NIMS Integration Center Releases New Webpage for NIMS Guides The National Incident Management System (NIMS) Integration Center releases the debut of the new NIMS Guides webpage. The debut of this webpage is an important step towards the development of additional NIMS guidance. A NIMS Guide is a new document developed by the NIMS Integration Center and should be regarded as guidance or clarification; dealing specifically with the way NIMS doctrine or policy is defined or interpreted within a section of the NIMS. The NIMS Guides provide material used to augment and update specific detail elements related to the NIMS Document. The NIMS Guide webpage can be accessed at: Please bookmark this link because as the new NIMS Guides are being developed, they will be released publicly. If you are interested in joining the NIMS Integration Center listserv to receive NIMS Alerts as they are posted, please send your email request to