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Site Response

Improving the reliability and usability of detailed seismic hazard maps is a major goal of multidisciplinary studies underway in and with the USGS. Specific objectives include incorporating earthquake site response, strong ground motion, and shallow shear velocity in the urban hazard maps for Seattle and the Puget Lowland urban corridor. Arthur Frankel, project leader.

map showing general geologic units near Seattle; modified land underlies most of the harbor and city area


Shear-wave velocity measurements

Site Map / Data Links
Surface seismic measurements, abstract from J. Earthquake Spectra, 1999
S-wave Velocities for Specific Deposits
abstract and poster session from 1999 SSA Spring Meeting
Surface Seismic-Reflection/Refraction Measurements
abstract and poster session from 1997 AGU Fall Meeting

Strong ground motion

Preliminary simulation of a M6.5 earthquake on the Seattle Fault using 3D finite-difference modeling, USGS Open-File Report 00-0339 (html) Movie
A three-dimensional finite-difference simulation of a moderate-sized (M 6.5) thrust-faulting earthquake on the Seattle fault demonstrates the effects of the Seattle Basin on strong ground motion in the Puget lowland.
Movies of earthquake simulation and King Dome implosion
Groundmotion home page (links to groundmotion studies in other areas)

Ground Amplification from Earthquakes

Site Response in West Seattle, poster session from 1999 SSA Spring Meeting
Site Response for Seattle and Source Parameters of Earthquakes in the Puget Sound Region, abstract from 1997 AGU Fall Meeting
Field Investigation of May 3, 1996 magnitude 5.3 earthquake near Duvall, Washington