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The Smithsonian Institution offers fellowships for advanced study at SERC at the senior postdoctoral, postdoctoral, predoctoral, and graduate student levels. Determination of fellowship category for which to apply should be based on the anticipated academic level at the time the fellowship would begin:

Graduate Student Fellowships:
When they apply, students must be formally enrolled in a graduate program of study at a degree-granting institution. Before the appointment begins students must have completed at least one full-time semester or its equivalent, and must not yet have been advanced to candidacy if enrolled in a doctoral program.

Predoctoral Fellowships:
Students enrolled in a university as candidates for the Ph.D. or equivalent are eligible for predoctoral fellowships. By the time the appointment begins, the university must approve the undertaking of dissertation research at the Smithsonian Institution and certify that requirements for the doctorate, other than the dissertation, have been met.

Postdoctoral Fellowships:
Applicants are eligible to apply for postdoctoral fellowships who have or will have received the Ph.D. or equivalent after January 15, 1992. The degree must be completed by the time the fellowship begins.

Senior Fellowships:
Applicants who have received the Ph.D. or equivalent before January 15, 1992 are eligible to apply for senior fellowships. Senior fellowship applications may be submitted two years in advance.

Fellows are selected in a single, annual competition. The annual application deadline is January 15 of the proposed year of sponsorship. An application consists of a completed form (available from the Office of Fellowships application page), current CV, and a formal research proposal. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Fellowships, which can provide application materials and instructions.

For applicants that are currently working at SERC or are affiliated with the agency, we are asking for additional application information. Applicants currently working at SERC should dedicate one page of the proposal to describing their research progress thus far. This progress report should include publications and presentations at conferences and meetings. Applicants affiliated with SERC should write a brief, 5-6 sentence paragraph including the following components: 1.) state your affiliation with SERC, 2.) the nature of the work, and 3.) provide evidence of progress (i.e. publications, etc.).

To ensure that proposed fellowship projects are appropriate for SERC, applicants are encouraged to coordinate with proposed SERC sponsors early on in preparing fellowship proposals. See the research interests to identify possible SERC sponsors.

In addition to the Smithsonian Fellowship program, SERC scientists sometimes hire postdoctoral researchers to work on externally funded research projects. Check the Current Job Openings at SERC or contact individual scientists for more information on such opportunities.

The Smithsonian Institution does not discriminate on grounds of race, creed, sex, age, marital status, condition of disability, or national origin of any applicant.