William Taft

Presidential Number: 27th
Years he was President: 1909--1913
State Represented: Ohio
Party Affiliation: Republican
Fact(s): Improved the economy and helped to build the government of the Philippines. He was the son of a distinguished judge. He preferred law to politics.
Birthday: September 15, 1857
How old would he be this year? 146
School(s) attended: Yale College, Cincinnati Law School
Wife: Helen Taft
Occupation(s) before he was President: Federal circuit judge, professor of law at Yale
Other way(s) he served: Secretary of War
Height: 6 feet
Favorite Foods: Turle Soup
Hobbies or Sports: Golf, riding
Pets: Cow named Pauline Wayne

Life in America
How would he have traveled? Car, train
How would he have communicated with his friends? Telephone, typed letter. telegram
U.S. Population when term began: 95,972,266
Number of stars on flag when he left office: 48
William Taft

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Art and information provided by fifth-graders from Abingdon Elementary School in Arlington, Virginia. Coloringbook drawings by White House artist Rania Hassan.