U.S. Imports of Textile and Apparel Products in Category Units

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By MFA Category

By Harmonized Tariff Schedule Number (HTS) in Units

All Textile and Apparel Products Note: This list takes a long time to download

Chapter 50 Silk
Chapter 51 Wool
Chapter 52 Cotton
Chapter 53 Other Vegetable Fibers
Chapter 54 Man-Made Filaments
Chapter 55 Man-Made Staple Fibers
Chapter 56 Nonwovens, Cordage ...
Chapter 57 Floor Coverings
Chapter 58 Special Woven Fabrics
Chapter 59 Coated and Industrial Fabrics
Chapter 60 Knitted Fabrics
Chapter 61 Knitted Apparel
Chapter 62 Woven Apparel
Chapter 63 Other Made-up Textile Articles
Other Textile and Apparel Products