Business Enterprise Integration Directorate Home

Welcome to the I&E Business Enterprise Integration (BEI) web pages (formerly Business Transformation Directorate). These pages are intended to provide direct communication from our office to members and stakeholders of the I&E Community across DoD.

The I&E Business Enterprise Integration Directorate was established in May of 2003 to:

Vision, Mission and Goals


An I&E Community that provides timely, accurate, and reliable information within I&E and to the warfighter and DoD business enterprise.


Support both the I&E and DoD Business Transformation goals.



To enable IT that supports integrated business management, BEI has undertaken the following initiatives:

BEI also performs the following activities to support all its initiatives:


Real Property and Installations Lifecycle Management (RPILM) well-established governance processes support federated management because the business owners themselves drive business modernization and the associated support IT systems.