, English language arts, science, mathematics, technology, engineering, foreign language and social studies. Proposals must have a strong evaluation plan with data disaggregated at the school level for the military student population.

Q11. What is the definition of a “military student”?

A11. The term, military student, is defined as an elementary or secondary school student who is a dependent of a member of the Armed Forces or a civilian employee of the Department of Defense who is employed on Federal property.

Q12. How will awardees be chosen?

A12. DoDEA will convene teams of reviewers to conduct the reviews of the concept papers and full applications. DoDEA will take into account geographic distribution and Military Service representation when making grant awards.

Q13. When will awards be announced?

A13. It is anticipated that awards will be announced on or about July 1, 2009.

Q14. Must grant funds be devoted solely to military students?

A14. No. Although the funding formula is based on military student enrollment, it is anticipated that most grant programs will serve all students in the target school(s).

Q15. Where can we find more information on the web about this program?

A15. You can read a more detailed outline of our grant program online.

Awards will be based on military student enrollment and will range in size from $300,000 to $2,000,000, depending on the number of military students enrolled at the target schools. The Department's aim is to enhance the educational opportunities for military students. Projects will enhance student learning opportunities, student achievement, and educator professional development at military-connected schools that are experiencing significant military student growth between 2007 and 2009 due to force structure changes based on the Update to the Report on Assistance to Local Educational Agencies for Defense Dependents Education (March 2008). The Department has a priority of awarding grants that are aimed at improving student achievement. The solicitation is open to military-connected schools that have been impacted by force structure changes within SY 07/08 and SY 08/09 with priority given to low-achieving schools. Twenty-two military installations, as shown in the list below have been identified as potentially eligible.

Concept papers are expected to be reviewed in March, 2009; full proposals in June, 2009. Awards are expected to be announced on or about July 1, 2009.

More References & Guides:

Additional Grant

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