Thomas Jefferson

Presidential Number: 3rd
Years he was President: 1801-09
State Represented: Virginia
Party Affiliation: Democratic-Republican
Fact(s): At age 33, he drafted the Declaration of Independence. He constructed his mountain top home, Monticello.

Birthday: April 13, 1743
How old would he be this year? 260
School(s) attended: College of William and Mary
Wife: Martha Jefferson
Occupation(s) before he was President: Lawyer
Other way(s) he served: Ambassador to France, Governor of Virginia, represented Virginia in the Continental Congress, Secretary of State, Vice President
Height: 6 feet, 2.5 inches
Favorite Foods: Ice cream, pancakes, spoon breads, vegetables
Hobbies or Sports: Fishing, horticulture, riding, violin, walking
Pets: Mockingbirds

Life in America
How would he have traveled? Horse and carriage
How would he have communicated with his friends? Letter
U.S. Population when term began: 5,308,483
Number of stars on flag when he left office: 17
Thomas Jefferson

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Art and information provided by fifth-graders from Abingdon Elementary School in Arlington, Virginia. Coloringbook drawings by White House artist Rania Hassan.