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A Message from Paul Hommert, Vice President of Sandia/California

photo of Sandia California VP Paul Hommert

Welcome to Sandia’s California laboratory.

Over the years, Sandia/California has developed and applied our science-based technologies to solve our nation’s most pressing challenges at any given time — from combating terrorism with handheld devices that detect and signal the presence of biological and chemical agents to developing efficient, cost-effective processes that will make hydrogen-powered fuel cells and biofuel true alternative-energy sources. We are proud of the many contributions made by our talented workforce and our long legacy of providing exceptional service in the national interest.

The vision of Sandia National Laboratories is to be the nation’s premier science and engineering lab for national security and technology innovation. We provide our staff with tools and facilities that rank among the world’s best, and our researchers are currently tackling tough problems in homeland defense, global security, biotechnology, environmental preservation, energy and combustion research, computer security, and nuclear defense.

I invite you to explore our website and discover the exciting Sandia-developed technologies that are helping to change the world!

Paul Hommert
Vice President, Sandia/California