What is HeadOn: Substance Abuse Prevention?
By combining computer technology with proven prevention science, the HeadOn: Substance Abuse Prevention for Grades 6-8 CD-ROM offers an innovative approach to substance abuse prevention. HeadOn presents facts about drugs, and the consequences of substance use. It teaches drug refusal, decision-making, self-management and social skills in realistic settings and in a kid-friendly format.  HeadOn targets cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana, and includes lessons on opiates, inhalants, stimulants, hallucinogens, and prescription drug abuse.

How was HeadOn developed?
The development and evaluation of HeadOn was supported by a Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). The Prescription Drug Abuse Module was developed in part with support from Purdue Pharma, L.P. 

An evaluation conducted with youth demonstrated that the program produced significant increases in knowledge about drug abuse prevention and decreases in both intentions to use drugs and actual rates of substance use. The percentage change in accurate prevention-related knowledge increased to 77% after the HeadOn intervention, up from 59% at baseline. Prior to the HeadOn intervention, 42% of study participants reported that they probably or definitely would say "not now" if offered a drug. After the HeadOn intervention was complete, the percentage increased to 65%.

What are the HeadOn's key benefits:
  • Scientific research has shown that HeadOn produces significant increases in accurate knowledge gained about substance abuse prevention.
  • Computer format is readily acceptable to adolescents
  • Teachers can implement research-based prevention without taking time off for training
  • Fidelity of the intervention is assured
  • Cost-effective to deliver to whole school populations
  • Useful and readily accessible adjunct to existing prevention programming
What are HeadOn's key features:
  • Named a Promising Program by the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP). 
  • Delivered in 15 sessions, that are approximately 30-45 minutes long
  • Teaches knowledge and skills critical to preventing substance abuse
  • Computer simulation technology and fluency-based computer-assisted instruction promote mastery of lesson material
  • Teacher's Guide and Parent Connection materials are available in electronic document form on the CD-Rom
  • Includes Skills Challenge game, which engages students and allows them to practice key skills learned throughout the program lessons

How does it work?
The program is driven by computer-assisted educational technology and video simulations designed to promote mastery of a wide range of knowledge and skills. This technology trains students to accurately and quickly answer questions about key skills and information, promoting long-term retention.  Video simulation technology allows students to explore the outcomes of various choices in a safe environment before they are confronted with these choices in the real world.

The HeadOn CD-ROM is narrated by a taxi driver named Jon and is organized around three neighborhoods: the "Westside", "Eastside" and "Downtown." Within each neighborhood, students will encounter structured scenarios to teach them about the dangers of drug abuse and to demonstrate important drug refusal, decision-making, social, and self-management skills. 

Why HeadOn?
Students in the pre-teen and teen years are at significant risk of initiating substance use. That's why it's critical to deliver research-based prevention programming that will engage and inform students in this age group. 

How is HeadOn used at home?
HeadOn will run on most Windows and Mac-based computers (see System Requirements).  The program is designed to be self-directed, meaning, your child can go through the program on their own.  Many parents will wish to discuss the material with their child as they progress through the program.  See our Parent Connection letter for some tips on helping your child get the most out of the program.

How is HeadOn used in school?
HeadOn is a self-directed, computer-based program that will run on most Windows and Mac-based computers.  The Site License version of the program is especially intended for use in schools.  The Site License version of HeadOn can be easily installed on a school server, allowing teachers and students to access the program from any computer on the school network.  Students and teachers log in using individual IDs and their progress, including students' performance on quizzes, is tracked. Teachers may choose to incorporate HeadOn into their health or computer classes, or use it as an enhancement to their existing prevention curriculum. 

What kind of computer do I need to run the program?

To run the program you must have a computer that meets the following minimum specifications.  If you purchased your computer in the last few years your computer should meet these specs:

HeadOn for Windows
433 MHz Intel Pentium® processor or equivalent (includes AMD)
Microsoft Windows 98 SE or later
128 MB RAM
260 MB available disk space (if installing to hard drive)
Minimum 800x600 screen resolution

HeadOn for Mac
500 MHz PowerPC G3 or better
Mac OS 9.x or Mac OSX 10.2 or later
128 MB RAM
260 MB available disk space (if installing to hard drive)
Minimum 800x600 screen resolution

HeadOn Manager Server (site license only)
Windows NT, 2000, XP Pro, or Server 2003, Mac OSX 10.2 or later
Java 1.4.2 or later JRE (JRE bundled with Windows and Linux Installs)
Internet Explorer 4+, Mozilla or Mozilla Firefox, or the latest version of Safari
Memory, processor, and disk space requirements will vary depending on the number of concurrent users.

How do I contact Prevention Science Media?

Prevention Science Media, is a division of HealthSim, Inc.  For more information on HealthSim, please refer to the HealthSim Website.  

You can contact Prevention Science Media at:

101 West 23rd Street, Suite 525
New York, NY 10011
Phone: (888) 887-4957
Fax: (888) 887-4957

For sales related information, please contact us at:
For product support, please contact us at:

©2004, HealthSim, Inc. Published by Prevention Science Media, a division of HealthSim, Inc. 

If you're a parent buying the program for your child to use at home, or, a school installing the program on a single computer, you should purchase a Single User License.

Single User License

$29.95   view cart

If your school will have multiple students using the program and you need to track the individual progress of each child, you should purchase a Site License.

Site License

  view cart

For information, please contact us at:

If you're a Parent and you'd like to learn more about how you can keep your child safe and drug-free, please read the Parent Connection letter.

If you're an Educator and would like to learn more about using the program at your school, please review the Teacher's Guide.

As a teacher, you may also wish to review the HeadOn Manager User's Guide for information about tracking your student's progress through the program.

If you'd like more detailed information about how the program works, please take a look at the User's Guide.

NOTE: All documents are in PDF format. A free viewer is available at Adobe.
©2004 Prevention Science Media