Poway School Kids Get Prepped 

"Be aware - prepare" is message

Release Date: February 12, 2008
Release Number: 1731-100b

» More Information on California Wildfires

SAN DIEGO, Calif. -- A valuable classroom project to teach emergency preparedness to elementary school children was presented in the Poway Unified School District today. The hands-on course, called FEMA for Kids, was shared with fourth graders at Painted Rock Elementary School by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and several preparedness partners.

The message FEMA brought to school is "Be aware - prepare." The kids got it.

"These kids really took to emergency preparedness planning," said Mike Hall, head of FEMA's wildfire recovery office in Southern California," and we hope they will share the important things they learned with their friends and families."

Principal Jack Troxell and dozens of enthusiastic youngsters and teachers participated in the two-hour curriculum. Not only did students work online, they also got a physical and mental workout as well. Poway firefighters taught the class to stop, drop and roll in case of fire and to duck and cover in an earthquake.

Red Cross workers demonstrated First Aid techniques. Other instructors showed the items that go into an emergency supply kit, and taught students how to care for pets during stressful times. The kids jumped in and learned quickly.

"This is a valuable program for youngsters of all ages," said Hall. "The more work we all do to become prepared, the more informed we will be-and the better prepared - when big disruptions happen."

Additional preparedness information may be found online at www.fema.gov/kids and www.ready.gov.

San Diego information is available online at www.sdcounty.ca.gov/oes/ready. For information on a full slate of emergency preparedness programs for homes, schools and businesses in San Diego County, contact Leslie Luke, of the San Diego County Office of Emergency Services, at 858-565-3490.

FEMA coordinates the federal government's role in preparing for, preventing, mitigating the effects of, responding to, and recovering from domestic disasters, whether natural or man-made, including acts of terror.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 12-Feb-2008 18:57:30