GrainGenes Home

GrainGenes: Database Information

    Database Information

On this page:

About GrainGenes

The GrainGenes Database

  1. Access the GrainGenes Database
  2. Download the GrainGenes ACEDB Database
    1. Local Installation
    2. What does standalone ACEDB look like?

Mailgroup ''

To join the mailgroup, please send your request to David Matthews and you will be added to the list. All mail sent to: gets sent to the members of the maillist.

  1. Membership Information
  2. E-mail Addresses. This list is available on request from Dave Matthews.

GrainGenes Administrative Information

  1. About Administration Information
  2. Templates for Data Entry
  3. Handling References
  4. Nomenclature and Conventions

GrainGenes Gopher

The "Gopher" was an early network of Internet servers, precursor of the World-Wide Web. Most Web browsers no longer support it.
  1. WWW version of the GrainGenes Gopher
  2. The original GrainGenes Gopher (if your browser supports it)
  3. About the GrainGenes Gopher

GrainGenes is a product of the Agricultural Research Service of the US Department of Agriculture.