Number of Project Worksheets Obligated

Major Disaster

Type of Project Average
By Calendar Year
By Declaration
A - Debris Removal 4,714 88.3
B - Protective Measures 7,526 147.4
C - Roads & Bridges 12,229 242.0
D - Water Control Facilities 1,246 20.0
E - Public Buildings 9,221 137.8
F - Public Utilities 2,524 43.7
G - Recreational or Other 2,742 46.1
Z - State Management 180 3.0
TOTAL Number of PWs 40,380 728.2

Source data is the set of all declarations between January 1, 1999 and January 1, 2008.


Type of Project Average
By Calendar Year
By Declaration
A - Debris Removal 29 1.8
B - Protective Measures 2,887 193.7
C - Roads & Bridges 1 0.0
D - Water Control Facilities 0 0.0
E - Public Buildings 1 0.0
F - Public Utilities 0 0.0
G - Recreational or Other 1 0.1
Z - State Management 26 1.6
TOTAL Number of PWs 2,945 197.4

Source data is the set of all declarations between January 1, 1999 and January 1, 2008.

Last Modified: Wednesday, 30-Apr-2008 11:09:12 EDT