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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)




Why is the United States Postal Office of Inspector General an organization that I would be interested in working for?

You would have pride fighting waste, fraud, and misconduct for the second largest government organization that virtually serves every American every day with effective mail service. Conducting investigations and audits will be varied, fulfilling, and exciting. We offer federal locality pay, flexible work schedules, telework, state of the art technology, ongoing professional development, a government-backed pension plan, and numerous other unique benefits.

What are the unique benefits in the OIG?

  • Alternative work schedules with flexible hours. The USPS OIG has several alternate work schedules (AWS) that allow employees to work their 80-hour work schedule with greater flexibility.
  • 560 hours of accumulated annual leave carry over for non executives. Employees are allowed to accumulate and carry over 560 hours of annual leave each year vs. 240 hours of accumulated annual leave for the federal government.
  • Annual Leave Exchange Program - The annual leave exchange program allows eligible employees with an opportunity to receive cash in exchange for earned leave.
  • How do I contact your agency for employment opportunities?

    There are many ways to contact us. Please refer to our contact page to view the specific methods.

    Are there career opportunities in the OIG for students?

    Yes, the Student Cooperative Program and the Intern Program. These programs are designed to build relationships between the USPS OIG and academic institutions and provide students with possible job opportunities for future USPS OIG employment. For more information, visit our employment page

    Does the OIG offer additional benefits?

    Yes, please view the chart on the right side of your screen.

    If I am hired with the USPS OIG, will I be eligible to apply for competitive service positions?

    In accordance to section 1006 of title 39, United States Code, Postal Service employees serve under excepted appointments. They do not acquire competitive status or reinstatement eligibility for competitive service jobs. However, by law, they have special noncompetitive appointment eligibility for competitive service jobs. For the further information, go to

    Is there a age requirement for Special Agent positions in the OIG?

    Yes. The minimum age of entry is 21 years old and the maximum age is 37 years old.