Continuum - Summer 2008

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New England Schools 'STEP' to Prepare Kids

FEMA Region I Launches School Preparedness Initiative

Graphic logo of FEMA's Student Tools for Emergency Planning

The Student Tools for Emergency Planning (STEP) program, built through a partnership between the region’s External Affairs and National Preparedness divisions, is an education project aimed at teaching students basic emergency preparedness skills. With the support of emergency management agencies from all six New England states, STEP will launch its pilot program in 36 schools in September 2008.   Read Story

Hurricane Preparedness:

The Challenge for Summer '08

Chart of 2008 Hurricane Forecast

New England experienced its last hurricane in 1991. Hurricane Bob was a Category I storm with sustained winds of 74-95 miles per hour. Although Bob caused major problems in several areas, it was a small event in comparison with some of the more recent hurricanes like Andrew and Katrina in terms of its force and resultant damage.  Read Story

New England Notes

Administrator's Message

Photo of FEMA Region I Administrator Art CleavesAs you review this issue of Continuum, you will read about FEMA’s efforts to educate individuals, government and private sector organizations on emergency preparedness. Spreading the preparedness message throughout the private sector community will help support employees, customers, the community, and the local economy – ensuring that everyone gets back on their feet as quickly as possible after a disaster.
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DHS Establishes Preparedness Certification Program for Private Sector

DHS recently signed an agreement to establish the Voluntary Private Sector Preparedness Accreditation and Certification Program. Implementing the Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007, the department is establishing a common set of criteria for private sector preparedness in disaster management, emergency management and business continuity.   Read More

FEMA Partners with Private Sector in Recent Floods

The private sector plays a pivotal role in advancing the mission of FEMA. In late 2006, Region I began an initiative to develop a partnership with the private sector in New England. The goal was two-fold: better communications and strengthen preparedness.   Read More

Last Modified: Thursday, 18-Sep-2008 15:17:29 EDT