Project Formulation and Cost Estimating

Application Process: Step Six

Project formulation is the process of documenting the damage to the facility, identifying the eligible scope of work and estimating the costs associated with that scope of work for each of the applicant's projects.

Project formulation allows applicants to administratively consolidate multiple work items into single projects in order to expedite approval and funding, and to facilitate project management. A project is a logical method of performing work required as a result of the declared event. More than one damage site may be included in a project.

Previous Step: Kick-off Meeting with Public Assistance Coordinator (PAC). Next Step: Project Review and Validation.



All projects are documented on Project Worksheets (PWs). These PWs contain the information necessary for FEMA to approve the scope of work and itemized cost estimate prior to funding.



Last Modified: Tuesday, 02-May-2006 10:22:46 EDT