Welcome to the Military Equipment Valuation & Accountability (MEVA) Website!

The Department of Defense (DoD) is in the midst of a significant business transformation, and because military equipment accounts for approximately three-fourths of Department’s general property, plant and equipment—the largest single item on the DoD balance sheet—and 25% of DoD’s total assets,
we have a major part to play in that transformation. 

The initiatives described in this website will result in decision-makers having
more information about our military equipment.

With more knowledge, DoD senior leaders can make better informed decisions and increase the public’s confidence and trust—trust that we’re spending taxpayer funds prudently, while providing the best possible support to the warfighter.

Headline News

new itemDoD Directs Use of Activity-based Depreciation for Military Equipment (December 2008)
A Department of Defense (DoD) memorandum jointly signed on 26 November 2008 by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (OUSD (AT&L)) and the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (OUSD (C)) is changing the way the Department depreciates military equipment. Based on the results of a Military Equipment Useful Life study jointly initiated by OUSD (AT&L) and OUSD (C) this memorandum directs a switch from straight-line, time-based depreciation practices to activity-based depreciation for military equipment impacted by changes in operational tempo (OPTEMPO). More…

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