Research Highlights

VA Investigators Receive Presidential Award

September 24, 2004

On September 9, 2004, the White House announced the recipients of the 2003 Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). Steven Asch, MD, PhD and Albert Lo, MD, PhD were among 57 researchers to receive this prestigious honor. The PECASE program was established in 1996 to recognize outstanding scientists and engineers who, early in their careers, show exceptional potential for leadership in the frontiers of scientific knowledge; it is the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on scientists and engineers beginning their careers. Eight federal departments and agencies annually nominate scientists and engineers whose work shows the greatest promise. Participating agencies, such as the Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Defense, and National Science Foundation, award these scientists and engineers with up to five years of funding to further their research in support of critical government missions.

Dr. Asch is part of the Los Angeles VAMC and HSR&D's Center for the Study of Healthcare Provider Behavior. He also is the co-Research Coordinator of HSR&D's HIV/AIDS Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI), where he focuses on HIV treatment with antiretroviral drugs and the screening and prevention of opportunistic infections. His research interests also include the development of quality and access measurement systems. Dr. Lo is part of the West Haven VAMC and is affiliated with the Yale Medical School, Department of Neurology. His research interest is in multiple sclerosis, particularly robotic neurorehabilitation, neuroprotection, and MS epidemiology.