
About Smithsonian


A six-month, full-time paid writing internship is available at Smithsonian magazine in Washington, D.C., beginning in January and July each year. The job involves writing and reporting, primarily for the "Around the Mall" department and the magazine's Web site. Candidates should have a proven aptitude for writing and, preferably, a strong background in science, culture, history or one of the other areas in which the magazine specializes. A recent undergraduate or graduate degree is a must. Please send a cover letter, resume, contact info for three references, and 3-5 clips to Megan Gambino, Attn: Intern Application, Smithsonian Magazine, Capital Gallery, Suite 6001, MRC 513 Box 37012, Washington, DC 20013. If sending by FedEx or other courier, please send to Megan Gambino, Smithsonian Magazine, Capital Gallery, 600 Maryland Avenue SW, Suite 6001, Washington, DC 20024. Deadline for January is November 1. Deadline for July is May 1.

The undergraduate internship program is sponsored by the American Society of Magazine Editors. Strong consideration is given to applicants with a demonstrated interest in journalism, either with journalism as their college major or through work on their college magazine or newspaper. The deadline for applications is generally November 15 for the following summer. To learn about the program and download an application go to:

These are the magazine's only editorial internships.
To learn about other internships at the Smithsonian go to
The Smithsonian Institution is an equal opportunity employer.

Employment Information
Smithsonian magazine has a staff of editors and researchers. There are no writing positions. Articles are written on a freelance basis. When positions are available, they are listed at the Institution's human resources Web site:

View our freelance submission guidelines.