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Africa's Lakes
Atlas of Our Changing Environment
Nambia Desert
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Increasing concern as to how human activities impact Africa's lakes has led to documentation and quantification of the lakes and the environmental changes taking place. Through a combination of ground photographs, current and historical satellite images, and narrative based on extensive scientific evidence, this publication illustrates how humans have altered their surroundings and continue to make observable and measurable changes to Africa's lakes and their environment.

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Chapter 3 - Lake Manantali
20 Nov 1977 image 23 Oct 1999 image
Lake Manantali, Mali
Lake Manantali on the Bafing River contributes to power generation and irrigation in the surrounding areas. These two images illustrate some of the physical changes that have occurred in the Bafing riverine system since the construction of the Manantali Dam, which began in 1981. The 1977 image shows the original meandering nature of the Bafing River, which annually deposited rich fluvial soils used by local people for growing sorghum and other crops on its floodplains. The 1999 image shows the extent of irrigated agriculture in the surrounding area, which rapidly expanded after the dam was filled between 1986 and 1988. The increase in water quantity is also clearly visible in 1999 image.
Africa's Lakes cover

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