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Home » R&D Programs » Systems Analysis



Technical Contact:

Pat Falcone
(925) 294-2524

Related Info:

Simulation and Systems Analysis

Systems Analysis

Science and technology solutions are critical to many national and homeland security problems — when the technology meets the needs of a given challenge, performs well, is used effectively, and is cost-effective.

Systems analysis helps ensure that potential technology solutions achieve these goals by first understanding the application context and then evaluating solutions from the perspective of that context.

Systems analysts support the entire product life cycle, often focusing particularly on future needs and capabilities. And ultimately, the in-depth knowledge gained through technology analyses can provide valuable insight for policy decisions.

Systems analysis can encompass a range of projects:

Sandia uses systems analysis to help leaders understand if response strategies are robust, even in the face of many unknowns about the attacks. For example, the tornado chart (below) reveals that changing assumptions about the prophylaxis compliance rate can greatly affect the number of mortalities in a bio-attack.

tornado chart

A sampling of systems analysis projects at Sandia follows:

For more information, contact Pat Falcone at (925) 294-2524.