R.A. McIntosh1, K.M. Devos2, J. Dubcovsky3 and W.J. Rogers4

1Plant Breeding Institute, The University of Sydney, 107 Cobbitty Road, Cobbitty, N.S.W., Australia, 2570.

2John Innes Centre, Norwich Research Park, Colney, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 7UH, U.K.

3Department of Agronomy and Range Science, University of California, Davis, 95616 CA, U.S.A.

4Catedra de Genetica y Fitotecnia, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, 7300 Azul, Argentina.


The most recent edition of the Catalogue appeared in the Proceedings of the 9th International Wheat Genetics Symposium Vol. 5 (A.E. Slinkard ed., University Extension Press, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada). A modified version is displayed on the Graingenes Website: The 1999 and 2000 Supplements are included in Annual Wheat Newsletters and Wheat Information Service and are listed in the Graingenes Website.  The present Supplement will be offered to editors/curators for similar listing.



10. Laboratory Designators for DNA markers


Cregan, P.


Bldg 006, HH-19 BARC-WE

Beltsville, MD 20705-2350



Gill, K.

Department of Agronomy

362H Plant Science

P.O. Box 830915

University of Nebraska, Lincoln

Lincoln NE68583-0915



Sorrells, M.

Dept. of Plant Breeding & Biometry

Cornell University

252 Emerson Hall

Ithaca, NY 14853




(University of Arizona*)

Pioneer Hi-Bred International

7250 N.W. 62nd Avenue

Johnston IA 50131



Röder, M.S.

(Gatersleben D-genome microsatellite*)

Institut fuer Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung (IPK)

Corrensstr. 3

06466 Gatersleben



Hasselkorn, R.

Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology

University of Chicago*

Chicago, Illinois 60637



Luigi Cattivelli

Istituto Sperimentale Cerealicoltura*

Via S. Protaso, 302

Fiorenzuola d'Arca (PC)

I-29017 Italy





Gross Morphology: Spike characteristics

5.             Elongated glume

P1.  Revise:


[P {911}; Eg {922}; P-Apol1 {0254}; P-Apet1 {0254}].

7AL {922,1547}, 7A or 7B (based on linkage of 0.2 with a gene for red coleoptile {922}.



Saratovskaya 29*8//Novsibirskaya 67*2/T. polonicum {922}.



P-LD222 = LD222*11/T. turgidum var polonicum {1546,1547}.



T. polonicum {0254}; T. petropavlovskyi {0254}.



Xgwm260-7A (S) - 2.3 cM - P1 - 5.6 cM - Xgwm1083-7A (L) {0254}; Xgwm890-7A  - 2.1 cM - P1 {0254}.

Add at the end of the 'Elongated glume' section:

Note: The loci determining elongated glumes in the T. turanicum and T. durum conv. falcatum are not homoeologous to the P loci in the centromeric region of the group 7 chromosomes {0254}.


Alkylresocinols Content in Grain

Ar1 {0281}.

5AL {0281}.


High alkylresocinols content is dominant {0281}.




Langdon {0281}.

ar1 {0281}.



Ardente {0281}.  This cultivar has a low content compared to all tested durum and common wheats {0281}






Aluminium Tolerance

Alt2.  ma:  Add: ‘Alt2 cosegregated with Xbcd1230-4D and fell within the interval Xgdm125-4D – 4.8cM – Alt2 – 1.1cM – Xpsr914-4D {0248}.’.


Anthocyanin Pigmentation

3.         Red/purple coleoptiles

Replace the previous entries with:

There is an orthologous gene series on the short arms of homoeologous group 7.  The 'a' alleles confer red coleoptiles.

Rc-A1a {0250}.

[Rc1, R {401}].

7A {769,1293}, 7AS {0250}.


CS*6/Hope 7A {1293}.



Hope Rc-B1



Rc-A1 (distal) - 11.9 cM - Xgwm913-7A {0250}.

Rc-B1a {0250}.

[Rc2, R2 {401}].

7B {742}, 7BS {401, 769, 0250}


CS*6/Hope 7B {769}.



Hope Rc-A1.



Xgwm263-7B - 26.1 cM - Rc-B1 - 11.0 cM - Xgwm1184 {0250}.

Rc-D1a {0250}.

[Rc3 ].

7D {596}, 7DS {1241, 1444, 0250}.





Mironovskaya 808 {1444}; Tetra Canthatch/Ae. squarrosa var. strangulata RL 5271, RL 5404 {1240}; Tetra Canthatch/Ae. squarrosa var. meyeri RL 5289, RL 5406 {1240}; Sears' T. dicoccoides/Ae. squarrosa = Sears' Synthetic {596}.



Rc-D1 (distal) - 3 cM - Xpsr108-7D {180}; Xgwm44-7D - 6.4 cM - Rc-D1 - 13.7 cM - Xgwm111-7D {0250}.

Tahir & Tsunewaki {1453} reported that T. spelta var. duhamelianum carries genes promoting pigmentation on chromosomes 7A and 7D and genes suppressing pigmentation on 2A, 2B, 2D, 3B and 6A.  Sutka {1444} reported a fourth factor in chromosome 6B and suppressors in 2A, 2B, 2D, 4B and 6A.



1.         Dominant Inhibitors

1.2. Tipped 1

B1 Revise ‘5AL {1293}.’ to ‘5AL {1293,0242}.’.


DNA Markers

Group 1S


Xabg500-1A. Revise the first column to 'Xabg500-1A {280}5, 1B,D {0252}1.'.

Xbcd446-1A. Add '(1BL).' in the last column.

Xbcd1124-1A,B. Revise the first column to 'Xbcd1124-1A {280}5, 1B {1529}1, 1D {0252}1.'.

Xbcd1706-1A,B. Revise the first column to 'Xbcd1796-1A {280}5, 1B {1529}1, 1D {0252}1.'.

Xcdo99-1B,D. Revise the first column to 'Xcdo99-1A {0252}1, 1B {154}1, 1D {1529}4.'.

Xcdo388-1B,D. Revise the first column to 'Xcdo388-1B.1 [{1529,0252}]1, 1D {1529}4.', add '[Xcdo388-1B {1529}, Xcdo388a-1B {0252}].' in the second column and revise the last column to '(1BL, 2B, 3D, 4A,D, 5A,B, 6A,D).'.

Xcdo534-1B. Revise the last column to '(3A, 6A,B,D, 7A).'.

Xcdo580-1A. Revise the first column to ‘Xcdo580-1A {280}1,3,5,{1529}1, 1D {0242}.

Xcdo658-1A,B,D. Revise the first column to 'Xcdo658-1A {280}3,5,{0252}1, 1B,D {445}1.'.

Xcdo1173-1A,B,D. Revise the first column to 'Xcdo1173-1A {280}3,5,{0252}1, 1B {1529}1,1D {445}1.'.

Xcdo1188-1A.1,B.1,D. Revise the first column to 'Xcdo1188-1A.1 [{280}]3,5,[{0252}]1, 1B.1 [{1529}]1, 1D {445}1.', add '[Xcdo1188-1A.{280}3,5,{0252}1, 1B {1529}1].' in the second column , and add '(1AL,BL).' in the last column.

Xcdo1340-1B. Revise the first column to 'Xcdo1340-1A {0252}, 1B {1529}, 1D {0252}.' and add '(1BL).' to the last column.

Xcmwg645-1A.2. Revise the first column to 'Xcmwg645-1A.1 {280}3,5,[{0252}]1, 1B.1, D.1 [{0252}]1.' and add '[Xcmwg645a-1A,B,D {0252}1].' in the second column.

Xgwm18-1B. Add ‘(4B).’ in the last column.

Xgwm33-1A. Revise the first column to 'Xgwm33-1A {1226}1, 1B {0270}2.' and add '(1BL).' in the last column.

Xgwm136-1A. Revise the first column to 'Xgwm136-1A {9929},{0269}2.'.

Xgwm273-1B. Revise the first column to 'Xgwm273-1B {9929},{0270}2.'.

Xgwm413-1B. Revise the first column to 'Xgwm413-1B {9929},{0270}2.'.

XksuE19-1A,B,D. Revise the last column to ‘(6D, 7B).’.

XksuF43-1B.1,.2. Revise the first column to 'XksuF43-1A {252}, 1B.1,.2 {1529}, 1D {0252}.'.

Xmwg60-1A. Revise the first column to 'Xmwg60-1A {280}1,5, 1B,D {0250}1.'.

Xmwg68-1A,B. Revise the first column to 'Xmwg68-1A {280}5,{0252}1, 1B {1529}1, 1D {0252}.'.

Xmwg837-1B.1,D. Revise the first column to 'Xmwg837-1A [{0252}], 1B.1,D {1529}.' and add '[Xmwg837a-1A {0252}].' in the second column.

Xmwg938-1B,D. Revise the first column to 'Xmwg938-1A [{0252}], 1B.1 [{1529,0252}], 1D {1529}.', add '[Xmwg938a-1A,B {0252}, Xmwg938-1B {1529}].' in the second column and revise the last column to  '(1BL, 7A).'

Xmwg2021-1A.2,.2. Revise the first column to 'Xmwg2021-1A.1 {280}3,5, 1A.2 {280}1, 1B.1,D [{0252}].', add '[Xmwg2021a-1B,D {0252}].' in the second column and revise the last column to '(1BL, 2A, 3A).'.

Xmwg2048-1A. Revise the first column to 'Xmwg2048-1A {282}3,{0252}1, 1B,D {0252}1.'.

Xmwg2083-1A. Revise the first column to 'Xmwg2083-1A {280}5, [{0250}]1, 1B.1,D [{0252}]1.', add '[Xmwg2083a-1B,D {0252}].' in the second column and add '(1BL).' in the last column.

Xmwg2245-1D. Revise the first column to 'Xmwg2245-1A,B {0252}, 1D {0135}.'.

Xpsr596-1A,B,D. Add ‘(2B, 3A).’ in the last column.

Xrz244-1A. Revise the first column to 'Xrz244-1A {1529}, 1B,D {0252}.'.

Xsfr2(Lrk10)-1A. Revise the first column to 'Xsfr2(Lrk10)-1A [{356,0252}], 1B,D [{0252}].' and revise the second column to '[Lrk10 {356}, XLrk10-1A,B,D {0252}].'.

Xutv1391-1: Revise the first column to 'Xutv1391-1A {9959}2, 1B {0269}2.'



Xabg53-1A,B,D {0252}.




Xabg59-1B,D {0252}.




Xabg74-1A,B,D {0252}.




Xabg494-1A,B,D {0252}.




Xbcd368-1A {0242}.




Xbcd371-1B  {0275}.




Xbcd762-1A.2,B.2,D [{0252}].

[Xbcd762a-1A,B,D {0252}].



Xbcd1340-1A,B,D {0252}.




Xcdo127-1A,B.1,D [{0252}].

[Xcdo127a-1A,B,D {0252}].


(1B, 3A).

Xcdo127-1B.2 [{0252}].

[Xcdo127b-1B {0252}].


(1A,B,D, 3A).

Xcdo580-1A,B.1,D [{0252}].

[Xcdo580a-1A,B,D {0252}].



Xcdo580-1B.2 [{0252}].

[Xcdo580b-1B {0252}].



Xcdo618-1B {0269}2.




Xcdo1373-1B {0269}2.




Xcdo1423-1A,B,D {0252}.




Xmwg835-1A,B.1,D [{0252}].

[Xmwg835a-1A,B,D {0252}.


(1BL, 2A, 5A).

Xmwg913-1B.1 [{0252}].

[Xmwg913a-1B {0252}].



Xmwg913-1B.2 [{0252}].

[Xmwg913b-1B {0252}].



Xmwg2056-1A,B,D [{0252}].

[Xmwg2056a-1A,B,D {0252}].



Xmwg2148-1A,B.1,D [{0252}].

[Xmwg2148a-1A,B,D {0252}].



Xmwg2197-1A,B {0252}.




Xsun18-1B {0256}.




Xuaz299-1B {0269}2.




Xutv1366-1A.1 {0269}.2

[Xutv1366d-1A {0269}2].



Xutv1366-1A.2 {0269}2.

[Xutv1366c-1A {0269}2].



Xwmc24-1A [{0242}].

[Xwmc024-1A {0242}].

WMC 24F/WMC 24R.


Xwmc147-1D {0242}.


WMC 147F/WMC 147R.


Xwmc336-1D {0242}.


WMC 336F/WMC 336R.


Xwmc432-1D {0242}.


WMC 432F/WMC 432R.







Group 1L


Xabc151. Revise the first column to 'Xabc151-1B {0252}1, 1D {1529}4.'.

Xabg452. Revise the first column to 'Xabg452-1A {1529}1,{280}1,3,5, 1B,D {0252}1.'.

Xbcd22-1A. Revise the first column to ‘Xbcd22-1A {280}5, 1B {0242,0252}1, 1D {0252}1.’ and revise the last column to ‘(3A,D)’.

Xbcd207-1A. Revise the first column to 'Xbcd207-1A {280}5, 1B {0274}1.'

Xbcd310-1B. Revise the first column to ‘Xbcd310-1A {0242}, 1B {445}.’.

Xbcd265-1A,B,D. Revise the last column to ‘(2B, 4B,D, 5A).’.

Xbcd762-1A,B. Revise the first column to 'Xbcd762-1A.1 [{280}]5, 1B.1 [{1529,0252}]1.', add '[Xbcd762-1A {280}5, Xbcd762-1B {1529}1, Xbcd762b-1B {0252}1].' in the second column and add '(1AS,BS,DS).' in the last column.

Xbcd808-1A.1, .2.  Revise the first column to ‘Xbcd808-1A.1 {1529}1,{280}1,3,5, 1A.2 {1529}, 1B {0242}.’.

Xbcd921-1A,D. Revise the first column to 'Xbcd921-1A {280}5, 1B {0252}1, 1D {445}1.'

Xcdo105-1A. Revise the first column to 'Xcdo105-1A {280}1,5, 1B {0275}1.'.

Xcdo393-1A,B. Revise the first column to ‘Xcdo393-1A {1529}1, {280}3, 1B {154}, 1D {0242}.’.

Xcdo346-1B. Revise the last column to '(2B, 5D).'.

Xcdo473-1A. Revise the first column to ‘Xcdo473-1A {1529}, 1B {0242}.’.

Xcdo1160-1A. Revise the first column to 'Xcdo1160-1A {1529}, 1B {0275}.'.

Xcdo1396-1A. Revise the first column to 'Xcdo1396-1A {280}5, 1B {0275}1.'.

Xcmwg645-1A.2. Revise the first column to 'Xcmwg645-1A.2 {280}5, 1B.2 [{1529,0250}]1.', add [Xmwg645 {280,1529}, Xcmwg645b-1B {0252}].' in the second column and revise the last column to '(1AS,BS,DS, 5A).'.

Xcmwg758-1A,B. Revise the first column to 'Xcmwg758-1A {280}1,3,5, 1B {1529}1, 1D {0252}.'.

Xgwm124-1B. Revise the first column to 'Xgwm124-1B {9929}1,{0270}2.'.

Xgwm153-1B. Revise the first column to 'Xgwm153-1B {9929}1,{0270}2.'.

Xgwm268-1B. Revise the first column to 'Xgwm268-1B {9929}1,{0270}2.'.

Xgwm403-1B. Revise the first column to 'Xgwm403-1B {9929}1,{0270}2.'.

Xgwm498-1B. Revise the first column to 'Xgwm498-1B {9929},{0270}2.'.

XksuA1-1B. Revise the last column to ‘(2D, 3B, 5B, 7D).’.

XksuD49-1B,D. Revise the first column to ‘XksuD49-1A {0242}, 1B {728}, 1D {448}1,4, {1529}1.’.

Xmwg837-1B.2. Add '(1AS,BS,DS).' in the last column.

Xwg180-1A. Revise the last column to ‘(4B, 7BS,L).’.



Xbcd372-1B,D {0252}.




Xbcd402-1D {0242}.



(4A, 5A,4B,D).

Xbcd446-1B  {0275}.




Xbcd1495-1B {0269}2.




Xcdo388-1B.2 [{0252}].

[Xcdo388b-1B {0252}].


(1BS,DS, 2B, 3D, 4A,D, 5A,B, 6A,D). 

Xcdo583-1B [{0242}].

[Xcdo583a-1B {0242}].



Xcdo1340-1B {0269}2.




Xcdo1373-1B {0269}2.




Xmwg539-1A,B,D {0252}.




Xmwg584-1A,,B,D {0252}.



(3A, 4Am, 5D).

Xmwg835-1B.2 [{0252}].

[Xmwg835b-1B {0252}].


(1AS,BS,DS, 2A, 5A).

Xmwg896-1A,B,D {0252}.




Xmwg938-1B.2 [{0252}].

[Xmwg938b-1B {0252}].


(1AS,BS,DS, 7A).

Xmwg2021-1B.2 [{0252}].

[Xmwg2021b-1B {0252}].


(1AS,BS,DS, 2A, 3A).

Xmwg2056-1B.2 [{0252}].

[Xmwg2056b-1B {0252}].



Xmwg2083-1B.2 [{0252}].

[Xmwg2083b-1B {0252}].



Xmwg2148-1B.2 [{0252}].

[Xmwg2148b-1B {0252}].


(1AS,BS,DS, 1BL).

Xmwg2148-1B.3 [{0252}].

[Xmwg2148c-1B {0252}].


(1AS,BS,DS, 1BL)

Xpsr305-1B {0242}.




Xuaz243-1B {0269}2.




Xutv135-1A {0269}2.



(3BS, 4B).

Xutv1441-1A {0269}2.



(3BL, 4B).

Xwmc304-1A {0242}.


WMC 304F/WMC 304R.


Xwmc312-1A {0242}.


WMC 312F/WMC 312R.


Xwmc373-1B [{0242}].

[Xwmc373-1-1B {0242}].

WMC 373F/WMC 373R.


Xwmc429-1D {0242}.


WMC 429F/WMC 429R.







Group 1


Xcmwg758-1D. Revise the last column to '(1AL,BL,DL).'.

Xwg232-1A. Revise the last column to ‘(4A,B, 5A,B,D, 6B, 7A,B).’.

Xwpg501(Pdi)-1B.  Add reference 0263 in the first column, i.e. ‘{0064,0263}’.



Xbcd175-1A {0242}.




Xbcd1072-1A,B,D {0252}.




Xsun19-1B {0156}.


SUN 19F/SUN 19R.


Xwmc84-1A [{0242}].

[Xwmc084-1A  {0242}].

WMC 84F/WMC 84R.


Xwmc406-1B {0242}.


WMC 406F/WMC 406R.







Group 2S


Xabg378-2A. Revise the last column to ‘(6A,D, 7A,4A).’.

Xbcd152-2A,B. Add '(6B).' to the last column.

Xbcd348-2A.1,.2,B,D. Add '(4A).' to the last column.

Xbcd718-2A,D. Revise the first column to 'Xbcd718-2A {1060}1, 2B {0269}2, 1D {1060}1. '.

Xcdo1090-2A. Revise the first column to 'Xcdo1090-2A {1060}, 2B {0269}2.'.

Xfba38-2D. Revise the first column to ‘Xfba38-2B {0242}, 2D {1060}.’. 

Xfbb185-2B. Revise the last column to ‘(3B, 6B).’.

Xfba349-2D. Add ‘(7A).’ to the last column.

Xgwm129-2B. Revise the last column to ‘(4D, 5A).’.

Xpsr801(Rbcs)-2A,B,D. To the note added to this listing in the 2001 Supplement add the reference 0271, i.e. ‘{0149,0271}’.



Xbcd175-2D {0242}.




Xbcd221-2B {0269}2.



(4B, 6B).

Xcnl9(Pdc)-2B [{0269}]2.

[Pdc-2B {0269}2].



Xpsr596-2B {0242}.



(1A,B,D, 3A).

Xsun17-2D {0256}.


SUN 17F/SUN 17R.


Xwmc25-2B [{0242}].

[Xwmc025.2-2B {0242}].

WMC 25F/WMC 25R.


Xwmc111-2D {0242}.


WMC 111F/WMC 111R.


Xwmc112-2D {0242}.


WMC 112F/WMC 112R.


Xwmc154-2B {0242}.


WMC 154F/WMC 154R.


Xwmc314-2B {0242}.


WMC 314F/WMC 314R.







Group 2L


Xabc451-2A. Revise the first column to ‘Xabc451-2A {282}3, 2B [{0242}], 2D {0242}.’ and add ‘[Xabc451a-2B {0242}].’ in the second column. 

Xbcd135-2B,D. Add ‘(4A, 5D).’ in the last column.

Xbcd266-2D. Revise the first column to ‘Xbcd266-2A {0242}, 2B {0164}, 2D {864}.’.

Xbcd292-2A,D. Revise the first column to ‘Xbcd292-2A {1060}`, 2B {0242}1,{0269}2, 2D {864}1.’.

Xbcd410-2A,D. Revise the first column to ‘Xbcd410-2A {1060}, 2B [{0242}], 2D {1060}.’ and add ‘[Xbcd410d-2B {0242}].’ in the second column.

Xgwm526-2B. Add '(2A).' in the last column.

XksuF43-2D. Revise the last column to '(1A,B,D, 4D, 5D, 6D).'.

Xmwg835-2A. Revise the last column to '(1A,B,D, 5A).'.

Xmwg950-2B. Revise the first column to ‘Xmwg950-2B {1060}, 2D {0242}.’.

Xmwg2021-2A. Revise the last column to '(1A,B,D, 3A).'.

Xutv861-2B. Revise the first column to 'Xutv861-2A {0269}2, 2B {9959}2.'.

Xwg184-2D. Revise the last column to ‘(3D, 4D, 5A).’.



Xabc165-2D.2 [{0242}].

[Xabc165b-2D {0242}]



Xbcd265-2B [{0242}].

[Xbcd265c-2B {0242}].


(1A,B,D, 4B,D, 5A).

Xbcd512-2B {0242}.




Xcdo346-2A {0269}2.



(1B, 5D).

Xcdo365-2B {0269}2.




Xcdo669-2B [{0242}].

[Xcdo669a-2B {0242}].


(4A,B,D, 7A).

Xgwm526-2A [{0253}].

[Xgwm526-2A.2 {0253}].

WMS F526/WMS R526.


Xisc14(Cor)-2A [{0246}]3.

[Cor14b {0246}].



XksuA1-2D [{0242}].

[XksuA1b-2D {0242}].


(1B, 3B, 5B, 7D).

XksuF37-2B {0242}.




Xksu931(Chi4)-2D [{0266}]4.

[Xksu931(Cht4) {0266}].



Xksu932(Chi7)-2D [{0266}]4.

[Xksu932(Cht7) {0266}].



Xpsp3045-2A {0253}.



(5B, 7D).

Xpsr370-2B,D [{0242}].

[Xpsr370b-2B, Xpsr370a-2D {0242}].



Xsun11-2B {0256},[{0242}].

[Xsunm11-2B {0242}].

SUN 11F/SUN 11R.


Xsun21-2B {0256}.


SUN 21F/SUN 21R.


Xsun22-2B {0256}.


SUN 22F/SUN 22R.


Xwmc339-2B {0242}.


WMC 339F/WMC 339R.


Xwmc360-2B {0242}.


WMC 360F/WMC 360R.



Group 2


Xabg356-2D. Revise the first column to ‘Xabg356-2B {0242}, 2D {9926}4.’.

Xwmc24-2A. Add ‘(1A).’ in the last column.

Xwmc25-2D. Add ‘(2B).’ in the last column.

Xwmc149-2B. Add ‘(5B).’ in the last column.



Xabc162-2A {0242}.




Xabc165-2D.1 [{0242}].

[Xabc165a-2D {0242}].



Xcdo366-2B,D {0242}.




Xcdo665-2A {0242}.




Xgwm271-2B [{0242}].

[Xgwm271a-2B {0242}].

WMS F271/WMS R271.

(5B, 5D).

XksuE7-2B {0242}.




Xstm773-2B {0242}.


STM 773F/STM 773R.


Xwmc18-2D [{0242}].

[Xwmc018-2D {0242}].

WMC 18F/WMC 18R.


Xwmc35-2B [{0242}].

[Xwmc035a-2B {0242}].

WMC 35F/WMC 35R.


Xwmc190-2D {0242}.


WMC 190F/WMC 190R.


Xwmc198-2A {0242}.


WMC 198F/WMC 198R.


Xwmc445-2B {0242}.


WMC 445F/WMC 445R.







Group 3S


Xabg471-3A,B. Add '(6B).' to the last column.

Xcdo395-3A,D. Revise the first column to ‘Xcdo395-3A {1061}1, 3B {0242}1, 3D {9926}4.’.

Xfbb185-3B. Revise the last column to ‘(2B, 6B).’.

Xgwm369-3A. Revise the first column to 'Xgwm369-3A {9929}1,{0269}2.'.

Xgwm389-3B. Revise the first column to 'Xgwm389-3B {9929}1,{0269}2.'.

XksuA1-3B. Revise the last column to ‘(1B, 2D, 5B, 7D).’.

XksuB8-3D. Revise the first column to ‘XksuB8-3A,B {0242}, 3D {448}.’. 

Xmwg584-3A. Revise the last column to '(1A,B,D, 4Am, 5D).'.

Xmwg2021-3A. Revise the last column to '(1A,B,D, 2A).'.

Xpsr305-3A,B,D.  Add ‘(1B).’ to the last column.

Xsfr2(Lrk10)-3B,D. Revise the last column to '(1A,B,D).'.



Xpsr311-3A {0242}.




Xutv135-3B {0269}2.



(1A, 4B).

Xwmc11-3A [{0242}].

[Xwmc011-3A {0242}].

WMC 11F/WMC 11R.


Xwmc43-3B [{0242}].

[Xwmc043-3B {0242}].

WMC 43F/WMC 43R.







Group 3L


Xbcd115-3A,D. Revise the first column to 'Xbcd115-3A {1061}, 3B {0269}2, 3D [{862}].

Xbcd22-3D.  Revise the first column to ‘Xbcd22-3A {0242}, 3D {1061}.’ and revise the last column to ‘(1A,B,D).’.

Xbcd195-3B. Revise the first column to 'Xbcd195-3A {0269}2, 3B {0078}1.'.

Xbcd372-3A,D. Add '(1B,D).' to the last column.

Xbcd451-3A,D. Revise the first column to ‘Xbcd451-3A {1061}, 3B {0242}, 3D [{862}].’.

Xcdo105-3B. Revise the last column to '(1A,B).'.

Xcdo482-3A,D. Revise the first column to ‘Xcdo482-3A {1061},3B {0242}, 3D {862}.’.

Xcdo583-3B.  Add ‘(1B).’ to the last column.

Xcdo718-3B. Revise the first column to ‘Xcdo718-3A {0242}, 3B {1061}.’. 

Xfba175-3A. Add '(6B).' in the last column.

Xgwm155-3A. Revise the first column to 'Xgwm155-3A {9929}1,{0269}2.'.

Xgwm299-3B. Revise the first column to 'Xgwm299-3B {9929}1,{0269}2.'.

XksuG59-3A,D. Revise the first column to ‘XksuG59-3A {282}3, 3B {0242}1, 3D {448}4, {1061}1.’.

Xutv416-3A. Revise the first column to 'Xutv416-3A {9959}2, 3B {0269}2.'.

Xutv560-3A. Revise the first column to 'Xutv560-3A {9959}2, 3B.1,.2 [{0269}]2.' and add '[Xutv560a,b-3B {0269}].' in the second column.



Xabg75-3B {0242}.




Xbcd941-3A {0175}.




Xcdo534-3A {0269}2.



(1B, 6A,B,D, 7A).

Xksu933(Glb3)-3B,D {0266}.




Xksu934(Glb3)-3D {0266}.




Xmwg2153-3A {0269}2.




Xpsr596-3A,B [{0242}].

[Xpsr596b-3A, Xpsr596a-3B {0242}].


(1A,B,D, 2B).

Xpsr604-3B [{0242}].

[Xpsr604-3B {0242}].



Xsun23-3A {0256}.


SUN 23F/SUN 23R.


Xucg2(Acc-2)-3A,B,D [{0265}].

[Xucg2-3A,B,D {0265}].



Xutv601-3A {0269}2.




Xutv920-3A {0269}2.




Xutv1151-3A {0269}2.




Xutv1371-3B {0269}2.



(1AL, 4B).

Xutv1441-3B {0269}2.




Xutv1474-3A {0269}2.




Xwmc169-3A {153,0238}.


WMC 169F/WMC 169R.


Xwmc236-3B {0242}.


WMC 236F/WMC 236R.


Xwmc334-3B {0242}.


WMC 334F/WMC 334R.


Xwmc428-3A {0242}.


WMC 428F/WMC 428R.







Group 3


Xwg184-3D. Revise the last column to ‘(2D, 4D, 5A).’.

Xwmc169-3A. Delete (moved to 3L).



Xwmc50-3A [{0242}].

[Xwmc050-3A {0242}].

WMC 50F/WMC 50R.


Xwmc375-3D {0242}.


WMC 375F/WMC 375R.


Xwmc379-3A {0238}.


WMC 379F/WMC 379R.







Group 4S (4AL:4BS:4DS)


Xbcd265-4B,D. Revise the last column to ‘(1A,B,D, 2B, 5A).’.

Xbcd583-4A. Revise the last column to ‘(1A,B).’.

Xbcd402-4A. Revise the last column to ‘(1D, 5A,4B,D).’. 

Xcdo669-4A,B,D. Add ‘(2B, 4Am).’ in the last column.

Xcdo795-4B. Revise the first column to ‘Xcdo795-4A {0242}, 4B {1059}.’. 

Xgwm18-4B.  Add ‘(1B).’ in the last column.

Xwg184-4D. Revise the last column to ‘(2D, 3D, 5A).’.



Xcdo949-4B {0269}2.




Xcn110(Lpx-B1)-4B [{0269}]2.




Xfba363-4B {0242}.




Xutv434.1-4A.1,.2 [{0269}]2.

[Xutv434a,b-4A {0269}2].



Xwg232-4B {0269}2.



(1A, 4A, 5A,B,D, 6B, 7A,B).

Xwmc141-4B {0242}.


WMC 141F/WMC 141R.









Xcdo66-4A. Revise the last column to ‘(2B, 4A,B,D).’.

Xmwg584-4A.1. Revise the last column to (1A,B,D, 3A, 4AmL, 5D).'.

Xwg622-4A. Revise the last column to ‘(4AL,BS,DS, 6A).’.


Group 4L (4AS:4BL:4DL)


Xcdo1395-4B. Revise the first column to 'Xcdo1395-4B {1008}, 4D {0248}.'.

Xwg622-4A,B,D. Add ‘(6A).’ in the last column.



Xbcd1230-4D {0248}.











Xabg463-4A. Revise the last column to ‘(4D, 5A, 5B).

Xmwg584-4A.2. Revise the last column to '(1A,B,D, 3A, 4AmS, 5D).


Group 5AL:4BL:4DL


Xbcd402-5A,4B,D. Revise the last column to ‘(1D, 4A).’.

Xcdo949-4D. Add ‘(7B).’ in the last column.

Xutv434-4A.1. Revise the last column to '(4AS, 4AL).'.


Group 4


Xabg397-4D. Add ‘(5A).’ in the last column.

Xabg463-4D. Revise the last column to ‘(4A, 5B, 5D).’.

XksuF43-4D.1. Revise the last column to '(1AB,D, 2D, 4D, 5D, 6D).'.

XksuF43-4D.2. Revise the last column to '(1A,B,D, 2D, 4D, 5D, 6D).'.

Xwg232-4A. Revise the last column to ‘(1A, 4B, 5A,B,D, 6B, 7A,B).’.

Xwmc35-4B. Add ‘(2B).’ in the last column.

Xwpg501(Pdi)-4A,B,D.  Add reference 0263 in the first column, i.e. ‘{0064,0263}’.



Xbcd221-4B {0269}2.



(2B, 6B).

Xbcd1975-4A {0269}2.




Xbcd348-4A {0269}2.




Xcdo414-4A {0269}2.




Xcdo949-4A [{0242}].

[Xcdo949b-4A {0242}].



Xgwm129-4D {0242}.


WMS F129/WMS R129.

(2B, 5A).

Xgwm613-4A {0269}2.


WMS F613/WMS R613.


Xstm91-4D {0242}.


STM 91F/STM 91R.


Xutv135-4B {0269}2.



(1A, 3B).

Xutv434-4A.3 [{0269}]2.

[Xutv434d-4A {0269}2].



Xutv1136-4A.1,.2 [{0269}]2.

[Xutv1136a,c-4A {0269}2].



Xutv1441-4B {0269}2.



(1A, 3B).

Xwg180-4B [{0242}].

[Xwg180a-4B {0242}].


(1A, 7BS,L).

Xwmc47-4B [{0242}].

[Xwmc047-4B {0242}].

WMC 47F/WMC 47R.


Xwmc48-4A,B,D [{0242}].

[Xwmc048a-4A , Xwmc048c-4B, Xwmc048b-4D {0242}].

WMC 48F/WMC 48R.







Group 5S


Xabg873-5B. Revise the first column to ‘Xbcd873-5B {1059}, 5D {0242}.’ and add ‘(7A,D).’ in the last column.

Xbcd207-5A. Revise the last column to '(1A,B).'.

Xgwm129-5A. Revise the last column to ‘(2B, 4D).’.

Xgwm443-5B. Add ‘(5A).’ in the last column.

Xmwg835-5A. Revise the last column to '(1A,B,D, 2A).'.



Xabg397-5A {0242}.




Xcdo465-5A {0269}2.




Xgdm68-5D {0242}.


DMS 68F/DMS 68R.

(5A,B, 5DL).

Xgwm443-5A {0242}.


WMS F443/WMS R443.


Xpsp3045-5B [{0253}].

[Xpsp3045-5B.2 {0253}.


(2A, 7D).

Xwg184-5A {0242}.



(2D, 3D, 4D).

Xwmc149-5B {0242}.


WMC 149F/WMC 149R.


Xwmc159-5A {0242}.


WMC 159F/WMC 159R.


Xwmc233-5D {0242}.


WMC 233F/WMC 233R.







Group 5L


Xabg473-5A,B,D. Revise the last column to ‘(6A,B).

Xbcd265-5A. Revise the last column to ‘(1A,B,D, 2B, 4B,D).’.

Xcdo346-5D. Revise the last column to '(1B, 2B).'.

Xcdo465-5A,B,D. Add '(5AS).' to the last column.

Xcdo1090-5A. Revise the last column to '(1A,B).'.

Xgdm68-5D. Revise the last column to ‘(5A,B, 5DS).

XksuA1-5B. Revise the last column to ‘(1B, 2D, 3B, 7D).’.

Xgwm271-5D. Add ‘(2B, 5B).’ in  the last column.

Xpsr370-5A,B,D. Add ‘(2B).’ to the last column.

Xwg232-5A,B,D. Revise the last column to ‘(1A, 4A,B, 6B, 7A,B).’.



Xabg463-5B {0242}.



(4A,D, 5D).

Xcdo775-5B {0269}2.




Xcn111(Lpx-B2)-5B [{0269}]2.

[Lox11-1 {0269}2].



Xgwm271-5B [{0242].


WMS F271/WMS R271.

(2B, 5D).

Xstm652-5B {0242}.


STM 652F/STM 652R.


XsunG5-5B [{0242}].

[XsunG5B-5B {0242}].



Xucg2(Acc-2)-5D [{0265}].

[Xucg2-5D {0265}].



Xunl1-5B {0247}.




Xunl2-5B {0247}.




Xunl3-5B {0247}.




Xutv497-5A {0269}2.




Xutv1435-5A {0269}2.




Xwmc28-5B [{0242}].

[Xwmc028-5B {0242}].

WMC 28F/WMC 28R.


Xwmc235-5B {0242}.


WMC 235F/WMC 235R.


Xwmc376-5B {0242}.


WMC 376F/WMC 376R.









Xcdo506-4A {0242}.




A Xcdo506-5D locus has been reported in {1059} in the 7BS:5BL:5DL category.  It is possible that this is a misclassification and that Xcdo506-4A and Xcdo506-5D are homoeologous.

Xwmc161-4A [{0242}].

[Xwmc161a-4A {0242}].

WMC 161F/WMC 161R.


Xwmc258-4A {0242}.


WMC 258F/WMC 258R.







Group 5


Xabg463-5D.1, .2. Revise the last column to ‘(4A,D, 5B).’.

Xcmwg645-5A. Revise the last column to '(1A,B,D).'.

Xgdm68-5A,B. Revise the last column to ‘(5DS, 5DL).’.

XksuF43-5D.1, .2. Revise the last column to '(1A,B,D, 2D, 4D, 6D).'.

Xmwg584-5D. Revise the last column to '(1A,B,D, 3A, 4A).

Xwg232-5A.1,B. Revise the last column to ‘(1A, 4A,B, 6B, 7A,B).’.

Xwg232-5A.2. Revise the last column to ‘(1A, 4A,B, 6B, 7A,B).’.

Xwg420-5D.1,.2. Revise the last column to ‘(7A,B,D).’.



Xabg3-5A,D [{0242}].

[Xabg3b-5A {0242}].



Xbcd135-5D {0242}.



(2B,D, 4A).

Xgwm304-5A {0242}.


WMS F304/WMS R304.


Xstm286-5B {0242}.


STM 286F/STM 286R.


Xstm337-5A [{0242}].

[Xstm337a-5A {0242}].

STM 337F/STM 337R.


Xwmc96-5A [{0242}].

[Xwmc096-5A {0242}].

WMC 96F/WMC 96R.


Xwmc110-5A {0242}.


WMC 110F/WMC 110R.







Group 6S


Xabg378-6A,D. Revise the last column to ‘(2A, 7A,4A).’.

Xbcd1398-6D. Revise the first column to ‘Xbcd1398-6B {0242}, 6D {900}.’.

Xbcd1821-6A,D. Revise the first column to 'Xbcd1821-6A {900}, 6B {0244}, 6D {900}.'.

Xcdo270-6A,D. Revise the first column to 'Xcdo270-6A {900}1, 6B {0269}2, 6D {900}1.'.

Xcdo365-6B. Add '(2B).' to the last column.

Xcdo534-6A,B,D. Revise the last column to '(1B, 3A, 7A).'.

Xfba307-6A,D. Revise the first column to 'Xfba307-6A {900}, 6B {0244}, 6D {900}.'.

Xfba381-6B,D.2. Revise the first column to 'Xfba381-6B.2,D.2 [{0081}]', add '[Xfba381-6B {0081}]' in the second column and  revise the last column to '(6BL,DL)'.

Xfbb194-6A. Add ‘(4A).’ to the last column.

Xgwm132-6B. Add ‘(6D).’ to the last column.

Xgwm613-6B. Add '(4A).' to the last column.

Xgwm644-6B. Revise the first column to 'Xgwm644-6B {9929}1,{0269}2.'

XksuF43-6D. Revise the last column to '(1A,B,D, 2D, 4D, 5D).'.

Xmwg573-6A.2,B,D. Revise the last column to ‘(6AL, 6BL).’.

Xpsr546-6A. Revise the first column to ‘Xpsr546-6A.1 [{9927}]2.’, add [Xpsr546-6A {9927}2].’ in the second column and revise the third column to ‘(6AL, 6BL,DL).’.



Xabg471-6B {0269}2.




Xbarc101-6B {0175}.


BARC F101/BARC R101 {0239}.


Xbcd152-6B {0269}2.




Xbcd1299-6B {0269}2.




Xfba175-6B.1 [{0244}].

[Xfba175a-6B {0244}].


(3A, 6BL).

Xgwm132-6D {0242}.


WMS F132/WMS R132.


Xpsr119-6A [{0242}].

[Xpsr119a-6A {0242}].



Xutv1151-6A.1,.2 [{0269}]2.

[Xutv1151a,b-6A {0269}2].



Xwmc104-6B {0032, 0276}


WMC F104/WMC R104 {0037}.



Group 6L


Xabc175-6A,D. Revise the first column to ‘Xabc175-6A {9927}2,{0081}1, 6B [{0242}]1,  6D {900}1.’ and add ‘[Xabc175a-6B {0242}].’ in the second column.

Xabg473-6B. Revise the first column to ‘Xabg473-6A {0242}, 6B {900}.’.

Xabg652-6A. Add ‘(7A).’ in the last column.

Xfba381-6D. Revise the first column to 'Xfba381-6B.1 [{0244}], 6D.1 [{900}]', revise the second column to '[Xfba381-6B {0244}, 6D {900}]', and add '(6BS,DS)' in the last column.

Xgwm427-6A. Revise the first column to 'Xgwm427-6B {9929}1,{0269}2.'.

XksuF37-6A,B. Add ‘(2B, 6D).’ in the last column.

Xmwg573-6A.1. Revise the last column to ‘(6AS,BS,DS, 6BL).’.

Xpsr546-6B,D. Revise the last column to ‘(6AS, 6AL).’.



Xbcd279-6B {0269}2.




Xcdo686-6B {0269}2.




Xfba175-6B.2 [{0244}].

[Xfba175b-6B {0244}].


(3A, 6BS).

Xfbb185-6B [{0242}].

[Xfbb185c-6B {0242}].


(2B, 3B).

Xmwg573-6B {0242}.



(6AS,BS,DS, 6AL).

Xpsr546-6A.2 [{0242}].

[Xpsr546a-6A {0242}].


(6AS, 6BL,DL).

Xsun5-6D [{0242}].

[XsunM5b-6D {0242}].



Xutv1136-6A {0269}2.




Xwg622-6A {0242}.




Xwmc163-6A {0242}.


WMC 163F/WMC 163R.







Group 6


Xabc451-6D. Revise the last column to ‘(2A,B,D).’.

Xbcd221-6B. Add '(2B, 4B).' to the last column.

Xbcd1299-6B. Add '(6B).' to the last column.

Xbcd1495-6B. Add '(1B).' to the last column.

XksuE19-6D. Revise the last column to ‘(1A,B,D, 7B).’.

XksuF37-6D. Add ‘(2B, 6A,B).’ to the last column.

Xwmc76-6B. Add ‘(7B).’ to the last column.

Xwmc104-6B. Delete (entry moved to 6S).

Xwmg573-6D. Revise the last column to ‘(6AS,BS,DS, 6AL, 6BL).’.



Xwg232-6B [{0242}].

[Xwg232b-6B {0242}].


(1A, 4A,B, 5A,B,D, 7A,B).

Xwmc416-6D {0242}.


WMC 416F/WMC 416R.







Group 7S


Xabc158-7A. Revise the first column to ‘Xabc158-7A {1059}, 7B {0242}.’.

Xabc465-7A,D. Revise the first column to ‘Xabc465-7A {282}3, 7B [{0242}]1, 7D {9926}4.’, add ‘[Xabc465a-7B {0242}].’ in the second column and add '(4A).' in the last column.

Xbcd310-7B.  Revise the last column to ‘(1A,B).’.

Xcdo534-7A. Revise the last column to '(1B, 3A, 6A,B,D).'.

Xcdo1395-7A. Revise the last column to '(4B,D).'.

Xfba363-7A. Add ‘(4B).’ in the last column.

Xgwm60-7A. Delete (entry moved to 7AS:4AL:7DS).

Xgwm537-7B. Revise the first column to ‘Xgwm537-7B {9929},{0242}.’ and remove the sentence ‘Whether Xgwm537-7B belongs to the 7S arm group or the 7BS:5BL:5DL arm group is uncertain.’.

Xgwm631-7A. Delete (entry moved to 7L).

Xwg180-7B. Revise the last column to ‘(1A, 4B, 7BL).’.



Xgwm111-7D {9929,0211}.


WMS F111/WMS R111.

(4A, 7BL).

Xgwm255-7B {0250}.


WMS F255/WMS R255.


Xgwm263-7B {0250}.


WMS F263/WMS R263.


Xgwm890-7A {0254}.


WMS F890/WMS R890.


Xgwm913-7A {0254}.


WMS F913/WMS R913.


Xgwm1002-7D {0250}.


WMS F1002/WMS R1002.


Xgwm1065-7A {0254}.


WMS F1065/ WMS R1065.


Xgwm1173-7B {0250}.


WMS F1173/WMS R1173.


Xgwm1184-7B {0250}.


WMS F1184/WMS R1184.


Xgwm1220-7D {0250}.


WMS F1220/WMS R1220.


It is not known whether Xwmc1220-7A belongs to group 7S or 7AS:4AL:7DS.

Xsun16-7B {0256},[{0242}].

[XsunM16-7B {0242}].

SUN 16F/SUN 16R.


Xutv621-7B {0269}2.




Xwmc17-7A [{0242}].

[Xwmc017-7A {0242}].

WMC 17F/WMC 17R.


It is not known whether Xwmc17-7A belongs to group 7S or 7AS:4AL:7DS.

Xwmc76-7B [{0242}].

[Xwmc076-7B {0242}].

WMC 76F/WMC 76R.


Xwmc83-7A {0153},[{0242}].


WMC 83F/WMC 83R {0161}.


Xwmc283-7A {0242}.


WMC 283F/WMC 283R.


Xwmc338-7B {0242}.


WMC 338F/WMC 338R.


It is not known whether Xwmc338-7B belongs to group 7S or 7BS:5BL:5DL.

Xwmc405-7A,D [{0242}].

[Xwmc405a-7A {0242}].

WMC 450F/WMC 405R.









Xabg378-7A. Revise the first column to ‘Xabg378-7A {282}3, 4A [{0242}]1.’ and add ‘[Xabg378b-4A {0242}].’ in the second column.

Xabg704-7A. Revise the first column to ‘Xabg704-7A {282}3, 4A {0242}1, 7D {[0242}]1.’ and add ‘[Xabg704c-7D {0242}].’ in the second column.

Xbcd129-7D. Revise the first column to ‘Xbcd129-7A {0242}, 7D [{1059}] {1057}.’

Xbcd1975-7D. Add '(4A).' in the last column.

Xcdo665-4A. Add ‘(2A).’ in the last column.

Xpsr604-7A,4A,7D. Add ‘(3B).’ in the last column.

Xutv434-4A.2. Revise the last column to '(4AS, 4AL).'.



Xabc465-4A [{0242}].

[Xabc465b-4A {0242}].



Xabg75-7A,D [{0242}].

[Xabg75b-7A, Xabg75a-7D {0242}].



Xbcd135-7A, 4A [{0242}].

[Xbcd135a-7A, Xbcd135b-4A {0242}].


(2B,D, 5D).

Xbcd873-7A,D [{0242}].

[Xbcd873a-7A, Xbcd873b-7D {0242}].



Xfbb194-4A {0242}.




Xgwm60-7A {724,0250}.


WMS F60/WMS R60.


Xstm271-7A {0242}.


STM 271F/STM 271R.


It is not known whether Xstm271-7A belongs to group 7AS:4AL:7DS or 7S.

Xwmc262-4A {0242}.


WMC 262F/WMC 262R.


Xwmc313-4A {0242}.


WMC 313F/WMC 313R.







Group 7L


Xcdo414-7B. Add '(4A).' to the last column.

Xcdo686-7B. Add '(6B).' to the last column.

Xcdo775-7A,B,D. Add '(5B).' to the last column.

Xgwm111-7B,D. Revise the first column to 'Xgwm111-7B [{0031}].' and revise the last column to '(4A, 7DS).'.

Xgwm332-7A. Revise the first column to 'Xgwm332-7A.3 [{9929}].', add '[Xgwm332-7A {9929}].' in the second column and add '(7AS).' to the last column.

XksuA1-7D. Revise the last column to ‘(1B, 2D, 3B, 5B).’.

Xmwg938-7A. Revise the last column to '(1A,B,D).'.

Xpsr311-7A,B,D. Add ‘(3A).’ to the last column.

Xutv1110-7A. Revise the first column to 'Xutv1110-7A {9959}2, 7B {0269}2.'.

Xutv1267-7A. Revise the first column to 'Xutv1267-7A {9959}2, 7B {0269}2.'.

Xwg180-7B.  Revise the last column to ‘(1A, 4B, 7BS).’.

Xwg232-7A. Revise the first column to Xwg232-7A [{154}], 7B [{0242}], add ‘[Xwg232a-7B {0242}]’ in the second column and revise the last column to ‘(1A, 4A,B, 5A,B,D, 6B).’.

Xwg420-7A,D. Revise the first column to ‘Xwg420-7A {282}3, 7B {0242}1,  7D {1059}1.



Xabg652-7A {0242}.




Xfba349-7A {0242}.




Xgwm332-7A.1 [{0269}]2.

[Xgwm332a-7A {0269}2].

WMS F332/WMS R332.


Xgwm332-7A.2 [{0269}]2.

[Xgwm332b-7A {0269}2].

WMS F332/WMS R332.




WMS F631/WMS R631.


Xgwm698-7A {0254}.


WMS F698/WMS R698.


Xgwm748-7A {0254}.


WMS F748/WMS R748.


Xgwm767-7B {0250}.


WMS F767/WMS R767.


Xgwm870-7A {0254}.


WMS F870/WMS R870.


Xgwm871-7B {0250}.


WMS F871/WMS R871.


Xgwm897-7B {0250}.


WMS F897/WMS R897.


Xgwm963-7B {0250}.


WMS F963/WMS R963.


Xgwm1044-7D {0250}.


WMS F1044/WMS R1044.


Xgwm1061-7A {0254}.


WMS F1061/WMS R1061.


Xgwm1066-7A {0254}.


WMS F1066/WMS R1066.


Xgwm1085-7B {0250}.


WMS F1085/WMS R1085.


Xgwm1083-7A {0254}.


WMS F1083/WMS R1083.


XksuE19-7B {0242}.



(1A,B,D, 6D).

Xrz508-7A.1 [{0269}]2.

[Xrz508a-7A {0269}2].


(7AL, 7B).

Xrz508-7A.2 [{0269}]2.

[Xrz508b-7A {0269}2].


(7AL, 7B).

Xutv507-7B {0269}2.




Xutv1521-7A {0269}2.




Xwmc14-7D [{0242}].

[Xwmc014-7D {0242}].

WMC 14F/WMC 14R.


Xwmc116-7A {0242}.


WMC 116F/WMC 116R.


Xwmc157-7D {0242}.


WMC 157F/WMC 157R.


Xwmc247-7A {0242}.


WMC 247F/WMC 247R.


Xwmc346-7A {0242}.


WMC 346F/WMC 346R.







Group 7


Xbcd410-7D. Revise the last column to ‘(2A,B,D).’.

Xbcd707-7D. Revise the first column to ‘Xbcd707-7B {0242}, 7D {1059}.’.

XksuE7-7D. Add ‘(2B).’ in the last column.

Xmwg539-7D. Add '(1A,B,D).' in the last column.

Xpsp3045-7D. Add '(2A, 5B).' in the last column.

Xwg232-7A.1. Revise the last column to ‘(1A, 4A,B, 5A,B,D, 6B, 7B).’.

Xwg232-7A.2. Revise the last column to ‘(1A, 4A,B, 5A,B,D, 6B, 7B).’.

Xwmc47-7A. Add ‘(4B).’ in the last column.

Xwmc83-7A. Delete (the entry has been moved to group 7S).



Xcdo949-7B {0242}.




Xstm337-7B [{0242}].

[Xstm337b-7B {0242}].

STM 337F/STM 337R.


Xstm764-7A [{0242}].

[Xstm764a-7A {0242}].

STM 764F/STM 764R.


Xwmc94-7D {0242}.

[Xwmc094-7D {0242}].

WMC 94F/WMC 94R.


Xwmc121-7D {0242}.


WMC 121F/WMC 121R.


Xwmc364-7B {0242}.


WMC 364F/WMC 364R.


Xwmc402-7B {0242}.


WMC 402F/WMC 402R.







Dormancy (Seed)

Cross AC Domain/Haryutaka: one major QTL in chromosome 4AL and two lesser possibly homoeologous QTLS in 4BL and 4DL {0226}.


Ear emergence


2DS {0255}.


Opata/W-7984 (ITMI) RI mapping population {0255}.  Lateness was contributed by W-7984 {0255}.



Associated with Xfba400-2D  and Xcdo1379 {0255}.

QEet.ipk-2D coincides with a QTL for flowering time, QFlt.ipk-2D.  Both QTLs are likely to correspond to Ppd-D1 {0255}

QEet.ipk-5D {0255}.

5DL {0255}.


Opata/W-7984 (ITMI) RI mapping population {0255}.  Lateness was contributed by W-7984 {0255}.



Associated with Xbcd450-5D {0255} .

QEet.ipk-5D coincides with a QTL for flowering time, QFlt.ipk-5D.  Both QTLs are likely to correspond to Vrn-D1 {0255}.


Flowering time

QFlt.ipk-3A {0255}.

3AL {0255}.


Opata/W-7984 (ITMI) RI mapping population {0255}.  Lateness was contributed by W-7984 {0255}.



Associated with Xbcd451 {0255} .


Frost Resistance

Responses to cold exposure and their genetics are reviewed in {0020,0274}.  


Fr1.    ma:  Fr1 mapped 2 cM proximal to Xwg644-5A and Vrn-A1 {0291} and was flanked by deletion points 0.67 and 0.68 {0292}.

Fr2 {0291}.  5DL {0291}.  s:  CS*7/Cheyenne 5D  {0291}.    ma:  Fr2 mapped 10 cM proximal to Vrn-D1 {0291}.



6AS {0255}.


Opata/W-7984 (ITMI) RI mapping population {0255}.  Winter hardiness was contributed by W-7984 {0255}.



Associated with Xfba85 and Xpsr10(Gli-2) {0255}.


Glume Colour

1.             Red (brown/bronze)


QRg.ipk-1D {0255}.

1DS {0255}.


Opata/W-7984 (ITMI) RI mapping population {0255}.  The glume colour was contributed by  W-7984 {0255}.



Associated with Gli-D1 {0255}.

This QTL coincides with a QTL for awn colour, QRaw.ipk-1D {0255}.


7.             Awn colour

QRaw.ipk-1A {0255}.

1AS {0255}.


Opata/W-7984 (ITMI) RI mapping population {0255}.  The awn colour was contributed by  W-7984 {0255}.



Associated with Gli-A1 {0255}.

QRaw.ipk-1D {0255}.

1DS {0255}.


Opata/W-7984 (ITMI) RI mapping population {0255}.  The awn colour was contributed by  W-7984 {0255}.



Associated with Gli-D1 {0255}.


Grain Hardness / Endosperm Texture

Add at end of section:

QTL : 

Ten QTLs for kernel hardness (54 % of the variation) were mapped in a cross 'Forno'/ 'Oberkulmer' spelt {0280}.


Grain Quality Parameters

1.             Sedimentation value

QTL : 

QTL associated with Glu-1on chromosome arms 1AL and 1DL and Gli-1/Glu-3 on 1BS were detected in RSLs from the cross Cheyenne (high quality) x CS (low quality) {0251}.  Cultivar Cheyenne contributed the higher SDS sedimentation values {0251}.  The QTL on 1AL coincided with a QTL for bread loaf volume {0251}.  The QTL on 1DL and 1BS coincided with QTL for bread mixing time {0251}.


4.             Milling yield

QTL : 

A QTL associated with Pinb on chromosome arm 5DS was detected in RILs from the cross NY6432-18 x Clark’s Cream {0241}.  Cultivar Clark’s Cream contributed the higher flour yield allele {0241}.  This QTL coincided with QTL for hardness, hydration traits (dough water absorption, damaged starch and alkaline water retention capacity (AWRC), and baked product traits (cookie diameter and cookie top grain) {0241}.


 5.            Alveograph dough strength W

Add at the end of section:

QTL : 

Ten QTLs for W (39 % of the variation), nine QTLs for P (48% of the variation) and seven QTLs for P:L (38% of the variation) were mapped in 'Forno'/'Oberkulmer' spelt {0280}.


6.             Mixograph peak time (new category)

QTL : 

A QTL associated with Glu-Dy1 on chromosome arm 1DL was detected in RILs from the cross NY6432-18 x Clark’s Cream {0241}.  Cultivar Clark’s Cream contributed the higher mixograph peak time allele {0241}.  This QTL coincided with a QTL for bread mixing time {0241}. 



Reduced Height

Rht-B1.      Add at end of section: The line XN004, earlier considered to have Rht21 {0230}, was shown to carry an allele at the Rht-B1 locus {0231}.


Rht-D1.      Add at end of section: The line XN004, earlier considered to have Rht21 {0230}, was shown to carry an allele at the Rht-D1 locus {0231}.


Various common wheat and durum NIL pairs differing at the Rht-A1 or Rht-D1 loci are listed in {02102}.


Rht8a.  Integrate alphabetically in the v: section:

Hope {0243}; Marquis {0243}; Michigan Amber {0243}.


Rht8b. Integrate alphabetically in the v: section:

Arthur {0243}; Carsten V {0243}; Diakovchanka {0243}; Odom {0243}; Oasis {0243}; Purdue Abe {0243}; Salzmünder Bartweizen 14/44 {0243}; Tp114/65 {0243}; Wiskonsin 245 C/11226 {0243};  


Rht8c Integrate alphabetically in the v: section:

Al'batros odesskii {0243}; Arthur 71 {0243}; Donskaya polukarlikovaya {0243}; Erythrospermum 127 {0243}; Erythrospermum 1072 {0243}; Erythrospermum 272-87 {0243}; Erythrospermum 949-38 {0243}; Fakir {0243}; Fedorovka {0243}; Kaloyan {0243}; Khar'kovskaya 50 {0243}; Khar'kovskaya 93 {0243}; Khersonskaya 86 {0243}; Mv 03-89 {0243}; Mv 06-88 {0243}; Mv 17{0243}; Obrii {0243}; Odesskaya 51 {0243}; Odesskaya 117 {0243}; Odesskaya 132 {0243}; Odesskaya krasnokolosaya {0243}; Odesskaya polukarlikovaya {0243}; Roazon {0243}; Simvol odesskii {0243}; Sivka {0243}; Strumok {0243; Tira {0243}; Ukrainka odesskaya {0243}; Vympel {0243}; Yubileinaya 75 {0243}; Zolotava {0243}.


At the end of the list {1999 Suppl.} add: ‘Although CS carries a 192 bp fragment, sequencing showed it was a different allele than other genotypes with Rht8c {02103}.’.


Rht8g. Associated with a 196-bp fragment of WMS 261 [{0243}]. v: Mirleben {0243}.


Rht8h. Associated with a 206-bp fragment of WMS 261 [{0243}]. v: Weihenstephan M1 {0243}.


Rht21 {0230}. 

2DL {0230}. 


XN004  {0230}.

The existence of this gene could not be confirmed {0231}.


QHt.ipk-4A {0255}.

4AL {0255}.


Opata/W-7984 (ITMI) RI mapping population {0255}.  The height is contributed by Opata {0255}.



Associated with Xmwg549, Xabg390 and Xbcd1670 {0255}.

QHt.ipk-4A coincides with QTLs for ear length (QEl.ipk-4A), grain number (QGnu.ipk-4A) and grain weight per ear (QGwe.ipk-4A) {0255}.

QHt.ipk-6A {0255}.

6A {0255}.


Opata/W-7984 (ITMI) RI mapping population {0255}.  The height is contributed by W-7984 {0255}.



Associated with Xcdo29 and Xfba234 {0255}.

QHt.ipk-6A coincides with QTLs for peduncle length (QPdl.ipk-6A) and ear length (QEl.ipk-6A) {0255}


Leaf erectness (new category)

QLer.ipk-2A {0255}.

2AS {0255}.


Opata/W-7984 (ITMI) RI mapping population {0255}.  The erect leave phenotype was contributed by  Opata {0255}.



Associated with Xbcd348 {0255}.

Note: Mutants lacking ligules are known to have erect leaves.  However, the QTL for leaf erectness reported here is not related to liguleless mutants {0255}.


Male Sterility

ms1d {0290}.



Mutant FS2 {0290}.


ms1e {0290}.   



Mutant FS3 {0290}.


ms1f {0290}.   



Mutant FS24 {0290}.




Xwg341-5A – 0.8cM – ms3……..cent {0289}.  Xcdo-677-5A and Xbcd1130-5A also cosegregated with Xwg341-5A but were located in a different region in the physical map {0289}.


ms4 {0293}.   

4DS {0293}.   


Konzak’s male sterile.



Dominant allele for sterility, distinguished from ms2 on the basis of different degrees of recombination with the 4D centromere.


ms5 {0290}.

3A {0290}.   


Mutant FS20 {0290}.  





Meiotic Characters

2. Pairing homoeologous


On a new line following the ph1c entry add: ‘Several ph1 mutants are described in {0219}.’.


                    ma:  Add:  PCR-based assays for presence and absence of Ph1 have been described {0214,0217,9965}. The Ph1 factor(s) was restricted to a region flanked by Xrgc846-5B and Xpsr150-5B {0219}.


Nucleolus Organiser Regions

Add at the end of descriptive paragraph and before allele descriptions:

‘Deletion mapping divided the Nor-B1 in a proximal subregion Nor-B1p (short repeat) and a distal subregion Nor-B1d (long repeat) {0275}’.



1.             Grain protein content

QTL:  Nine QTLs (51 % of the variation) were mapped in cross 'Forno'/ 'Oberkulmer' spelt {0280}.


QGpc.ndsu-6Bb. Add at the end of the ma: section: {0244} reports the location of this QTL in the 4 cM interval flanked by Xmwg79-6B and Xcdo365-6B.



A QTL for grain and flour protein content, contributed by CS, was associated with XTri-1D/Centromere in a RSL population from the cross Cheyenne (high quality wheat) x CS (low quality wheat) {0251}. 



3.             Endosperm Storage Proteins

3.1 Glutenins



Glu-A1u [{02106}].

2*B {02106}.

v : 

Bánkúti 1201.


At the end of the Glu-A1 section, just before the entry for the Glu-B1 locus, add the paragraph:

‘The allele designated Glu-A1u above and Glu-A1-1u in the appropriate list below encodes a high molecular weight glutenin subunit (denominated 2*B) that is identical to subunit 2* apart from one amino acid difference involving the exchange of serine for cysteine (which itself is due to a C to G point mutation at the 1181 bp point of the coding region of 2*). The authors of {02106} suggest that the additional cysteine residue facilitates the formation of further disulphide bonds (cf. the 1Dx5 subunit) which might lead to an improvement in gluten quality characters.’




Glu-D1al [{02107}].               

2.2* {02107}.

v : 



At the end of the Glu-D1 section, just before the entry for the Glu-1-1 and Glu-1-2, add the paragraphs:

‘The subunit 2.2* encoded by Glu-D1al above and Glu-D1-1m in the appropriate list below has an unusually high Mr; comparison of its N-terminal sequence and amino acid composition with those of subunit 2 (encoded by Glu-D1-1a) indicates that its greater Mr could be due to the presence of a larger central repetitive domain, although further evidence suggests that this does not affect the conformational properties of the subunit {02107}.


The alleles designated Glu-D1w (encoding ‘subunits’ 2 (or 2t denoting its origin in the T. tauschii genome) +T1+T2), Glu-D1ae (encoding 2.1 (or 2.1t)+T1+T2), Glu-D1af (encoding 3 (or 3t)+T1+T2) and Glu-D1ag (encoding 1.5 (or 1.5t)+T1+T2) share the component T1 that was originally classified as a HMW glutenin. However, it has since been shown {02108} that this protein is soluble in aqueous ethanol, casting doubt upon this classification. More recently, it has been shown {02109}, from one and two dimensional gel electrophoresis based upon SDS-PAGE and A-PAGE, and from N-terminal sequencing, that this protein is an ω-gliadin of unusually low electrophoretic mobility in SDS-PAGE, encoded by a locus located on the short arm of chromosome 1D, though distant (13.18 cM) from the principal gliadin encoding locus on 1D, Gli-D1, and 40.20 cM from the high molecular weight encoding locus, Glu-D1. The authors named the locus Gli-DT1 (see below, section ‘3.2 Gliadins’).’




Glu-A1-1u [{02106}].               

2*B {02106}.

v : 

Bánkúti 1201.




Glu-D1-1m [{02107}].

2.2* {02107}.

v : 



Just before the entry for Glu-E3, add the following phrase to the previous paragraph (which, following the amendments made in the 2000 Supplement, reads: ‘In {00111}, in a study of bread and durum wheats from Portugal, the authors used the nomenclature system described in {00113} for the LMW subunits in bread wheat, and that described in {00114} for the LMW subunits in durum wheat.’): ‘The latter system, updated according to {02110}, is reproduced here:


Follow this with the following new entries:



Glu-B2a {00114}.

12 {00114}.


Mexicali, T. durum.

Glu-B2b {00114}.

Null {00114}.


Langdon, T. durum.


Add at the end of the sentence 'The Glu-3 loci are defined as the cluster of LMW glutenin genes previously considered a component of the compound Gli-1 loci.'

'More than 30 LMW glutenin complete genes, partial genes or pseudogenes have been sequenced from Triticum species (reviewed in {0245}).




Glu-A3a {00114}.

6 {00114}.


Mexicali, T. durum.

Glu-A3b {00114}.

5 {00114}.


Langdon, T. durum.

Glu-A3c {00114}.

6+10 {00114}.


Cocorit, T. durum.

Glu-A3d {00114}.

6+11 {00114}.


Alaga, T. durum.

Glu-A3e {00114}.

11 {00114}.


Blatfort, T. durum.

Glu-A3f {00114}.

6+11+20 {00114}.


Clarofino, T. durum.

Glu-A3g {00114}.

6+10+20 {00114}.


Claro de Balazote, T. durum.

Glu-A3h {00114}.

null {00114}.


Jiloca, T. durum.

Glu-A3i {02110}.

8*+11 {02110}.


Mourisco Fino, T. durum.




Glu-B3a {00114}.

2+4+15+19 {00114}.


Mexicali, T. durum.

Glu-B3b {00114}.

8+9+13+16 {00114}.


Langdon, T. durum.

Glu-B3c {00114}.

2+4+14+15+19 {00114}.


Jiloca, T. durum.

Glu-B3d {00114}.

2+4+15+17+19 {00114}.


Mundial, T. durum.

Glu-B3e {00114}.

2+4+15+16+18 {00114}.


Granja Badajoz, T. durum.

Glu-B3f {00114}.

2+4+15+17 {00114}.


Ardente, T. durum.

Glu-B3g {00114}.

2+4+15+16 {00114}.


Claro de Balazote, T. durum.

Glu-B3h {00114}.

1+3+14+18 {00114}.


Alaga, T. durum.

Glu-B3i {00114}.

7+8+14+18 {00114}.


Blatfort, T. durum.

Glu-B3j {02110}.

4+6*+15+19 {02110}.


Mourisco Fino, T. durum.

Glu-B3k {02110}.

8+9+13+16+19 {02110}.


Faísca, T. durum.


At end of the Glutenins section, just before the heading ‘3.2 Gliadins’, add the paragraph:

‘The following loci, Glu-D4 and Glu-D5, encoding low molecular weight subunits of glutenin (30-32 kDa) have been described in {02111}; the proteins encoded by them were first observed earlier {02114, 02115}, and the former was later tentatively assigned the symbol Glu-4 {02116}, before its chromosomal location was established and the locus definitively named as Glu-D4 in {02111}.  While this locus is located on chromosome 1D (in accordance with the position on the group 1 chromosomes of the remaining glutenin encoding loci found to date), the locus Glu-D5 is located on chromosome 7D.  In SDS-PAGE, the proteins from both loci are detected only in the presence of 4-vinylpyridine added to the sample extract.  Their amino acid composition does not match that of the major prolamin groups;  nonetheless, they classify as glutenins based upon solubility, immunological behaviour and N-terminal amino acid sequence (the latter suggesting an evolutionary link with the major (B and C) low molecular weight glutenin subunits).'


Then add the following entries:        

Glu-D4 {02111}.

1D {02111}.


CS/Langdon 1D(1A); CS/Langdon 1D(1B) {02111}.


Glu-D4a {02111}.



J 24.


Glu-D4b {02111}.



PBW 154.


Glu-D4c {02111}.

null allele.


NI 4.


Glu-D5 {02111}.

7D {02111}.


CS/Langdon 7D(7A); CS/Langdon 7D(7B) {02111}.


Glu-D5a {02111}.



PBW 154.


Glu-D5b {02111}.

null allele


K 68.


Continue with the following paragraph:

‘A collection of 173 Triticum tauschii accessions have been analysed for low molecular weight glutenin subunits by SDS-PAGE {02112}. 33 different patterns for B-subunits and 43 for C-subunits were identified, some of which were of identical electrophoretic mobility to those observed in bread wheat. Also observed were subunits with the same mobilities as the D-subunits and as the subunits encoded by the Glu-D4 and Glu-D5 loci. This variation represents a source of novel germplasm of potential value for breeding programmes aimed at improving the D-genome of bread wheat in the context of bread-making quality.’


3.2. Gliadins

Add at the end of the section, just before the heading ‘3.3 Other endosperm storage proteins’, add the paragraph:

'A locus designated Gli-DT1 controlling an ω-gliadin of T. tauschii has been mapped on the short arm of chromosome 1D between loci Gli-D1 (strictly Gli-Dt1) and Glu-D1 (strictly Glu-Dt1), 13.18 cM proximal to the former and 40.20 cM from the latter {02109}. The only ω-gliadin to date identified as being encoded by this locus, namely T1, is of unusually low electrophoretic mobility in SDS-PAGE gels and was formally thought to be a high molecular weight glutenin encoded by the Glu-Dt1 locus of T. tauschii (see note following the Glu-D1 list in section ‘3.1 Glutenins’). The authors speculate that, due to their similar relative map positions, the loci Gli-A4, Gli-D4, Gli-R3, Gli-Sl4 and this locus, Gli-DT1, form a series of ‘Gli-4’ orthologous loci. However, this should be interpreted in the light of the above discussion on Gli-A3 and Gli-A4.’


Then add the entry:

Gli-DT1 {02109}.

1DS {02109}.        


AUS18913 T. tauschii; L/18913 (synthetic 6X).


Gli-DT1a [{02109}].



AUS18913 T. tauschii; L/18913 (synthetic 6X).


Follow this entry with the following paragraph:

‘Four new classes of low molecular weight proteins related to gliadins, though not sufficiently similar to be classified as such, have been reported in {02113}. One of the classes has no close association to previously described wheat endosperm proteins.’


5.             Other proteins

5.6 Waxy proteins

At end of preamble add: 'Partial genomic clones of various diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid wheats have been sequenced {0278,0279}.'


Wx-d1e {0234}.        v:  Tanikei A6599-4 {0234}.  Relative to Kanto 107, Tanikei A6599-4 carries an alanine to threonine substitution at position 258 in the mature protein {0234}.


5.8. Puroindolines

Revised section: Puroindolines a and b are the major components of friabilin, a protein complex that is associated with grain texture (see 'Grain Hardness'). Hard wheats result from unique changes in the puroindoline amino acid sequence or, currently, four null forms {0295} of the completely linked genes (max. map distance 4.3 cM) {452}.


Pina-Am1 {0083} 5AmS {0083}.                                                                         dv: T. monococcum DV92, G3116 {0083}

In T. momococcum Pina-Am1 is completely linked to Gsp-Am1 {0083}.

Pina-D1 5DS {452}.                                             v:  CS

Pina-D1a {452}.                                                                                                 

v: Aurelio Pinb-D1a {0249}; Bellevue {0249}; Bezostaja Pinb-D1b {0249}; Bilancia Pinb-D1a {0249}; Bolero Pinb-D1a {0249}; Brasilia Pinb-D1b {0249}; Centauro Pinb-D1a {0249}; Cerere Pinb-D1b {0249}; Chinese Spring Pinb-D1a {452,0249}; Colfiorito Pinb-D1b {0249}; Cologna 21 Pinb-D1b {0249}; Courtot {0249}; David Pinb-D1b {0249}; Democrat Pinb-D1b {0249}; Etruria Pinb-D1b {0249}; Fortuna {0249}; Francia Pinb-D1b {0249}; Galaxie 0249}; Gemini Pinb-D1b {0249}; Genio Pinb-D1b {0249}; Gladio Pinb-D1b {0249}; Heron {1035}; Lampo Pinb-D1a {0249}; Leone Pinb-D1a {0249}; Leopardo Pinb-D1a {0249}; Libero Pinb-D1a {0249}; Livio Pinb-D1a {0249}; Marberg Pinb-D1b {0249}; Mentana Pinb-D1a {0249}; Mieti Pinb-D1b {0249}; Mosè Pinb-D1a {0249}; Neviana Pinb-D1a {0249}; Newana Pinb-D1b {0249}; Oscar Pinb-D1a {0249}; Pandas Pinb-D1b {0249}; Pascal Pinb-D1b {0249}; Sagittario Pinb-D1b {0249}; Salgemma Pinb-D1b {0249}; Saliente Pinb-D1b {0249}; Salmone Pinb-D1b {0249}; Serena Pinb-D1a {0249}; Serio Pinb-D1b {0249}; Soissons {0249}; Veda Pinb-D1b {0249}; Zena Pinb-D1b {0249}.'

Pina-D1a is present in all soft hexaploid wheats and possibly all hard hexaploid wheats

carrying a hardness mutation in puroindoline b {452,1035,0082, 0204}.

Pina-D1b {1035}.                                                Null allele

v: Amidon Pinb-D1a {0249}; Barra Pinb-D1a {0249}; Butte 86 {1035}; Ciano Pinb-D1a {0249}; Dorico Pinb-D1a {0249}; Eridano {0249}; Falcon {1035}; Fortuna (USA) Pinb-D1a {0249}; Glenman Pinb-D1a {0249}; Golia Pinb-D1a {0249}; Guadalupe Pinb-D1a {0249}; Inia 66 Pinb-D1a {0249}; Jecora Pinb-D1a {0249}; Indice Pinb-D1a {0249}; Kalyansona {0249}; Manital Pinb-D1a {0249}; Mendos Pinb-D1a {0249}; Padus Pinb-D1a {0249}; Prinqual Pinb-D1a {0249}; Sibilia Pinb-D1a {0249}; Super X {0249}; Yecora Rojo {0204}.

                i: Gamenya sel. {0298,0203}; Heron/7*Falcon sel.{0298,0203}.


Present only in some hard hexaploid wheats.  Pina-D1b is associated with harder texture than Pinb-D1b {0177,0206}.

Pinb-Am1 {0083}.m                                              5AmS {0083}.                        dv: T. monococcum DV92, G3116 {0083}.

In T. momococccum Pinb-Am1 is 0.1 cM proximal to Pina-Am1 and both loci are less than 36 kb apart.

Pinb-D1 5DS {452}                                              v:  CS.

Pinb-D1a {452}.                                                                                                 

v: Amidon Pina-D1b {0249}; Aurelio Pina-D1a {0249}; Barra Pina-D1b {0249}; Bilancia Pina-D1a {0249}; Bolero Pina-D1a {0249}; Centauro Pina-D1a {0249}; Chinese Spring Pina-D1a {452,0249}; Ciano Pina-D1b {0249}; Dorico Pina-D1b {0249}; Fortuna (USA) Pina-D1b {0249}; Glenman Pina-D1b {0249}; Golia Pina-D1b {0249}; Guadalupe Pina-D1b {0249}; Hill 81 {452}; Inia 66 Pina-D1b {0249}; Jecora Pina-D1b {0249}; Idice Pina-D1b {0249}; Lampo Pina-D1a {0249}; Leone Pina-D1a {0249}; Leopardo Pina-D1a {0249}; Libero Pina-D1a {0249}; Livio Pina-D1a {0249}; Manital Pina-D1b {0249}; Mendos Pina-D1b {0249}; Mentana Pina-D1a {0249};Mosè Pina-D1a {0249}; Neviano Pina-D1a {0249}; Oscar Pina-D1a {0249}; Padus Pina-D1b {0249}; Prinqual Pina-D1b {0249}; Serena Pina-D1a {0249}; Sibilia Pina-D1b {0249}.

Pinb-D1a is present in all soft hexaploid wheats and possibly all hard hexaploid wheats

carrying the Pina-D1b mutation {452,1035,0082,0204}.


Pinb-D1b {452}.                                                  5DS {452}.                            

i: Paha*2//Early Blackhull/5*Paha {02111,0203}; Early Blackhull der./5*Nugaines sel. {0298,0203}.

s:  CS*7/Cheyenne 5D {452}.

v: Bezostaya Pina-D1a {0249};  Brasilia Pina-D1a {0249}; Cerere Pina-D1a {0249}; Colfiorito Pina-D1a {0249}; Cologna 21 Pina-D1a {0249}; David Pina-D1a {0249}; Democrat Pina-D1a {0249}; Etruria Pina-D1a {0249}; Francia Pina-D1a {0249}; Gemini Pina-D1a {0249}; Genio Pina-D1a {0249}; Gladio Pina-D1a {0249}; Marberg Pina-D1a {0249}; Mieti Pina-D1a {0249}; Newana Pina-D1a {0249}; Pandas Pina-D1a {0249}; Pascal Pina-D1a {0249}; Sagittario Pina-D1a {0249}; Salgemma Pina-D1a {0249}; Saliente Pina-D1a {0249}; Salmone Pina-D1a {0249}; Serio Pina-D1a {0249}; Thatcher {0204}; Veda Pina-D1a {0249}; Wanser {452}; Zena Pina-D1a {0249}; hard component of Turkey {0204}.


Pinb-D1b is a "loss-of-function" mutation resulting from the replacement of a glycine by a serine at position 46 {452}.

Pinb-D1c {0082}                                                  v: Avle {0082}; Reno {0082}; Tjalve {0082}; Bjorke {0082}; Portal {0082}.

Pinb-D1c is a  "loss-of-function" mutation resulting from the replacement of a leucine by a proline at position 60 {0082}.

Pinb-D1d {0082}.                                                v: Bercy {0082}; Mjolner {0082}.

Pinb-D1d is a  "loss-of-function" mutation resulting from the replacement of a tryptophan by a arginine at position 44 {0082}.

Pinb-D1e {0204}.                                                 v: Gehun {0204}; Canadian Red {0204}; Chiefkan


Pinb-D1e is a  "loss-of-function" mutation resulting from the replacement of a tryptophan by a stop codon at position 39 {0204}.

Pinb-D1f {0204}.                                                 v: the hard component of Utac {0204}.

Pinb-D1f is a  "loss-of-function" mutation resulting from the replacement of a tryptophan by a stop codon at position 44 {0204}.

Pinb-D1g {0204}.                                                v: Andrews {0204}.

Pinb-D1g is a  "loss-of-function" mutation resulting from the replacement of a cysteine by a stop codon at position 56 {0204}.


Pinb-D1b, Pinb-D1c, Pinb-D1d, Pinb-D1e, Pinb-D1f, or Pinb-D1g are present in hard hexaploid wheats not carrying the Pina-D1b (null) mutation {452,1035,0082,0204}.


Wheats with Pinb-D1b were slightly softer and a little superior to those with Pina-D1b in milling and bread-making characteristics although there was considerable overlap {0206}. Transgenic rice with the Pina-D1a and Pinb-D1a alleles possessed softer grain {0207}.

                Genotypes for a selection of North American wheats are given in {0204}.


5.9. Histone H1 Proteins

HstH1-A1 {0215}.


5AL {0215}.


CS {0215}.






HstH1-B1 {0215}.


5BL {0215}.


CS {0215}.






HstH1-D1 {0215}.


5DL {0215}.


CS {0215}.


HstH1-D1a {0215}.



CS {0215}; 18 others {0215}.


HstH1-D1b {0215}.



Grekum 114 {0215}; Kirgizsky Karlik {0215}.






HstH1-A2 {0215}.


5AL {0215}.


CS {0215}.



HstH1-A2a {0215}.



CS {0215}.


HstH1-A2b {0215}.

Null allele {0215}.


Mara {0215}; 10 others {0215}.






HstH1-B2 {0215}.


5BL {0215}.


CS {0215}.


HstH1-B2a {0215}.



CS {0215}; 19 others {0215}.


HstH1-B2b {0215}.



Excelsior {0215}.






HstH1-D2 {0215}.


5DL {0215}.


CS {0215].


The relationship of this gene series with a Hst-A1, Hst-B1, Hst-D1 series in group 5 chromosomes {0216} based on DNA hybridization studies was not established.


Response to Tissue Culture

Add at the end of the section:

QGpp.kvl-2A {0253}.

2AL {0253}.


Ciano/Walter DH mapping population {0253}.  The green plant percentage was contributed by Ciano {0253}.



Associated with Xpsp3045-2A {0253}.

QGpp.kvl-2B.1 {0253}.

2BL {0253}.


Ciano/Walter DH mapping population {0253}.  The green plant percentage was contributed by Ciano {0253}.



Associated with Xgwm388-2B {0253}.

QGpp.kvl-2B.2 {0253}.

2BL {0253}.


Ciano/Walter DH mapping population {0253}.  The green plant percentage was contributed by Ciano {0253}.



Associated with AFLP markers {0253}.

QGpp.kvl-2A {0253}.

2AL {0253}.


Ciano/Walter DH mapping population {0253}.  The green plant percentage was contributed by Ciano {0253}.



Associated with Xpsp3045-2A {0253}.


Response to Vernalization

Vrn-B1.     Vrn2.    5BL or 7BL. Add to reference {635}, i.e. {635,0282}.


In the final paragraph include reference 0202 with the first reference, i.e. {1173,0202}.


Yellow berry tolerance

QTL : 

A QTL for yellow berry tolerance, contributed by RS111, was associated with Xgwm190 and Xgwm174 on chromosome 5D in a RIL population from RS111/CS {0237}.  A tolerance QTL contributed by CS, the susceptible parent, was detected on 6B {0237}.


Yield Components

1000-grain weight

QTgw.ipk-5A {0255}.

5AL {0255}.


Opata/W-7984 (ITMI) RI mapping population {0255}.  The higher yielding allele is contributed by W-7984 {0255}.




Associated with Xfba351 and Xcdo1312 {0255}.


QTL : 

QTLs for grain size were identified on chromosome arms 1DS, 2DL and 6BL in a RIL population from RS111/CS {0236}.


Eight QTLs for 1,000-kernel weight (54 % of the variation) were mapped in 'Forno'/ 'Oberkulmer' spelt {0280}.


Kernel number per spike 

QGnu.ipk-4A {0255}.

4AL {0255}.


Opata/W-7984 (ITMI) RI mapping population {0255}.  Higher kernel number was contributed by Opata {0255}.



Associated with Xmwg549, Xabg390 and Xbcd1670 {0255}.

QGnu.ipk-4A coincides with QTL for height (QHt.ipk-4A), spike length (XEl.ipk-4A) and grain weight per ear (QGwe.ipk-4A) {0255}.


Spike length

QEl.ipk-1B {0255}.

1BL {0255}.


Opata/W-7984 (ITMI) RI mapping population {0255}.  Longer ear was contributed by Opata {0255}.



Associated with Xbcd388 and Xwg605 {0255} .

QEl.ipk-4A {0255}.

4AL {0255}.


Opata/W-7984 (ITMI) RI mapping population {0255}.  Longer ear was contributed by Opata {0255}.



Associated with Xmwg549, Xabg390 and Xbcd1670 {0255}.

This QTL is likely to be a pleiotropic effect of the gene underlying the height QTL, QHt.ipk-4A {0255}.

QEl.ipk-5A {0255}.

5AL {0255}.


Opata/W-7984 (ITMI) RI mapping population {0255}.  Longer ear was contributed by W-7984 {0255}.



Associated with Xmwg522 {0255}.


Grain weight/ear

QGwe.ipk-2D {0255}.

2DS {0255}.


Opata/W-7984 (ITMI) RI mapping population {0255}.  Higher grain weight was contributed by Opata {0255}.



Associated with Xcdo1379 and Xbcd1970 {0255} .

QGwe.ipk-4A {0255}.

4AL {0255}.


Opata/W-7984 (ITMI) RI mapping population {0255}.  Higher grain weight was contributed by Opata {0255}.



Associated with Xmwg549, Xabg390 and Xbcd1670 {0255}.

QGwe.ipk-4A coincides with QTL for height (QHt.ipk-4A), spike length (XEl.ipk-4A) and grain number (QGnu.ipk-4A) {0255}.




Reaction to Diseases and Pests


Reaction to Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus




TC14 {059,0201}.




TC14*2/Hartog {0225}; TC14/2*Spear {0201}; TC14/2*Tatiara {0225}.



Complete association with Xpsr129-7D, Xpsr548-7D, XksuD2-7D, XcslH81-7D, and Xgwm37-7D selected as a diagnostic marker {0225}.


Reaction to Diuaphis noxia


7DS {0211}.


Betta-Dn1 {0211}; Karee-Dn1 {0211}; Tugela-Dn1 {0211}.   



Xgwm111-7D210  - 3.20 ± 0.20 cM - Dn1 (0211}.



7DS {0211}.


Betta-Dn2 (0211}; Karee-Dn2 {0211}; Tugela-Dn2 {0211}.



Xgwm111-7D200 – 3.05 ± 0.18 cM - Dn2 {0211}.





Halt {0209}.



7DS {0211}.


Betta-Dn1 {0211}.



Xgwm111-7D220 - <3.20 cM – Dn5 {0211}.


Dn8 {0211}.

7DS {0211}.






PI 294994 Dn5Dn9 {0211}.



Xgwm635-7D100 - <3.20 cM – Dn8 {0211}.


Dn9 {0211}.

1DL {0211}.






PI 294994 Dn5Dn8 {0211}.



Xgwm642-7D180 - <3.20 cM -  Dn9 {0211}.


Dnx {0211}.

7DS {0211}.


PI 220127 {0211}.



Xgwm111-7D210 – 1.52 + 0.15 cM – Dnx {0211].

Dnx was considered to be located at a locus different from Dn1, Dn2 or Dn5 {0211}, which were likely to be identical or allelic.


Reaction to Erysiphe  graminis



Pm4b - 4.8cM - Xgbx3119b  {0272}.


Pm5a {0257}.



Add:  'Galaxie {0257}; Kutulukskaya {0257}; Lambros {0257}; Navid {0257}; Pagode {0257}; Regina {0257}; Sicco (0257}; Tarasque {0257}; Zolotistaya {0257}.'

Pm5b {0257}.

Mli {540,558}.


Add:  Cucurova {0257}; Fruhprobst {0257}; Kirkpinar-79 {0257}; Kontrast {0257}; Ilona {0257}; Nadadores {0257}; Siete Cerros {0257}; Una {0257}; Wettiness {0257};

Pm5c {0257}.

7B {0257}.


T. sphaerococcum cv. Kolandi {0257}.

Pm5d {0257}.

7B {0257}.


IGV 1-455 = CI 10904/7*Prins {0257}; CI 10904/7*Starke {0257}.

Pm5e {0258}.

mlfz {0259}.


Fuzhuang 30 {0258}.



Xgwm1267-7B - 6.6cM – Pm5e – 12.6cM - Xubc405628 {0258}.




A STS marker distinguishes Pm17 from Pm8 {0286}.








A STS marker distinguishes Pm17 from Pm8 {0286}.




Pm30 – 5.6 cM – Xgwm159-5B {0163}.


Mlxbd {0259}.

7B {0259}.


Xiaobaidong {0258}.


Add to genotype list:  ‘{02104} (Hungarian wheats).’.



Several QTLs were detected in two RE714/Hardi populations when tested at two growth stages and with different cultures over three years.  The most persistent band effective QTL was located in the vicinity of Xgwm174-5D {0272}.  Three QTLs, QPm.vt-1B, QPm.vt-2A and QPm.vt-2B, with additive gene action, accounted for 50% of the variation in a population developed from Becker/Massey {0284}.



QPm.ipk-2B {0255}.

2BS {0255}.


Opata/W-7984 (ITMI) RI mapping population {0255}.  Resistance was contributed by Opata {0255}.



Associated with Xcdo405 and Xmwg950 {0255} .


QPm.ipk-4B {0255}.

4B {0255}.


Opata/W-7984 (ITMI) RI mapping population {0255}.  Resistance was contributed by W-7984 {0255}.



Associated with Xcdo795 and Xbcd1262 {0255}.

QPm.ipk-7D {0255}.

7DS {0255}.


Opata/W-7984 (ITMI) RI mapping population {0255}.  Resistance was contributed by Opata {0255}.



Associated with Xwg834 and Xbcd1872 {0255} .



Reaction to Fusarium graminearum

QFhs.ndsu-3B {9925,0175}.

3BS {9925}.


Sumai 3 {9925,0175}.



Associated with Xbcd907-3B.2 (LOD>3) {9925} and microsatellite markers Xgwm533 and Xgwm493 {0175}.  This QTL explained 41.6 % of the variation in the cross Sumai3/Stoa {0175}.


QTL : 

Two additional QTL for resistance to Fusarium graminearum were identified in the cross Sumai3/Stoa {0175}.  The QTL on 4BS was associated with Xwg909 and the QTL on 6BS was associated with Xbarc101 and Xbcd1383 {0175}.  The QTL associated with markers Xgwm493/Xgwm533 (explaining 24.8 % of the variation), and Xbarc101/Xbcd1383 were also identified in a RIL population from the cross ND2603/Butte 86 {0175}.  In addition, one QTL on chromosome 3AL associated with Xbcd941 and one on chromosome 6AS associated with XksuH4 were identified in RILs from the cross ND2603/Butte 86 {0175}.


The resistance QTL on chromosome 3BS associated with Xgwm493 and Xgwm533 was also identified in a DH population of the cross CM-82036 (a Sumai 3 derivative) x Remus {0240}.  Additional QTL in this cross were detected on chromosome 5A, associated with Xgwm293 and Xgwm304, and possibly on 1B, associated with Glu-B1 {0240}.

For review see {0283}.



Reaction to Heterodera avenae

Cre8 {0220}.

CreF {0012,0138}.  

6B {0220}.  [On basis of linkage with Xbcd1 and Xcdo347].




Barunga {0220}; Festiguay {0012,0220}; Frame {0138,0220};  Molineaux {0220}.    ma:  Associated with a unique allele when probed with CDO367 which hybridizes to group 7L {1059}.



Reaction to Mayetiola destructor



A STS primer set SJ07 was developed to identify 2RL, and hence H21 {0233}.


H30 {0256}.

Derived from Ae. triuncialis  {0256}.




TR-3531 {0256}.


Ae. triuncialis {0256}. 


Reaction to Mycosphaella graminicola



Rc3 - 6.6cM- Stb5 - ­7.2cM - Xgwm44/Centromere {0186}.


Reaction to Phaeosphaeria nodorum



UBC521650 -  15 cM – SnbTM – 13.1 cM – RC37510       {0212}. UBC521650 was converted to a SCAR marker {0212}.


Reaction to Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides


7A {0224}.


Five recombinant lines {0224}.


Reaction to Puccinia graminis tritici



Add:  'See also {0158}.'




Can be detected with several RFLP probes {0138}.





Cougar {0267}; Rawhide (heterogeneous) {0267}.






GK Kincső {0235}.


Sr38 {062}.

Derived from Ae. ventricosa.  See Reaction to P. recondita tritici Lr37 and P. striiformis tritici Yr17 for details. 




Moisson derivatives Mx12 and Mx22 also carry Sr38 {0213}.


Reaction to Puccinia recondita tritici




Scout 66 {02101}.


Lrk10. A receptor-like kinase. The locus Xsfr1(Lrk10)-1A, detected by the probe Lrk10, is completely linked with Lr10 in chromosome 1AS {356}.  Lrk10 encodes a receptor-like kinase with extracellular and kinase domains {0297}. Using probe pLrk10-A, developed from the extracellular domain, 6 homologues were found in chromosomes 1A (1), 1B (3) and 1D (2) as well as group 1 chromosomes of T. monococcum, Ae. tauschii and barley {0296,0294}. Probes based on the kinase domain identified further homologues in chromosomes 3AS and 3BS as well as the corresponding regions in rice and maize {0294}. Both orthologous and paralogous evolution were suggested.





Karl 92 Lr3 Lr10 {02101}.





AC Domain Lr10 Lr34{0228}.





Hereward {0288}; Moulin {0288}; Pastiche {0288}.  BH1146 Lr34 {0268}.





Arapahoe {02101}; Brule {02101}; Millenium {02101}; Redland {02101}; Vista {02101}.



2A {1350}. 


Brock {0260}; Tarso {0229}; Norman {1350}.





4 further derivatives of 88M22-149 {0232}.




An STS marker closely linked and distal to Lr19 was developed from an AFLP {0273}.





McKenzie {0228}; WGRC2 = TA1649/3* Wichita {0299}; WGRC7 = Wichita/TA1649//2*Wichita {0299}.  




Aegilops squarrosa accessions: RL5289 = TA1599 {1241}; TA1649 {0299}; TA1691 {0299}; TA2378 {0299}; TA2470 {0299}; TA2483 {0299}; TA2495 {0299};  TA2527 {0299}; TA2528 {0299}.   



 All members of the Lr21 family carry a STS derivative of ksuD14-1D that has a resistance gene analogue structure {0299}.





Cranbrook {02119}.





Cougar {0267}; Rawhide (heterogeneous) {0267}.





Westphal 12 {0268}; BH1146 Lr13 {0268}.


Lr37 {062}.

2AS {062}.

Derived from Ae. ventricosa .


VPM1 and derivatives:        2AS {062}  = 2AL.2AS-2NvS {0213}.




Tc*8/VPM1 {316}; Various NILs listed in {0213}.




Hyak {021}; Madsen {020}; Rendezvous {062}; VPM1 {062}.  See also Reaction to P. striiformis tritici Yr17.


Moisson derivatives:          Lr {113}.                2AS = 2AL.2AS-2NvS {113}.




Moisson + 6Nv = 6NvS.6NvL-2NvS or 6NvL.6NvS-2NvS {0009}.




Mx12 {0213}; Mx22 {0213}.



(relevant to both groups of derivatives). PCR primers designed from marker csVrga1D3’ {0183} producing a 383 bp product allows detection of the 2NvS segment {0213}. See also: Reaction to P. striiformis tritici Yr17.

Lr37 can be recognised in seedling tests at low temperatures (17C) and is effective in adult plants under field conditions.


Lr39 {02100}.   

2DS {02100}.   

Derived from Aegilops tauschii {02100}.   




TA4186 = TA1675*2/Wichita {02100}.   




Aegilops tauschii TA 1675 {02100}.   



10.7 cM distal to Xgwm210-2D {02100}.





Thunderbolt {02100}.


Lr50 {0221}.

2BL {0221} [Based on linkage with SSR markers].




WGR36 = TAM107*3/TA870//Wichita {0221}.




T. armeniacum TA870 {0221}.


LrTm {0277}.



T. monococcum.



Linked to microsatellite locus Xgwm136 {0277}.


LrTr {0227].   



Aegilops triuncialis derivatives {0227}.   




WL711 BC2F5 addition lines {0227}.   




Aegilops triuncalis Acc. 3549 {0227|. 



  Lines with LtTr possessed a homologue of Xgwm368-4B {0227}.


Genotype lists:  Australian wheats {0288}, European wheats {0229,0260,0288}.


Reaction to Puccinia striiformis tritici




Cougar {0267}; Rawhide (heterogeneous) {0267}.



YrVav {0262}.


QLD709 = Janz*2/T. Vavilovii {0262}. 




T. vavilovii AUS 22498 {0262}.



A SCAR marker was described in {0261}.  QLD709 and T.spelta 415, both with white glumes, failed to amplify the SCAR sequence, but bot5h carried unique alleles at the Gli-B1 and XPsp3000 loci {0262}.  These differed from the Moro source of Yr10}  Yr10 –1.5+-0.9cM -Gli-B1- 1.1+-0.8cM – XPsp3000 {0262}.


Yr17 {062}.

2AS {062}.

See reaction to P. recondita tritici Lr37 for details.




Genotype list in {02105}.




Arche {0044}, Balthazar {0044}, Brigadier {0044}, Cordial {0044}, Eureka {0044}, Hussar {0044},  Lynx {0044},  Pernel {0044},  Renan {0044}.



Yr17 was closely linked to the SCAR marker SC-Y15, developed from RAPD marker OP-Y15580, and to Xpsr150-2Nv {0044}.



 1BS {0285}.

The earlier reported location  opf 6AL.6VS {617} is not correct.




Wheat-Haynaldia villosa  lines R43, R55, R64 and R77 {0285}.   




T. turgidum Gamma 80-1.   



Yr26 – 1.9cM – Xgwm11-1B/Xgwm18-1B {0285}.  




Linkage with Xmwg634-4D {1377}.




In the ITMI mapping population, QTLs were found in 2BS, 7DS, and possibly 5A, 3D and 6D {0287}.


In Camp Remy/Michigan Amber, QTLS were found in 2AL and 2BL {0287}.



Reaction to Pyrenophora tritici repentis

  1. Resistance to chlorosis induction

QTsc.ndsu-1A.    Add {0040,0264}’ to the references for QTL and the marker association.


QTsc.ndsu-4A.    Add to: v:  In W-7976/Trenton resistance was contributed by W-7976 {0264}.     

ma: Add:  ‘In W-7976/Trenton there was association with Xwg622-4A{0264} and minor QTLs in chromosomes 1AL, 7DS, 5AL and 3BL were associated with resistance in adult plants {0264}.


Reaction to Sitodiplosis mosellana

Insect pest:  Orange blossum wheat midge,  Wheat midge


Sm1 {0218}.          2B{0218}.              v:  Augusta {0218}; Blueboy {0218}; Caldwell {0218}; Clark {0218}; FL302{0218}; Howell {0218} Knox 62 {0218}; Mono {0218}; Seneca {0218}.             ma:  Linked to a SCAR marker {0223}. 


Reaction to Ustilago tritici

Add:  Resistance to race 19 was associated with chromosome 6A of Cadet, Kota, Thatcher and TD18 {0208}. In the case of Cadet, resistance was localized to 6AS {0208}.


Resistance to colonization by Eriophyes tulipae

Curl mite colonization




Norstar derivative {0222}. 


Cmc3 {0222}.

1A = 1AL.1RS.




Amigo; TAM107.  KS96GRC40 Cmc4 {0222}.


Cmc4 {0222}.

6DS {0222}.


KS96WRC40 Cmc3 {0222}.




Aeg. Tauschii (accession no {0222}.



Genetic Linkages

To the references in the first paragraph in the 2001 Supplement, add: ‘187’.


Chromosome 4D


                ms4         -               centromere            I               {0293}



Summary table 1



Alkylresocinols content of grain


Ear emergence time


Ear length


Flowering time


Grain number


Green plant percentage


Grain weight/ear


Leaf erectness


Pyruvate decarboxylase


Peduncle length


Red awn colour


1000-grain weight


Winter hardiness




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0266.       Li WL, Faris JD, Muthukrishnan S, Liu DJ, Chen PD & Gill BS  2001  Isolation and characterization of novel cDNA clones of acidic chitinases and beta-1,3-glucanases from wheat spikes infected by Fusarium graminearum.  Theoretical & Applied Genetics 102: 353-362.

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