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A Message from the Director:
Welcome to School Year 2008-2009

Welcome to DoDDS-Pacific/DDESS-Guam, where providing students with a world class education remains our top priority.  There are over 23,000 children and young adults in preschool through 12th grade who attend our schools in Korea, Japan, Okinawa, and Guam. Our teachers, administrators, and support staff are well trained and committed to excellence.  Their vested interest in fostering student learning coupled with the incredible level of commitment we get from our parents and military communities, makes such a difference for our young learners.

DoDEA offers a curriculum based on rigorous content standards in every subject.  Subject matter experts review these standards often to ensure they are designed to prepare students for success in the twenty-first century.  This year we will begin to implement revised standards in English/Language Arts and Social Studies, and will continue the revision of standards in other program areas.  Teaching to rigorous standards provides a challenging curriculum to all students as they transition to post secondary endeavors, other DoDEA schools, or school systems in the United States.


The schools in the Pacific offer a wide and relevant selection of learning opportunities.   We will continue to support strong reading and writing programs and ensure effective supplemental math assistance for elementary students using strategic interventions.  Our emphasis on meeting the specific needs of individual students will continue through comprehensive programs such as middle and secondary math and reading labs, professional technical studies, K-12 foreign languages, gifted education, Advanced Placement courses, host nation intercultural studies, and special education services.  

Students will also have ample opportunities for enrichment and extracurricular activities through events such as the Pacific Junior Science and Humanities Symposium; district foreign language contests; National History Day competitions; seasonal Far East athletic tournaments; and Far East activities such as Model United Nations and the Far East Music Fest.  Ensuring students a safe and secure learning environment remains a top priority. Our campuses have in place services to support transition, deployments, anti-bullying, and Internet safety practices.

As we begin SY 08-09 let me assure you that our commitment is to provide your children with an outstanding education that will prepare them to be lifelong learners and contributing members of a global society. Should you or a member of your family have any questions or need additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact your local school, district superintendent, or my office.   Once again, welcome to the best schools in the Pacific, where your child’s future is our focus.

Nancy C. Bresell
Director, DoDDS-Pacific/DDESS-Guam


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Last Updated: September 2, 2008
Enrollment and Eligibility: For in depth descriptions of eligibility and enrollment for SY 07-08

DoDDS Pacific Literacy Project:
a three-tiered approach to providing reading instruction so that all children will be successful
Pacifica, SY 2005-2006:
a spotlight on people, places, and programs in DoDDS Pacific
photo of girl on slide

photo of student with mother

photo of two children running