Office of Human Subjects Research

Researcher and IRB Computer-Based Training

Table of Contents

  1. I do not work for the NIH, but would like to take the Researcher CBT
  2. How long does the training take?
  3. How can I get a username & password?
  4. I forgot my username / password.
  5. I cannot open the next section of the course.
  6. How can I get certified?
  7. My name is wrong on my certificate.
  8. I need another copy of my certificate.

Questions & Answers

  1. I do not work for the NIH, but would like to take the Researcher CBT.
  2. How long does the training take?
    • Q: How long should I plan to spend taking the training course?
    • A: Approximately one hour if you work straight through. However, you do not have to take it all at one sitting. The program keeps track of your progress so that if you have to do it in several sessions you can resume where you left off rather than having to start over at the beginning each time.
  3. How can I get a username & password?
    • Q: I tried to login to the training course, but it asked for a user name and password. How do I get a user name and password?
    • A: Before logging into the training program, you need to register. The link to the registration process is right above the login link on the opening page of the training program. During registration, you will be asked to select a username and password. You can choose any name you like as long as no one else has used it already. You can also choose any password you like. Try to choose words you will be able to remember since you will be required to type them in whenever you enter/re-enter the training program or reprint your certificate of completion. Once you have selected a username and password you can use them to login to the training program and begin the course.
  4. I forgot my username / password.
    • Q: I can’t remember the username and password that I selected when I first registered to take the course. Can you tell me?
    • A: You can help yourself in this case. Just go to the page where you registered for the course in question, either the one for researchers or IRB members. Enter the email address that you used when you registered to take the course in the space provided. If the address you enter matches the one you used during registration, the program will send you an email listing your username and password.
  5. I cannot open the next section of the course.
    • Q: I finished the first three sections of the course for researchers, but cannot open any of the following sections. I don’t see how I can complete the course. Is the training program not working?
    • A: The program is working. It was designed so that you must complete each section in turn before advancing to the next section. The program enforces this instructional design by activating the link to each new section only when you have completed the preceding section. If you cannot open the fourth section, it means that you have not yet completed the third one. Login to the course again and work all the way through the third section. When you finish, you will see that the link to the next section becomes active.
  6. How can I get certified?
    • Q: I understand that I am supposed to take one of the human subjects protection training courses because of my responsibilities at the NIH. But how do I get certified afterwards?
    • A: At the end of the training course, you will have the option of filling out an online evaluation questionnaire. When you finish the questionnaire, a certificate of completion will be generated and displayed on your screen. You can use your web browser to print the certificate for your own records. If for some reason you can't print the certificate at that time (e.g., printer not working), you can always return to the training web site at a later time and print the certificate without taking the training again.
  7. My name is wrong on my certificate.
    • Q: When I filled out the evaluation questionnaire at the end of the course, I entered my name incorrectly. My name is really “Robert Smith” not “Smith Smith”. Can you fix this so that my certificate of completion reads correctly?
    • A: You can fix this yourself. Log into the training course again, using the same username and password that you used when you registered to take the course. You will be directed to a page that allows you to view your answers to the certification questionnaire and at the same time, make changes to your name. Simply follow the instructions after clicking the link for “Change My Name”.
  8. I need another copy of my certificate.
    • Q: I completed the training course, but now I need another copy of my certificate of completion. Can you send it to me?
    • A: No, but you can generate another copy for yourself. Just go to the page where you registered for the course in question, either the one for researchers or IRB members. There is a link on that page for generating another copy of your certificate. You will need to know the username and password you selected when you registered for the course. If you have forgotten them, then see the instructions on how to retrieve your username and password.