readme -------------------------------------------------------- WinTR-20 (Project Formulation Hydrology Program System) Version 1.00 October 1, 2004 -------------------------------------------------------- The WinTR-20 Program System currently consists of four programs (TR-20 model, TR-20 Input converter, TR-20 HEC-RAS profile reformatter, and WinTR-20 System Controller/Editor). The WinTR-20 model and the System Controller/Editor are complete rewrites of the existing TR-20 Project Formulation Hydrology computer model and editor. The TR-20 model, Input Converter program (for older TR-20 input data sets), and the HEC-RAS reformatter are written in ANSI standard Fortran90 and are available as executable files for use on Windows98, NT, 2000 and XP operating systems. The WinTR-20 System Controller/Editor is written in Visual Basic (6.0) and is available for the same operating systems. --------------------------------------------------------- Installing WinTR-20 System Version 1.00 --------------------------------------------------------- If the WinTR-20 System Controller/Editor has been previously installed, uninstall the old version prior to installing the current version. Use windows Settings - Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs for uninstalling. Note: the WinTR-20 System Controller/Editor is best viewed with a screen resolution of 1024 x 768. It is also acceptable at 800 x 600, if this resolution is not available. Color setting should be greater than 256. While 256 colors will work, some background colors will not display properly. To view the current resolution and color settings on the computer, refer to Control Panel - Display - Settings on the computer. ---------------------------------------------------------- Running WinTR-20 System Controller/Editor ---------------------------------------------------------- Double click on WinTR20System.exe to start the program. Click the gray button (New User? Click Here) on the bottom of the main window for what to do next. The three other TR-20 system programs can be run from the WinTR-20 System Controller/Editor. (They can also be run independently of the System Controller/Editor.) Depending o nthe data entered and the output requested the following files are created: *.err (Error file, empty if data is valid), *.dbg (Debug files, generally empty unless warning messages or output requested via Verification header section in input file), *.out (Printed page file), *.hyd (Hydrograph table format file), and ECON2 file (File to use as input to existing NRCS-FloodEcon computer program). the star (*) in the file names in the same as the root name of the input file name that was used. ---------------------------------------------------------- Running TR-20 Converter (outside of the System Controller/Editor ---------------------------------------------------------- The TR-20 Converter is used to transform input data file for the older TR-20 program into the proper format for the WinTR-20 version 1.00. Enter the file name to run the 1st. line of the TR20Conv.fil file (TR20_Beta_Test\DataSets directory). Make sure that there is at least one blank line after the name in the file. Execute the TR20Conv.bat file by double clicking on the file name from Window Explorer of type in the batch file name from a prompt. The program produces three files: *.err (Error file), *.dbg (converter identifier assignment information) and *.inp (new WinTR-20 input file). The new WinTR-20 input file will have the old input data converted to the best of it ability. The user should verify that the new input data still represents the intent of the old input file. Some data required for the new WinTR-20 is not available in the old input file, so ALL converted files will need to be edited before they will run in the new model. As a minimum the new version requires a friction slopes with the cross section data. The converter placed "Missing" in the field indicating that some data needs to be added before the data is acceptable to the new WinTR-20 model. For old data sets that entered "x" and "m" data in-lue of the cross section data, these will not run until cross section data is supplied. ---------------------------------------------------------- Running TR-20 HEC-RAS Rating Reformatter (outside of the System Controller/Editor) ---------------------------------------------------------- If water surface profiles have been created using the HEC-RAS computer program, these can be converted to WinTR-20 Stream Cross section fromat with the reformatter. Enter the file name to run on the 1st. line of the TR20_HECRAS.fil file (\WinTR20\Data_Files directory). Make sure that there is at least one blank line after the name in the field. Excecute the TR20_HECRAS.bat file by double clicking on that file name in a Windows environment or type in the bat file name from a prompt. The program will produces two files: *.err (Error file), and *.inp (partical WinTR-20 input file). The error file size should be zero for the cross section ratings to be acceptable to the WinTR-20 computer model. If there is anything in the *.err file, correct the indicated errors and recheck the input file. ---------------------------------------------------------- Comments and Problems ---------------------------------------------------------- Send e-mail to the WinTR-20 development team ( For problems please include the following: Which model (TR20 Model, Converter, Reformatter, or WinTR-20 System Controller/ Editor), Problem description (include window images if applicable) Add input file as attachment to the message (Do not include in message as vertical spacing is not retained before and after the actual data.) Operating system and version used. (May work on some machines but not others.) Other Related Development Work Development will continue on user documentation and additional graphical display of WinTR-20 input and output. The WinTR-20 Development Team