FY2007 FEDERAL DEPARTMENT AND AGENCY NIMS IMPLEMENTATION SURVEY On September 9, 2004, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in a letter to Federal Departments and Agencies (D/As), outlined three initial National Incident Management System (NIMS) implementation activities for the interagency community. The three activities were as follows: * Identify existing or anticipated FY 2005 Federal preparedness assistance programs; * Submit a plan for adopting and implementing NIMS; and * Incorporate NIMS into Emergency Operations Plans. Since that time, Federal D/As have made great strides toward the adoption, implementation and sustainment of NIMS. All Federal D/As have submitted NIMS implementation plans and many have completely incorporated NIMS into their emergency preparedness and incident management programs. In addition, Federal NIMS Partners Working Group meetings have been held quarterly since May 2006, to provide a forum for D/As to exchange lessons learned and best practices in NIMS implementation.    To determine the status of Federal NIMS Implementation and to identify the challenges facing D/As in program development and execution, the National Integration Center, Incident Management System Division (IMSD) is conducting a survey of all Federal D/A NIMS Program Coordinators. The information obtained from this survey will be used to aid in the development of future year NIMS Implementation Activities and Metrics as well as in the development of program resources. The results will be used to generate an overview report on the current state of NIMS implementation across the Federal Government. Please note that the purpose of the report is to provide an overview of NIMS implementation across the Federal spectrum, not to report individual D/A progress. The survey is targeted to Federal D/A Headquarters Principal NIMS Coordinators and Program Managers. D/As should feel free to distribute to subordinate elements if desired. Responses are requested by October 31, 2007. If you have questions or need additional information please contact Robert Sullivan, IMSD, at (202) 646-4329 or robert.sullivan@dhs.gov. Adoption and Infrastructure 1) Has your Department/Agency formally adopted NIMS as its all-hazards incident management system? YES IN PROGRESS NO Identify any challenges that have impeded adoption and implementation of NIMS (i.e. plans, policy, personnel, funding, other.): ????? 2) Has your Department/Agency designated a single point of contact to serve as the principle coordinator for NIMS implementation? If Yes, who has been designated? ????? (Name, Title, Email Address, Phone Number, Mailing Address) If No, when does the Department/Agency plan to designate a single point of contact for NIMS implementation? ?????/?????/????? (MM/DD/YYYY) YES NO 3) In your Department/Agency Federal Preparedness Award Programs, do you verify NIMS compliance as a condition of award distribution? Please respond as appropriate for the following award recipients: YES NO N/A States Territories Tribal Nations Local Jurisdictions 4) Has your Department/Agency updated Emergency Operations Plans to incorporate NIMS concepts and principles? YES IN PROGRESS NO Identify any challenges that have impeded incorporation of NIMS concepts and principles into emergency plans and procedures (i.e. policies, education, funding, etc.): ????? Command and Management 5) Does your Department/Agency manage all interagency emergency incidents and planned events (recurring/special) in accordance with ICS organizational structures doctrine and procedures, as defined in NIMS?? YES IN PROGRESS NO Identify any challenges that have impeded management of your emergency and planned events in accordance with ICS organizational structure doctrines and procedures (i.e. policies, education, funding, etc.): ????? Preparedness Planning 6) Has your Department/Agency revised and updated your incident management plans and standard operating procedures/standard operating guidelines to incorporate NIMS and National Response Plan components, terminology, principles ad policies? YES IN PROGRESS NO Identify any challenges that have impeded incorporation of NIMS into incident management plans and standard operating plans/standard operating guidelines (i.e. policies, education, funding, etc.): ????? Preparedness Training 7) Does your Department/Agency have a training program in place that includes NIMS training courses? YES NO 8) Does your Department/Agency training program identify and train the appropriate personnel in IS/ICS 100, Introduction to the Incident Command System (ICS)? YES IN PROGRESS NO 9) Does your Department/Agency training program identify and train the appropriate personnel in IS/ICS 200, Basic ICS? YES IN PROGRESS NO 10) Does your Department/Agency training program identify and train the appropriate personnel in IS 700, NIMS: An Introduction? YES IN PROGRESS NO 11) Does your Department/Agency training program identify and train the appropriate personnel (positions) in ICS 800, National Response Plan: An Introduction? YES IN PROGRESS NO 12) Does your Department/Agency training program identify and train the appropriate personnel (positions) in ICS 300, Intermediate ICS? YES IN PROGRESS NO 13) Does your Department/Agency training program identify and train the appropriate personnel in ICS 400, Advanced ICS? YES IN PROGRESS NO 14) Has your Department/Agency training program been effective in ensuring that adequate numbers of appropriate personnel have taken ICS 300 & 400?, YES IN PROGRESS NO 15) Is there sufficient training capability either in your D/A or available within the Federal government to implement training requirements? YES IN PROGRESS NO Identify any challenges that have NIMS Preparedness Training (i.e. plans, policy, personnel, funding, other.): ????? Preparedness Exercises 16) Does your Department/Agency participate in an exercise and evaluation program (such as the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)) that integrates NIMS concepts and principles into exercises? YES IN PROGRESS NO 17) Does your Department/Agency had a process for collecting and incorporate corrective actions (e.g., after action reports, and/or lessons learned) into incident management programs following incidents/planned events? YES IN PROGRESS NO Resource Management 18) Has your Department/Agency developed an inventory of its incident management assets? YES IN PROGRESS NO Communication and Information Management 19) Does your Department/Agency use standardized and consistent terminology in all communications protocols for incident response and planned events? YES IN PROGRESS NO Department/Agency Comments 20) Please provide any comments on your Department/Agency NIMS Program that you feel would be helpful to the Federal NIMS implementation effort: ????? Respondent Name and Title: ????? Organization: ????? Phone: ????? Email: ????? Please return the completed survey to Robert Sullivan, IMSD by October 31, 2007. Responses can be submitted via email to robert.sullivan@dhs.gov, by fax to (202) 646-3061, or by regular mail to: Robert Sullivan, IM-CT, Federal Emergency management Agency, 500 C Street, SW, Washington, DC 20472. FY 2007 Federal NIMS Implementation Survey 5