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Frequent Questions

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The Urban Watershed Management Research web site offers answers to frequently asked questions about Urban Wet-Weather Flow and Infrastructure Integrity topics. Click display to view the answer or hide to remove it. Links throughout the answers will guide you to further information on our web site or to other sources.

View common questions related to other topics, EPA Programs and Regional Offices.

  1. Where can I find information about stormwater models?
  2. How do I obtain program documents?
  3. I am interested in contacting someone about a local environmental incident.
  4. Is there any concerns with having a BMP built next to my home?
  5. Is there a list server on wet-weather flow topics?
  6. I see that you have seminars, how can I be informed of upcoming events?
  7. How do I get a job with your branch?
  8. How do I get an Internships and Post-graduate positions?
  9. Why do beach closings occur?
  10. I have a problem downloading one of your reports. Who should I contact?

Should you have any further questions, please consult our Contact Us page. Also search through our Downloadable Publications, or view Related Resources.

Question 1. Where can I find information about stormwater models?

Answer: Display | Hide

Question 2. How do I obtain program documents?

Answer: Display | Hide

Question 3. I am interested in contacting someone about a local environmental incident.

Answer: Display | Hide

Question 4. Is there any concerns with having a BMP built next to my home?

Answer: Display | Hide

Question 5. Is there a list server on wet-weather flow topics?

Answer: Display | Hide

Question 6. I see that you have seminars, how can I be informed of upcoming events?

Answer: Display | Hide

Question 7. How do I get a job with your branch?

Answer: Display | Hide

Question 8. How do I get an Internships and Post-graduate positions?

Answer: Display | Hide

Question 9. Why do beach closings occur?

Answer: Display | Hide

Question 10. I have a problem downloading one of your reports. Who should I contact?

Answer: Display | Hide

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