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Home » Partnering » Hydrogen



Partnerships & Licensing Contact:

Jill Micheau
(925) 294-3672

Related Info:

Sandia’s Hydrogen Program


Energy diversity has come to the forefront of issues involving economic stability and national security. Diversifying our nation’s energy portfolio is a primary concern so that the United States can become less dependent on the volatile oil markets controlled by many unstable governments. In addition, carbon dioxide mitigation is becoming more important as the world continues to experience the effects of global warming. These effects cause not only economic devastation in areas hit by hurricanes and floods, but also cause instability, which directly affects national security.

Sandia National Laboratories, which conducts hydrogen research at both the New Mexico and California sites, has successfully partnered with universities and companies to further propel our country into the hydrogen economy. Sandia continues to seek these partnerships so that our technologies can help diversify the country’s energy portfolio while simultaneously decreasing harmful greenhouse emissions.

Research in Livermore encompasses the following:

In addition, our New Mexico researchers have ongoing projects in hydrogen storage, hydrogen fuel cells, and the development of material that facilitates the use of hydrogen as an energy source.

Contact Jill Micheau at (925) 294-3672 for more information on partnering opportunities with Sandia’s Hydrogen group.