Resource Record Details

Design and Construction Guidance for Community Safe Rooms

Resource Record Cover Image Thumbnail - fema361_cvr_web_rev.jpg This document presents important information about the design and construction of community safe rooms that will provide protection during tornado and hurricane events. Community safe rooms are designed and constructed to protect a large number of people from a natural hazard event. The number of persons taking refuge in the shelter will typically be more than 12 and could be up to several hundred or more. This latest edition meets and exceeds the design criteria set for in the ICC-500, Standard for the Design and Construction of Storm Shelters. For additional information on content updates to this publication, go to

Document Details:
Media Type: File
Availability: Online
Custom CD/DVD
Language: English
Date Published: 08/2008
Number of Pages: 370
Description/Comment: Second Edition
FEMA Publication Number: FEMA 361
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Chapter / Section Records
Chapter / Section Title: Appendix A Acknowledgments
Chapter / Section Number: Appendix A Acknowledgments
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Chapter / Section Title: Appendix B Safe Room Assessment and Design Tools
Chapter / Section Number: Appendix B Safe Room Assessment and Design Tools
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Chapter / Section Title: Appendix C Case Study 1 Stand-Alone Community Safe Room
Chapter / Section Number: Appendix C Case Study 1
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Chapter / Section Title: Appendix C Case Study 1 Plan Drawings
Chapter / Section Number: Appendix C Case Study 1 Plan Drawings
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Chapter / Section Title: Appendix D Case Study II Plan Drawings
Chapter / Section Number: Appendix D Case Study II Plan Drawings
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Chapter / Section Title: Appendix D Case Study II School Community Safe Room
Chapter / Section Number: Appendix D Case Study II School Community Safe Room
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Chapter / Section Title: Appendix E Wall Sections That Passed Previous Missile Impact Tests
Chapter / Section Number: Appendix E Wall Sections That Passed Previous Missile Impact Tests
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Chapter / Section Title: Appendix F Doors and Hardware That Passed Previous Missile Impact Test
Chapter / Section Number: Appendix F Doors and Hardware That Passed Previous Missile Impact Test
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Chapter / Section Title: Appendix G Design Guidance - Missile Impact Protection Levels Wood
Chapter / Section Number: Appendix G Design Guidance - Missile Impact Protection Levels Wood
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Chapter / Section Title: Appendix H Acronyms and Abbreviations
Chapter / Section Number: Appendix H Acronyms and Abbreviations
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Chapter / Section Title: Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter / Section Number: Chapter 1 Introduction
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Chapter / Section Title: Chapter 10 References
Chapter / Section Number: Chapter 10 References
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Chapter / Section Title: Chapter 2 Protection Objectives
Chapter / Section Number: Chapter 2 Protection Objectives
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Chapter / Section Title: Chapter 3 Design Criteria for Tornado and Hurricane Safe Rooms
Chapter / Section Number: Chapter 3 Design Criteria for Tornado and Hurricane Safe
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Chapter / Section Title: Chapter 4 Characteristics of Tornadoes and Hurricanes
Chapter / Section Number: Chapter 4 Characteristics of Tornadoes and Hurricanes
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Chapter / Section Title: Chapter 5 Types, Locations, and Siting of Safe Rooms
Chapter / Section Number: Chapter 5 Types, Locations, and Siting of Safe Rooms
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Chapter / Section Title: Chapter 6 Commentary on Load Determination & Structural Design Criteri
Chapter / Section Number: Chapter 6 Commentary on Load Determination & Structural Design Criteri
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Chapter / Section Title: Chapter 7 Commentary on Debris Impact Performance Criteria
Chapter / Section Number: Chapter 7 Commentary on Debris Impact Performance Criteria
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Chapter / Section Title: Chapter 8 Human Factors Criteria
Chapter / Section Number: Chapter 8 Human Factors Criteria
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 125K)
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Chapter / Section Title: Chapter 9 Emergency Management Considerations
Chapter / Section Number: Chapter 9 Emergency Management Considerations
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 165K)
508 Accessible Format: View / Download / Print  (txt 25K)
Chapter / Section Title: FEMA 361 Cover - Preface - TOC
Chapter / Section Number: FEMA 361 Cover - Preface - TOC
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Media Type: Print Publication (Hardcopy)
Availability: Distribution Warehouse
Language: English
Date Published: 08/2008
Number of Pages: 370
Description/Comment: Second Edition
FEMA Publication Number: FEMA 361
Distribution Restrictions: Number of Hard Copies: 10

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