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White Papers on Defense

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Country White Paper - English White Paper - Other Languages Ministry of Defense

Albania The Military Strategy of the Republic of Albania - 2005
The National Security Strategy of the Republic of Albania - 2004
Ministry of Defence

Argentina White Book on National Defense - 1999 Libro Blanco de la República Argentina 1999
Revision de la Defensa 2001
Marco Juridico de la Defensa Nacional
Ministerio de Defensa

Armenia National Security Strategy of the Republic of Armenia - 2007   Ministry of Defence

Australia Australia's National Security: A Defence Update 2007
Australia's National Security: A Defence Update 2005
Australia's National Security: A Defence Update 2003
Defence 2000 - Our Future Defence Force
  Department of Defence

Austria Security and Defence Doctrine -2001   Austrian Armed Forces

Azerbaijan National Security Concept of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 2007 Ümumi müddəalar
Azərbaycan Respublikasının milli təhlükəsizliyinin təmin olunması
Azərbaycan Respublikasının milli təhlükəsizliyinin təmin olunmasının tərkib hissələri və sahələri
Yekun müddəalar
Ministry of National Security

Belarus Military Doctrine of the Republic of Belarus Военная доктрина Республики Беларусь - 2002
Концепция национальной безопасности Республики Беларусь - 2001
Ministry of Defence

Belgium The Modernisation Plan 2000 - 2015 of the Belgian Armed Forces Plan directeur de la Défense 2003 – Plan de transition
Vision future de la Défense - 2003
Ministry of Defence

Bolivia   Libro Blanco de Defensa 2004 Ministerio de Defensa Nacional

Bosnia and Herzegovina Defence White Paper of Bosnia and Herzegovina - 2005 Bijela Knjiga Odbrane Bosne i Hercegovine - 2005
Ministry of Defense

Brazil Brazilian National Defense Policy - 1998
National Defense Policy 2005
Política de Defesa Nacional - 1996
Política de Defesa Nacional - 2005
Política de Defensa Nacional - 2005
Ministry of Defense

Brunei Shaping the Force Today: Defence White Paper Update 2007 Ministry of Defence

Bulgaria White Paper on Defence - 2002 White Paper on Defence (Bulgarian) Ministry of Defence

Cambodia Defending the Kingdom of Cambodia - 2000    

Canada Canada's International Policy Statement Overview - 2005
Canada's International Policy Statement: Defence - 2005
Énoncé de Politique Internationale du Canada: Survol - 2005
Énoncé de Politique Internationale du Canada: Défense - 2005
Department of National Defence

Chile Book of the National Defense of Chile - 2002 Libro de la Defensa Nacional de Chile - 2002 Ministry of Defense

China China's National Defense in 2006
China's National Defense in 2004

Colombia   Política de Defensa y Seguridad Democrática - 2003 Ministerio de Defensa Nacional

Croatia Strategic Defence Review - 2005 Strateski Pregled Obrane - 2005 Ministry of Defence

Czech Republic Military Strategy of the Czech Republic - 2008
Military Strategy of the Czech Republic - 2004
Military Strategy of the Czech Republic - 2002
National Defence Strategy of the Czech Republic - 1997
Vojenská strategie České republiky - 2008 Ministry of Defence

Denmark The Danish Defence Agreement 2005 - 2009
  Ministry of Defence

Ecuador   Libro Blanco de la Defensa Nacional 2002 Ministerio de Defensa Nacional

El Salvador   Libro de la Defensa Nacional 2006
La Nacion Salvadoreña: Su Defensa, Seguridad Y Desarrollo - 1998

Estonia National Security Concept 2004   Ministry of Defence

Ethiopia Foreign Affairs and National Security Policy and Strategy  

European Union A Secure Europe in a Better World: European Security Strategy - 2003 A Secure Europe in a Better World: European Security Strategy - 2003 (Russian) European Union

Finland Finnish Security and Defence Policy 2004 Suomen turvallisuus- ja puolustuspolitiikka 2004 Ministry of Defence

France French White Paper on Defence and National Security - 2008
Military Programme Bill of Law 2003-2008
Livre Blanc sur la Défense et la Sécurité Nationale 2008, Part 1
Livre Blanc sur la Défense et la Sécurité Nationale 2008, Part 2
Livre Blanc sur la Défense et la Sécurité Nationale 2008, Part 3
Livre Blanc sur la Défense 1994, Part 1
Livre Blanc sur la Défense 1994, Part 2
Ministry of Defense

Georgia National Military Strategy of Georgia
White Paper - 2002
National Security Concept of Georgia
საქართველოს ეროვნული სამხედრო სტრატეგია Ministry of Defence

Germany White Paper on the Security of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Situation and Future of the Bundeswehr - 1994
Defence Policy Guidelines - 2003
White Paper 2006
White Paper 2006 Summary
Weißbuch 2006 Vollversion
Weißbuch 2006 Druckversion
Livre Blanc 2006 Résumé
Federal Ministry of Defence - Bundeswehr

Greece White Paper for the Armed Forces - 1997   Ministry of National Defense

Guatemala   Libro de la Defensa Nacional de la República de Guatemala Ejército de Guatemala

Honduras   Libro de la Defensa Nacional 2005(complete document - 56MB)
Libro de la Defensa Nacional 2005 - Part 1
Libro de la Defensa Nacional 2005 - Part 2
Fuerzas Armadas de Honduras

Hungary The National Security Strategy of the Republic of Hungary - 2004 A Magyar Köztársaság nemzeti biztonsági stratégiája - 2004 Ministry of Defence

India Annual Report 2003-2004
Indian Army Doctrine - 2004
  Ministry of Defence

Indonesia Defending the Country: Entering the 21st Century - 2003    

Ireland White Paper on Defence - 2000   Department of Defence

Italy Strategic Concept - 2004 Concetto Strategico - 2004 Ministry of Defence

Jamaica National Security Policy for Jamaica: Towards a Secure and Prosperous Nation - 2007   Ministry of National Security

Japan Defense of Japan 2007
Defense of Japan 2004
  Ministry of Defense

Kazakhstan   Закон Республики Казахстан:
 «О национальной безопасности Республики Казахстан» (от 26 июня 1998 г.)
от 13 июля 1999 г. N 416-I "О борьбе с терроризмом"
"О противодействии экстремизму" - 2005
Ministry of Defense
National Security Committee

Об обороне - 2005
О борьбе с терроризмом - 2005
О национальной безопасности - 2003
Ministry of Defense

Latvia Report on State Defence Policy and Armed Forces Development - 2003   Ministry of Defence

Lebanon The Lebanese Defensive Policy in Light of Vital Interests The Lebanese Defensive Policy in Light of Vital Interests (Arabic) Lebanese Armed Forces

Lithuania Defence Policy White Paper - 2006
Defence Policy White Paper - 2002
National Security Strategy - 2002
  Ministry of National Defence

Macedonia White Paper on Defence - 2005
  Ministry of Defence

El Ejército y Fuerza Aérea Mexicanos Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional

Mongolia Mongolian Defense White Paper 1997/1998   

Montenegro Strategy of National Security of Montenegro 2006   Ministry of Defense

Netherlands National Security: Strategy and Work Programme 2007 - 2008
Netherlands Defence Doctrine - 2005
Summary of Defence White Paper 2000
  Ministry of Defence

New Zealand Defence Long-Term Development Plan - November 2004   Ministry of Defence

Nicaragua   Libro de la Defensa Nacional de Nicaragua - 2004
Libro de la Defensa Nacional de Nicaragua - 2005 (Pt. 1)
Libro de la Defensa Nacional de Nicaragua - 2005 (Pt. 2)

Norway Relevant Force: Strategic Concept of the Norwegian Armed Forces - 2004
The Further Modernisation of the Norwegian Armed Forces 2005-2008
A New Defence for a New Time - 2003
Styrka og relevans - 2004
Innstilling fra forsvarskomiteen om den videre moderniseringen av Forsvaret i perioden 2005-2008
Ministry of Defence

Peru   Libro Blanco de la Defensa Nacional - 2005 Ministry of Defense

Philippines Defense Policy Paper 1998   Department of National Defense

Poland The National Security Strategy of the Republic of Poland - 2007
The National Security Strategy of the Republic of Poland - 2003
White Paper - 2001
Strategia Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej - 2007 Ministry of National Defence

Portugal   Livro Branco da Defesa Nacional - 2001 Ministry of National Defence

Romania The National Security Strategy of Romania - 2007
Romania's National Security Strategy - 2004
Military Strategy of Romania - 2004
Strategia de Securiţate Natională a României - 2007 Ministry of National Defence

Russia Russia's Military Doctrine - 2000 National Security of the Russian Federation - 1997 (Russian)
Russia's Military Doctrine - 2000 (Russian)
Russian Federation Ministerstvo Oborony Rossijkoj Federatsii

Serbia and Montenegro White Paper on Defence of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro - 2005
Defence Strategy of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro - 2005
Defence Strategy of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro - 2005 (Serbo-Croatian) Ministry of Defence

Sierra Leone Defence White Paper    

Singapore The Fight Against Terrorism: Singapore's National Security Strategy 2004   Ministry of Defence

Slovakia Defence Strategy of the Slovak Republic - 2001
Military Strategy of the Slovak Republic - 2001
Security Strategy of the Slovak Republic - 2001
Doctrine of the Armed Forces - 2003
Obranná stratégia Ozbrojených síl SR - 2001
Vojenská stratégia Ozbrojených síl SR - 2001
Bezpečnostná stratégia Slovenskej republiky - 2001
Doktrína Ozbrojených síl Slovenskej republiky - 2005
Ministry of Defence

Slovenia Strategic Defence Review Comprehensive Summary - 2004   Ministry of Defense

South Africa White Paper on National Defence for the Republic of South Africa - 1996
Defence Review - 1998
White Paper on the South African Defence Related Industries - 1999
  Department of Defence

South Korea Participatory Government Defense Policy - 2003   Ministry of National Defense

Spain   Directiva de Defensa Nacional - 2004 Ministry of Defense

Sweden Our Future Defence - the Focus of Swedish Defence Policy 2005-2007
Summary of Our Military Defence - Commitment and Choices - 2003
Summary of A More Secure Neighbourhood - Insecure World - 2003
  Ministry of Defence

Switzerland   Bericht des Bundesrates an die Bundesversammlung über die Konzeption der Armee XXI - 2001 Department of Defence, Civil Protection, and Sports

Taiwan National Defense Report - 2006
National Defense Report - 2004
  Ministry of National Defense

Turkey Defense White Paper 2000 Genel Plan Ve Prensipler Dairesi Başkanliği - 2000 Ministry of National Defence

Turkmenistan   Закон Туркменистана о борьбе с терроризмом - 2003  

Uganda White Paper on Defence Transformation - 2004 Ministry of Defence

Ukraine White Book 2007: Defence Policy of Ukraine
White Book 2006: Defence Policy of Ukraine
White Book 2005: Defence Policy of Ukraine
Ukraine's Strategic Defence Bulletin until 2015
Біла Книга 2006: Оборонна Політика України
Біла Книга 2005: Оборонна Політика України
Ukraine's Strategic Defence Bulletin until 2015 (Ukrainian)
Ministry of Defence

United Kingdom The National Security Strategy of the United Kingdom: Security in an Interdependent World - 2008
Defence Industrial Strategy - Defence White Paper - 2005
Delivering Security in a Changing World: Future Capabilities - 2004
Delivering Security in a Changing World: Defence White Paper - 2003
  Ministry of Defence

United States of America National Security Strategy of the United States of America - 2006
National Security Strategy of the United States of America - 2002
National Military Strategy of the United States of America - 2005
National Defense of the United States of America - 2005
National Security Strategy of the United States of America - 2002 (Russian)
Strategie des Etats-Unis d'Amerique en Matiere de Securite Nationale - 2002
National Security Strategy of the United States of America - 2002 (Arabic)
Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional de Estados Unidos
Department of Defense

Uruguay   Bases Para Una Politica de Defensa Nacional - 1999  

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