Mitigation in New Hampshire

Bartlett Loop Road Work Protects Public Safety, Waterway

Man working near a riverBelow green hills, streams meander through valleys, where small towns nestle. A landscape that is emblematic of the New Hampshire countryside. Though picturesque, this setting is also susceptible to flooding. However, local emergency responders and public works department crews now have one less problem to deal with on Bartlett Loop Road.Full Story

Temple Tackles Road Problems With High-tech Materials

blank photoWhen a heavy rain drenches southwest New Hampshire's Monadnock Mountain range, much of it finds its way downhill to the town of Temple. The high water generally leaves behind washed out gravel or sections of roads. But for the last 20 years, one road at a time, the town's road agent, public works crew and town select board have reduced road damage by taking the initiative to rebuild stronger. Full Story

Communities Work Together to Repair Damages

When public works directors and road agents are looking for better ideas on how to repair roads and fix drainage problems, they often check with the Technology Transfer Center, located at the University of New Hampshire, Durham. Mitigation is a hot topic at the Center.Full Story

Small Repairs Can Save Big Dollars

After a federal disaster declaration, funds are made available for communities to make repairs. Some of these funds can help make facilities more damage resistant in the future. Read about more communtities that have had success in repairing oft-damaged roads. Full Story

Mitigation in New Hampshire was developed by FEMA in partnership with New Hampshire Homeland Security and Emergency Management and the New Hampshire Office of Energy and Planning.

Last Modified: Wednesday, 27-Feb-2008 15:31:57 EST

Fast Facts

Mitigation ( n.—measures taken to reduce adverse impacts.

“Mitigation focuses on breaking the cycle of disaster damage reconstruction, and repeated damage.”

    -- website, 2006

The following grants are available in New Hampshire:

The Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) provides a percentage of total Disaster Assistance funds for mitigation measures to be implemented during the immediate recovery after a disaster.

The Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Program provides funding to states and communities for measures that reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of flood damage to buildings, manufactured homes and other structures insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

The Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Program provides competitive grants to states , tribal governments and local governments for cost-effective hazard mitigation that complements a comprehensive mitigation program.