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September 17, 2008

Edward Donovan’s Insects of Australia

Donovans_cicadasEdward Donovan (1768-1837) was a British naturalist and natural history painter, who founded the London Museum and Institute of Natural History largely from his own collections. 

His work on New Holland, New Zealand, and New Guinea is the first systematic and illustrated survey of the insects of Australia based on the collections gathered during the famous first voyage of Captain James Cook throughout the Pacific between 1768 and 1771.  Significantly, a copy of this work was used by scientists as a reference during the United States Exploring Expedition from 1838-1842.

The Cullman Library collects natural history narratives of scientific voyages, and holds the complete works of the three voyages of Captain Cook, as well as the complete works of the United States Exploring Expedition (in both print and digital formats).

More information on these books can be found in SIRIS, the Smithsonian Institution Research Information System catalog.


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