The Bridge - February 2008

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Crisis Averted: The 2007 Montpelier Ice-Up

Photo of Winooski River ice jamA lot of luck and a little wastewater and sand turned out to be a recipe for success. Despite fears of a repeat of the 1992 flood, the city of Montpelier, Vermont escaped the “great ice-up” of 2007 unscathed. When the Winooski River froze solid in January last year, the threat of flooding was immediately apparent – and plans for the flood fight commenced.
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Flood Mapping Q&A

Photo of Digital Flood MapThe Map Modernization Program (Map Mod) is a multiyear initiative to improve and update the nation’s flood hazard identification maps. As part of FEMA’s Map Modernization Program, flood maps are now being printed and stored in a digital format known as Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRMs). The digitization of the maps is dramatically improving the readability and accuracy of the nation's flood maps.
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Partner Playback: Environmental Protection Agency

EPA Takes Homeland Security Planning to Next Level

Photo of Environmental Protection Agency truckLong after many first response agencies have packed up their equipment and moved on, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is often required to remain at a disaster site for the long-haul - to complete clean-up and decontamination activities, prior to reuse and reentry. No matter what type of Homeland Security threat we plan for, be it chemical, biological, radiological, oil spills, natural disasters or other, decontamination and clean-up are important elements of a long-term response - and EPA plays a key role to ensure public health and safety. Full Story

New England Notes

Administrator's Message

Photo of FEMA Region I Administrator Art CleavesI’m excited about this issue of The Bridge because of its recurrent theme – the importance of strong partnerships. The article on the Winooski River Ice Jam of ‘07 is a prime example of how cooperation among federal, state and local agencies can positively impact the outcome of an event. Full Story

Disaster Air Operations

In federally declared disasters, aviation frequently plays a critical role in supporting the disaster response. Air assets can span several agencies such as the US Coast Guard for rescue work, the Civil Air Patrol for digital imaging and reconnaissance and the Department of Defense for airlift, helicopter support and remote sensing.
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Last Modified: Wednesday, 13-Feb-2008 12:06:52 EST