National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service
Operational Significant Event Imagery
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric
Administration National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service
Operational Significant Event Imagery
Special Event Imagery
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  

Wednesday, December 31 at 2:16 PM EDT

 OSEI Mission

The Operational Significant Event Imagery team produces high-resolution, detailed imagery of significant environmental events which are visible in remotely-sensed data available at the NOAA Science Center in Suitland, Maryland.

OSEI Daily Report

Our Daily Operational Significant Event Imagery Report (DOSEIR) outlines the events we have captured in satellite imagery and provides a direct link to each image. The images are described with short narratives.

This report is available Monday through Friday as an email via subscription/unsubscription or on this website in a remote window

OSEI Features

The media resources page provides members of the media with broadcast, print and web-quality imagery created by the OSEI team of particularly significant or newsworthy environmental events which are visible in satellite data available to us.

OSEI Team Members

The Operational Significant Event Imagery team consists of scientists who produce the imagery you can view on this site. Members of NOAA's Satellite Analysis Branch monitor significant environmental events and notify us of their current or potential occurrence and of their severity and scope.


OSEI Image of the Day
OSEI Image of the Day

description description description
NOAA, OSEI, Department of Commerce Logos
Current Events Dust Storms Fire Events Flood Events Iceberg Events Ocean Events Severe Weather Snow Cover Storm Systems Tropical Cyclones Unique Imagery Volcano Events