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Hazards & Preparedness:

Earthquake Hazards

Safer Structures, Engineering and Building Codes

Earthquake Preparedness


Earthquakes pose significant hazard to life and property. Although earthquakes cannot be prevented, effective measures can be taken to reduce loss of life and damage to property that they cause.

Earthquake Hazards
Efforts aimed at defining the location and quantifying the degree of the earthquake hazard. Such information guides planners, businesses and individuals in both avoiding the hazard (choosing where and how to build) and mitigating it (strengthening existing structures and planning for emergency response)

Safer Structures, Engineering and Building Codes
Basic information about strong shaking and earthquake engineering. Links to agencies actively studying strong shaking and damages resulting from it, or advancing earthquake engineering, design standards, regulatory provisions, etc.

Earthquake Preparedness
Basic information on how to prepare for an earthquake. Links to agencies involved in earthquake preparation and respons, from the Federal level to neighborhood response teams.