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WGEW Webcam

The Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed webcam operates from approximately 10 am to 8 pm.  The image is updated every 2 minutes and the newest image can be seen by using your browser's reload or refresh button.  If the image is unavailable, please come back later.

The Walnut Gulch Webcam is located on the top of the main ARS - Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed Field Office building. The camera is pointed toward the North East with the Dragoon Mountains in the background.



August 8, 2006
(5897K wmv file)

August 6, 2006
(6014K wmv file)

August 3, 2006
(3952K wmv file)

July 25, 2006
(5467K wmv file)

Flow at Flume 103 on August 23, 2003 (17MB wmv file)

August 17, 2001
(2827K wmv file)

August 5, 2001
(1475K wmv file)

August 29,2001
(2675K wmv file)

Live Picture of the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed


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