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Suspect/Counterfeit - Defective Items
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Suspect/Counterfeit and Defective Items

The Department of Energy is committed to ensuring that items and components installed in safety-related or mission-critical applications meet their intended function and operability requirements. Therefore, the Office of Health, Safety and Security has established a process for identifying Suspect/Counterfeit (S/CI) or Defective Items (DI) that are deemed safety-significant and broadly applicable to DOE facilities and for ensuring that action is taken. (S/CI-DI process guide).

blue bullet S/CI-DI Website Access: Access to password protected areas of this website is available to DOE employees and contractors, and other Federal/military employees with a need-to-know. Such persons must register for a password in this area to gain access to S/CI and DI information.

Documents downloaded from the password-protected areas of this web site may be made available to the DOE Federal/military and DOE contractor community. These documents are not permitted to be made available to the general public via an Internet web site. All parties with access to the password-protected areas of the HSS web site are to exercise due diligence to maintain control of information.
blue bullet Suspect-Counterfeit Items: Data Collection Sheets for items in which a defect appears to be due to misrepresentation of the item by the vendor, supplier, distributor, or manufacturer. Archived S/CI Data Collection Sheets are also available with topical search capability.
blue bullet Defective Items: Data Collection Sheets for items in which the defect appears to be due to an unintentional error in the manufacturing process. Defective items are often recalled by their manufacturers.

Archived DI Data Collection Sheets are also available with topical search capability. The link to defective items will contain certain recalls from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) deemed significant and applicable to DOE operations. CPSC is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of serious injury or death from more than 15,000 types of consumer products. You can find information on over 4,000 product recalls using the various searches at http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prerel.html

blue bullet Safety Alerts may contain S/CI or DI in which a higher level of concern has been identified and various degrees of action are required.
blue bullet Safety Bulletins may contain S/CI or DI in which a higher level of concern has been identified and various degrees of action are required.
blue bullet Upcoming Events contains information on training, conferences, and other S/CI-DI related events.
blue bullet References contain a variety of S/CI-DI-related documents including training material, subject matter experts, technical documents, statutory information, and published S/C-DI-related articles. 
blue bullet Topical Search provides for searches of S/CI-DI posted on this website by keywords.

This page was last updated on January 17, 2008

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