Success in Stages® | Channing Bete Company® | Grounded in science. Proven effective. Interactive.Programs that make positive changes.
Welcome to Success in Stages® programs.

For more information or to access your school report, please click on the program your school is using.

High School:

Middle School:

Elementary School:

Building Respect(TM)   Building

Your Decisions Count(TM) -- Alcohol   Your Decisions
Count® -- Alcohol

Your Decisions Count(TM) -- Tobacco   Your Decisions
Count® -- Tobacco
Build Respect, Stop Bullying(TM)   Build Respect,
Stop Bullying®

Your Decisions Count(TM) -- Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs   Your Decisions
Count® -- Alcohol,
Tobacco and Other
Build Respect, Stop Bullying(TM)Stop Bullying(TM)   Build Respect,
Stop Bullying®