Joint Advanced Concepts (JAC)

The office of the Director, Joint Advanced Concepts (JAC) develops and leads key initiatives that provide recommendations to the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (AT&L) and the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for A&T to support early strategic investment decisions that ensure joint, integrated, interoperable, system-of-system combat capability to the warfighter.

Mission & Roles

The Office of Joint Advanced Concepts:

  • Develops synchronizing processes to make early strategic investment decisions on Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs)
  • Implements DSD DoD Transformation Priorities: Concept Decision, Time-Defined Acquisition and Investment Balance Review
  • Integrates and implements policies regarding systems integration and interoperability of systems used in coalition warfare
  • Provides early shaping of acquisition programs to deliver joint capabilities through system-of-systems development
  • Establishes risk-based collaborative framework to synchronize capability-based assessments for Advanced Concepts
  • Serves as Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) lead for and bridge to the ASD for Networks and Information Integration (NII), Missile Defense Agency (MDA), National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), COCOMs (Combatant Commanders), GOFO (General Officer/Flag Officer) Integration, Functional Capability Boards (FCBs), Capability Portfolio Managers (CPM), and Joint Capabilities Boards (JCBs)
  • Leads Department-wide portfolio-based Special Access Program analysis; develops and implements the tools required to support these portfolio analyses


Page Last Upated: January 5, 2009