Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)/Privacy Act (PA)

Privacy Act Statement can be found at bottom of page

(Fields with an asterisk by them are necessary in order to respond to your request)

Please enter the requested information below:

* Your Name:
E-Mail Address:
Your Organization:
Your Address:
Additonal Address:
* City:
* State:
* ZIP Code:
Phone Number:
(xxx) xxx-xxxx
* Your Request:
* Willing to pay ($):

Privacy Act Statement:

Authority: 5 USC 301; 5 USC 552
Principal Purpose: to obtain necessary information so that a response can be provided to your FOIA request.
Routine Use: Your request may be referred to another Federal agency if the record(s) you seek originated with that agency.
Disclosure: Voluntary: However, no reply can be given if the requested information is not furnished.

If you desire a copy of this On-line Assistance Request.
Select File, Print from your browser menu after you submit this form.