Welcome to Say It Straight Training

Say It Straighttm (SIS) is a research-based education and training program that results in empowering communication skills and behaviors, increased self-awareness, self-efficacy, personal and social responsibility, positive relationships and quality of life; and decreased alienation, risky or destructive behaviors, such as alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, eating disorders, violence, precocious sexual behavior and behaviors leading to HIV/AIDS.

SIS creates opportunities for students and adults to experience their strengths. In this experiential training they discover their own nuggets of gold and how to develop them into behaviors that empower them and others.

Since 1982, it has been successfully implemented with young people and adults in many settings:

●  In schools with 2nd-12th graders with diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds in urban and rural settings, including the gifted and talented, learning disabled and students with other special needs; with students in detention, on probation or in chemical dependency treatment; with college athletes.

●  With families, organizations and communities.

●  With adults in treatment for addictions and concomitant psychiatric diagnoses, in aftercare and in prison.

SIS addresses universal human issues- How we treat ourselves, others and life issues.

The training is co-created by participants who choose situations important in their lives within which they practice their learnings. In this way, SIS transcends cultural and ethnic background, age, gender and organizational settings and roots motivation for  positive change in the participants.

The training is strength-based, experiential, interactive and integrates cognitive, affective and psychomotor modalities to maximize learning.

Say It Straight Training has been designated as an Evidence Based Program for promotion of Safe, Disciplined and Drug-Free Schools, good communication skills, positive relationships, self-awareness, personal and social responsibility; and for prevention of violence, substance abuse and other high-risk behaviors by:

U.S. Department of Education

Center for Substance Abuse Prevention

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Empowering Communication and Behavior: Within, Between, Among

SIS is designed to respond to difficulties students and adults identify as their greatest challenges in difficult interpersonal situations - at home, at school, at work. They say it is difficult to say what is on their minds and in their hearts in a straightforward way because of fears such as being rejected or not liked, of hurting someone’s feelings, of being embarrassed, of not looking cool, or being held responsible. These fears make it difficult for people to hear their own inner voice of wisdom. Instead, they do their best to take care of themselves by people-pleasing, blaming, bullying, becoming sarcastic, lecturing, splitting away from feelings, spacing out, becoming passive-aggressive, irrelevant, disruptive, etc.

In SIS, students develop skills they report lacking after information-based prevention programs

How do I say no to a friend?
How do I say I have quit, to my friends?
How do I say to a friend, I care about you and I'm scared when I see what you are doing?
How do I say to my parents, I love you and I'm scared when I see what you are doing?

Adults report similar difficulties with family friends workmates

With family, friends, school and beyond SIS empowers people to:

Develop & implement empowering behaviors.

Develop & implement empowering communications.

Develop resiliency and wellness.

Prevent high-risk or destructive behaviors.

Develop high self-esteem.

Implement constructive decisions.

Improve quality of life.

Connect to inner resources & express deepest yearnings.

Express caring, concern and support to a friend.

Discover whom they can trust to talk things over.

Be personally & socially responsible.

Listen to their inner voice of wisdom.

Develop positive relationships and teamwork.

Honor themselves, others and life.

Say It Straight Foundation has trained over 3,000 trainers in the US and abroad to work in many settings. Over 35,000 students and adults have participated in the training. Trainers come from all walks of life and include teachers, counselors, administrators, prevention and treatment providers, nurses, community volunteers, therapists, physicians, police and probation officers and faith community. The number of sessions depends on setting, age, number of participants in the group and duration of sessions. See  Curriculum and  Sample Lesson Plan. Research results are available for 3rd - 12th grades, parents and community and young people and adults in treatment.

Roots and Wings of SIS

The roots are the connections to our resources and deepest yearnings.
The wings are the new behaviors that result from
putting our yearnings into practice.

tmTrademarked 1985 by Paula Englander-Golden, Ph.D.
Last Updated ( Friday, 08 February 2008 )

Virginia Satir

SIS training is a well thought out program for improving the psychological health of people of all ages.

Virginia Satir, Pioneer Family Therapist and Author

What Others Say

After being in the field of prevention for over 10 years, I realized that this training brought my skills and knowledge base to a higher level. Concrete solutions to complex problems is truly the theme to this training. I will be forever grateful.

Janet Laning
Center for Student Assistance, Coordinator, Colorado

What Others Say

I put [SIS] into practice with both children's and adult groups. The enthusiasm and response is terrific - these are very powerful tools for recovery.

Kay Peters
CADC, Oklahoma