Timothy S. Bynum, Ph.D.
 School of Criminal Justice
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Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida

Dissertation: An Empirical Exploration of the Factors Influencing Release on Recognizance

Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida

Davidson College
Davidson, North Carolina

Ph.D., Criminology.

M.S., Criminology.

A.B., Economics.


Academic Positions
July 1987 - Present

July 1982 - June 1987

Sept. 1984 - August 1985

Sept. 1977 - June 1982

Professor, School of Criminal Justice, and Senior Research Associate, Institute for Public Policy and Social Research, Michigan State University: Faculty responsibility for teaching at the graduate and undergraduate level, supervising doctoral dissertations and master's theses research projects, and administrating Ph.D. program.  Graduate courses taught include Criminology, Proseminar in Criminal Justice, Evaluation Researc, and Adult Corrections.  Undergraduate courses taught include Criminology, Adult Corrections, and Analysis of Correctional Operations.

Associate Professor, School of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University.

Visiting Associate Professor, Institute of Criminal Justice and Criminology, University of Maryland: Responsible for teaching courses in Adult and Juvenile Corrections and a graduate seminar in policy analysis in criminal justice.

Assistant Professor, School of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University.

Current Research
October 1993 - Present

October 1993 - Present

October 1993 - Present

October 1993 - Present

May 1993 - Present

January 1993 - Present

October 1989 - Present


Principal Investigator, Reducing School Violence in Detroit: Co-director of this evaluation of a school based violence reduction program in the Detroit Public Schools. Funded by the National Institute of Justice.

Director, Michigan Justice Statistice Center: Director of this criminal justice data clearinghouse and research center for the state of Michigan.  Funded by the Bureau of Justice Statistics under the SAC program and housed in the School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State.

Principal Investigator, Substance Abuse Needs for Treatment among Arrestees: Directed this statewide assessment of substance abuse treatment needs of offenders which uses a modified Drug Use Forecasting approach.  Funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT).

Principal Investigator, Detroit Drug Use Forecasting Project: Coordinated the DUF project for the Detroit site. Funded by the National Institute of Justice.

Principal Investigator, Evaluating Community Based Alternatives to Residential Placement: Co-directed this three year evaluation of an effort to create community alternative programs to be used in lieu of out of home placement for delinquent youth in Wayne County (Detroit) MI. Funded by the Skillman Foundation.

Co-Principal Investigator, National Assessment of Correctional Programs for Female Offenders: Co-Directed this national survey of current state and local correctional programs for female offenders, particular emphasis is upon analysis of innovative community correctional strategies. Funded by the National Institute of Justice.

Co-Principal Investigator, Impact of Narcotics Crackdowns, Intermittent Enforcement and Residual Deterrence: Co-director of this quasi-experimental study to determine the impact of intensive narcotics enforcement in selected communities in a major urban area. Funded by the National Institute of Justice.

Selected Journal Articles, Books, Book Chapters, Monographs

Madeline Wordes, Timothy Bynum, and Charles Corley. "Locking Up Youth: The Impact of Race on Detention Decisions." Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency (Forthcoming).

Steven G. Brandl, James Frank, Robert E. Worden, and Timothy S. Bynum. "Global and Specific Attitudes Toward the Police: Disentangling the Relationship." Justice Quarterly (Forthcoming).

Timothy S. Bynum, Robert E. Worden, and James Frank, "Police Crackdowns" in Doris Mackenzie and Craig Uchida (eds.), Drugs and the Criminal Justice System, Sage Publications (Forthcoming).

Timothy Bynum and Phyllis Grummon (eds). Policy Choices: Framing the Debate for Michigan's Future. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 1993.
Craig D. Uchida and Timothy S. Bynum, "Search Warrants, Motions to Suppress and 'Lost Cases': The Effects of the Exclusionary Rule in Seven Jurisdictions." The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol 81, No. 4, Winter 1991.
James R. Coldren and Timothy S. Bynum, Evaluating Juvenile Justice Programs. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Washington, D.C., 1990.
Current Professional Activities
Associate Editor, Justice Quarterly, 1984-1985, 1992-present.
Executive Board, Justice Research and Statistics Association, 1991-1992, 1993-present.
Research and Program Development Committee, Wayne County Children's Center, 1992-present.
Advisory Board,
    Correctional Options Demonstration Program, Bureau of Justice Assistance, 1992-present.
    Innovative Strategies in Drug Enforcement, Police Executive Research Forum, 1992-present.
    State Reporting and Evaluation Program, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1993-present.
    Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.
    American Society of Criminology.
    Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.
    Western Society of Criminology.
Proposal Reviewer,
    National Institute of Justice.
    Bureau of Justice Assistance.
External Program Reviewer,
    Sam Houston State University.
    University of Nebraska at Omaha.
    Florida Atlantic University.
    Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
E-mail Dr. Bynum at bynum@msu.edu

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